
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 150: a reunion with old friends

After receiving the welcome from Town Vir, we then headed to the guild to meet the guild master along with the adventurers who came to investigate the «Empty Wilderness».

"Oh, Fred-kun. You're already back? I heard a ruckus about monsters coming to attack the town, is it settled now?"

"W, Well, they weren't monsters...... more like mythical beasts. We came back riding on them, we also brought a witness with us."

"It's been a while. Have you been well?"

After saying that, the dog beastkin adventurer from the investigation team, Fred-kun, gave the floor to us who were concealed by his shadow as we stepped forward to greet the guild master. Then the guild master, who used to be a guild employee before, adjusted his glasses and displayed an astonished expression when he saw us.

"You're Chise-san...... and Teto-san, right?"

"Yeah, we're back. We bought dried fish and liquor as souvenirs, where do I put them?"

"They're very delicious!"

When we were on our way to the town, I suddenly recalled the promise we made to bring back souvenirs, so I created some delicious dried fish that we ate in the Lovile Kingdom and presentable alcohol with «Creation Magic» during our flight, which I was now giving to them.

Though without even batting an eye at them, the beastkin guild master who looked visibly aged — with his hair white, incomparable from his young age, wrinkly skin, and dull fur — rushed towards us in an almost kneeling gesture.

"Thank god...... Thank god...... I'm glad you're safe."

A bitter smile appeared on my face seeing his face crumpled up as he cried like a child without minding the surrounding gazes.

"Hey, hey, did you forget we're A-rank adventurers? I won't get into any dangerous situations so easily. Besides, you already know my creed—never take risks, don't you?"

"I know! But it still doesn't stop me from worrying about you! I heard you were caught up in the political strife in the Lovile Kingdom and there has been no news about you since then!"

Ah, indeed, being surrounded by knights and court sorcerers in pursuit of the secret of «Immortality» could be considered a form of political strife, probably...... My eyes took a distant look realizing it.

And after that, I had hardly gone to the adventurer guild, and the later days mostly consisted of using teleportation magic to earn money by selling potions in various towns or purchasing items like books, tableware, or artwork.

"So why are Chise-san and Teto-san over there!? What in the name of god is happening inside the «Empty Wilderness»."

Then, I once again explained the turn of events to the guild master who had calmed down, and sure enough, even his face was tinged with bafflement, unable to believe it.

"Hmm, so Chise-san and Teto-san were working to restore the barren and mana-less «Empty Wilderness»? And you're saying in the process, there were earthquakes and mysterious light phenomena, and that the giant dragon is your friend......? And you even formed a small village with the protected mythical beasts and demonic races......"

"Well, that's basically the gist of it."

When I nodded at his summarized explanation, the guild master cradled his head in his arms.

"Are you alright, guild master? Even we couldn't make heads or tails out of it......"

"A-Ahahaha, of course, I'm alright. But two of your comrades look rather listless though......."

"Ah, don't worry about them. They just fell in love at first sight with people of my land only for it to turn into unrequited love."

I commented so when the guild master turned his gaze to the birdkin and dragonkin adventurers who were still in shock.

"Err, then I should be asking if they're okay in another sense......"

Everyone exchanged perplexed glances, somewhat troubled by the situation.

"Anyway, my plan, for now, is to visit Duke Hamil......"

"I feel like it would turn into a precarious situation if Chise-san and Teto-san act, so I would like for you to wait in this town. Oh, and it has been a while, so can I request for that?"

"Ah, yes, yes. That, huh? Understood."

The members of the investigation team looked confused at our cryptic exchange, though a gleam appeared in Teto's eyes when she heard us.

"I'm going ahead!"

"Ah, there she goes...... Well, please arrange the courtyard in the meantime."


And so, we stayed at the adventurer guild while waiting for the invitation and message from Duke Hamil, the client who pushed for the investigation.

During that time, Teto and I took on the task of instructing the adventurers and engaging with them in mock battles.

The adventurers who know about us were delighted to receive guidance after 20 years. Teto rolled them on the ground in the mock battles while I healed them.

It reminded me of our whimsical adventurer days.

And one month later——

"Now that's a surprise. I didn't expect you to come directly. It's been a while, Prince Gyunton and Rollwalker-san."

"It has been a long time-nanodesu!"

The two individuals we met in the guild's reception room smiled wryly looking at me and Teto.

"I'm no longer a prince. Now, I'm Duke Hamil, the great-uncle of the king. You can call me Duke Gyunton."

"I'm also no longer a secretary but the steward of the house, Rollwalker."

As a person grew older, not only did their appearance change but also their position and role. From a youth to an elderly person, from a young diplomat to an old duke, even the secretary became the steward of the house.

Nevertheless, it seemed that Rosswalker-san continued to fulfill the role of a mediator with the neighboring countries based on his diplomatic experience from his younger days.

"Still though, I heard that you were missing, but it seems you're indeed alive."

"Indeed, huh? Looks like you believe we were alive."

It was evident from how he had unnecessarily warned the investigation team not to anger me if they saw me. He must have been sure we were alive, I guess.

"My hunch was telling me that someone as strong as you would not die so easily."

"There must be other reasons, right?"

"Of course. It was the magic contract we signed about the «Empty Wilderness». The fact that nothing abnormal happened to that contract was proof that the contract holder is still alive. I guessed that you'd hide until the ruckus died down and then suddenly reappear like before."

He didn't directly say it, but I felt a bit uncomfortable because he saw through my intention of hiding until I am forgotten, just like the other immortal sages and witches.

"However, you were careless in your actions. There have been sightings of peculiar girls with similar characteristics to you in various places, such as the glass or tableware workshops in the southern region of the Lovile Kingdom, the art dealer shops in the port towns, and the tea-producing region in the Iska Kingdom."

"Majou-sama. They're all places Majou-sama went to."

The person in front of me was a member of the royal family and a Duke with connections both domestically and internationally. He may have stumbled upon our information through his intelligence network.

It irked me how he knew everything as he listed our range of activities with a smug look on his face and sullenly averted my gaze.

Then, after drinking the tea prepared by Rollwalker and calming down, we returned to the main topic.

"I've heard your story, but how much of it is true?"

"Most of it is true."

As I answered that, the nose of the tiger beastkin Duke Gyunton twitched and then he scowled in displeasure.

"Good grief, you are still brazen with your straight-faced lie.”

He should be already in his 60s or 70s but it seemed like his ability to discern the truth through his sense of smell was still as sharp as ever. There was no point in hiding it, so I told him the truth I hid away from the others. Hearing what I said, both Duke Gyunton and Rollwalker made expressions as if wanting to throw away the responsibility of this matter.

And while we were on it, I also told them about my unique skill «Creation Magic» and that we were «Apostles of the Goddess Liliel».

"This is the most absurd tale I have ever heard, but my senses didn't catch any lie. My head hurts."

"You're not alone in this, Gyunton-sama. Though, it's fortuitous that we have a friendly tie with Chise-sama if I'm being honest here."

"Maybe so. I would like to ask you one thing, Chise. ——You aren't planning to become a king, are you?"

"Majou-sama, an Ou-sama, Majou-sama, Ou-sama...... Majou-Ou-sama...... Ummmm, it doesn't match at all-nanodesu."

Teto mumbled from the sideline after hearing our conversation. I replied to his question with a dubious gaze.

"I have no intention of becoming one."

"But you see, Chise, if you have both people and territory, and other nations also recognize it, then that place is undeniably a country. And the one who brings that country together will inevitably be called a King."

Duke Gyunton said as if teaching an unruly kid. That being said, I never felt like I was a king.

I was, in the end, just a whimsical witch, no more, no less.

"Furthermore, the fact that you're an apostle means you're also the representative of the Goddess, which means you’re someone recognized for your capability of leading the masses. You have enough weight to raise a dynasty."

"Divine right of kings theory, is it? Certainly, I haven't been called king by anyone but I might be a king in essence."

As I smiled in self-deprecation, Duke Gyunton looked at me with worry.

"I can vouch for you if you would like to become a noble of the Gard Beastkin Nation. Or maybe you will take the hand of the Iska Kingdom with your connection to Marchioness Lady Rebeel?"

"Unfortunately, I am not going either way. I will have to deal with the respective responsibility and obligation that accompanied the noble title, after all."

We may not be many, but whether it was me, Teto, Baretta, Dragon Grandpa, or even the demonic race members, each of us held considerable battle power. If we become the backing of any nation, it would destroy the power dynamic of the continent.

I didn't wish for that to happen, so I believed the «Empty Wilderness» should assume neutrality as a whole.

"Then I will inform the king that A-rank adventurer Chise is leading a new race and we have made contact with them. It should intimidate the surroundings from taking a haphazardous step than simply stating that mere adventurers established a settlement there."

'The Gard Beastkin Nation was founded by the beastkin tribe and other settlements, so having an identical anecdote with our rise as a nation, it might deter them from treating you badly'— so says Duke Gyunton while sighing.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Well, one last thing—— Are you truly «Immortal»?"

He must have heard the cause of the ruckus in the Lovile kingdom.

The adventurers from the investigation team didn't mention anything about it, so a gag order might have been passed down to prevent the news from spreading to the populace, but as someone close to the nation's central power, he must have heard about it.

"I'm immortal, but not unkillable. I think I would normally die if my neck was severed like everyone else."

Hearing my words, Duke Gyunton made an expression as if he swallowed a bitter worm and made a deep sigh.

We have been acquainted with each other for over 30 years and yet our appearance was exactly the same as when we first met. It must have given him some kind of hint.

"Next time, I'll be dispatching people for a different mission rather than an investigation."

"Yeah, alright. I'll be waiting."

After our exchange, the meeting with Duke Gyunton was over.

In this way, and under the reluctance of adventurers who we trained, we left the frontier town Vir after a month-long stay and returned to the «Empty Wilderness».

Editor's note: Lots of old faces. Ready for the long awaited reunion?