
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 151: selene's visit

Our days were still the same as ever after returning to the «Empty Wilderness».

Duke Gyunton did say he would dispatch an envoy team from the Gard Beastkin Nation but I guessed that there would be some delay with it. A lot of preparation was needed since he wouldn't be able to decide on who to dispatch in a short time, and there was also the monster-infested region that they must pass through first.

Then, as I waited for their next action, another visitor from another faction came to visit us.

«Master, some people have come from the southwest introducing themselves as part of the Margrave Reebel house.»

"Margrave Reebel?"

"It's the family Selene married into-nanodesu."

It was the noble house Selene had married into.

The «Empty Wilderness» was indeed a place very close to their territory, but to skip the investigation and directly send an envoy team wasn't something I had expected.

Though both Teto and I were surprised, under the guidance of Baretta, we arrived at the barrier's boundary where the envoy of the Margrave Reebel House was waiting.

Apparently, they were loitering around the barrier when the mythical beasts spotted them, and after hearing the report, Baretta then crossed the barrier to hear about their purpose.

There, we saw a group of people, surrounded by knight-looking young boys, waiting. And when my gaze landed on the young boy's face, I felt he had a strong resemblance to someone.

«Master, the person here has introduced himself as a knight of the Margrave Reebel House, and the leader of this envoy group.»

"Nice to meet you, I'm——" "'Wind Falcon' Lyle-san?"

Before I realized it, my mouth ran on its own seeing someone I totally didn't expect, interrupting the young boy's speech.

The visage of this person resembled the Adventurer Lyle-san from the adventurer party 'Wind Falcon' whom we had saved in the past.

"Miss, why do you know my grandfather's name? Even the name of his group's party?"


Ah, yes. It happened more than 50 years ago, huh? And looking at him carefully once more, some features didn't coincide with Lyle-san's.

"What's wrong, Onii-sama?"

"No, it's just that the miss here seems to know our grandfather's name."

"Grandpa's name?"

She should be a member of the envoy team as well.

A woman wearing a breastplate over white undergarments resembling that of a clergyman and sporting a ponytail called the man her brother.

Although the color of the hair and eyes were different, that woman resembled Anna-san from the same party.

"I guess so. If it's now, it would not be strange for him to have grandkids."

"Hmm, it should be alright to reintroduce myself? I'm Reiru Harrison, a knight of the Margrave Reebel House."

"I'm the military healer, Sienna Harrison."

"We read the report passed by the Gard Beastkin Nation, and after hearing that there are aboriginals living here, we have come here to greet you under the orders of Margrave House."

The siblings Knight Reiru and Healer Sienna told us the purpose of their visit.

I see, from the Gard Beastkin Nation meant Duke Gyunton was managing things. He should have explained the reason behind the abnormal phenomenon recently in that report.

The Margrave must have had a good judgment ability, as he dispatched the envoys even before the Gard Beastkin Nation did.

"So, can we ask when we can have a meeting with the representative?"

«The person in front of you is none other than our master, Witch Chise-sama.»

"Whaaat!? This little girl!?"

Sienna-san, who reflexively exclaimed in a loud voice, covered her mouth in surprise. A bitter smile appeared on my face at the familiar reaction.

However, a part of the envoy standing behind suddenly became restless.

——"Please wait, Madam!" "It is not yet time for you to appear!" "We don't know who the other party is!"

Amidst the commotion, a woman jumped over the heads of the escorts using «Body Strengthening» magic. The woman's hair was a deep shade of green, visible even at night, and was wearing equestrian attire. She nimbly landed and bolted in our direction.

"Okaa-saaaaaaaan, Teto-onee-chaaaaaaan!"

The woman, who should be in her 50s age-wise but looked to be in her 20s due to her vast mana reserves, sprinted towards us with the agility of a young girl.

Around her neck, she wore a necklace with a silver chain adorned with a mithril and unicorn ring as well as the guardian ring I had given her.

As she embraced me and Teto without stopping her momentum, Baretta and the others watched on with astonishment.

"I wanted to see you, Chise okaa-san, Teto onee-chan."

"Really...... you surprised everyone."

"Woaaah... Selene, you've grown so much! You've become so amazing-nanodesu!"

Seelen's act of hugging me, a young girl whose apparent age was a far cry from being a mother, and calling me mother put the surrounding in a state of confusion.

"But Selene, you're a Margravine, aren't you? Were you allowed to come here?"

"It's fine! Soon, I'll have my son inherit the title! Besides, I also discussed with Otou-sama and Onii-sama and came here to take the helm of the negotiation with Okaa-san!"

'Furthermore, I just wanted to meet Okaa-san and Onee-chan so I came,' a troubled smile appeared on my lips when Selene asserted herself so resolutely.

That being said, the Otou-sama and Onii-sama she spoke of, weren't they the former king and the current king of the Iska Kingdom? This further put a wry smile on my face.

"Ma, Madam! W-What's your relationship with that person over there...?"

When Reiru-san asked in trepidation, Selene responded with a gentle smile befitting a noble lady.

"She is none other than my mother who raised me, and they are my masters in magic and martial arts. They are also the rightful owners of this land as recognized by the Iska Kingdom and the Gard Beastkin Nation. Any disrespect towards them will be understood as disrespect towards our household."

Her figure as she authoritatively declared so displayed the demeanor of a distinguished noble.

"Well, it's not suitable to stand and talk here. Let me guide you to the mansion."

«Everyone, please follow me.»

As I invited them in, the envoys of the Reebel Margrave house passed through the barrier. Then, we proceeded deeper into the forest and walked towards a mountain hut used as a resting place during hunting and gathering.

"The forest here sure has expanded a lot since the old days, hasn't it? And there's also a tower now that wasn't there before. When was it built, Okaa-san, Onee-chan?"

"That tower just drifted here. So, we repaired it, and now it serves as a workshop for compounding and such."

"I see."

I looked at Selene with a smile who still couldn't hide the happiness in her tone despite adequately changing her way of speaking to match her age.

However, those around us were astonished by the transformation of the rumored wasteland into a forest and I even keenly felt their urge to make a rebuttal 'like hell towers just drift around!'.

"Well then, let's go through here."

I guided them to the teleportation gate originally installed by the Mechanoids for reforestation purposes.

"Ah, a «Transfer Gate». How nostalgic. Let's go then."

"Wait, Madam! It's dangerous!"

Without hesitation, Selene passed through the gate, and we followed suit, while the others chased after us leaving behind their horses and carts.

"Welcome, Selene. This is my current home."

It wasn't a teleportation gate specifically for me but one that had been set up outside the mansion for the Mechanoids to use for frequenting other places.

As a result, one could see the mansion in front of them upon passing through the gate, unexpectedly exposing themselves to our culture.

There stood a mansion more impressive than that of a mediocre impoverished noble, accompanied by sophisticated maids wearing uniforms that exuded a sense of unity.

Furthermore, they just experienced a magic device that allowed instant teleportation from the edge to the center of the «Empty Wilderness».

Perhaps when they heard about a witch's dwelling in an uncivilized land closed off in a barrier, they might have imagined a shack filled with suspicious potions and perverted items.

Or maybe, as indigenous people lived here, they might have envisioned a primitive way of life with a lower cultural standard.

However, what awaited them when the veil of mystery was lifted was a residence no different from that of any noble of their side attended to by servants.

I guess this must have refreshed their worldview, as their attitudes turned from meeting mere aboriginals to facing a noble of another nation.

Furthermore, I am also the benefactor of the Margravine whom they served and acknowledged by Selene's stepbrother king and father who has already abdicated the throne.

They would be more unfortunate than fortunate if they were to show disrespect towards me.

I could sense that they had seriously shifted their perception from their atmosphere and expression.

"Well then, the knights will stay at the guest house over there. We'll have concrete discussions here, so Seleine and her guards Reiru-san and Sienna-san follow us to the main building."

"And Baretta will be there to serve delicious sweets~!"

«Master, Lady Selene requires a change of clothes. Please give us a moment.»

"I did bring a dress just in case, so please take care of it."

Caught in surprise, Selene was led away by the maids to change from her equestrian attire in a separate room.

Seeing her accustomed to being dressed by maids showed that she truly had become a noble.

As for me, I often received looks from the maids as if they wanted to take care of me, but I handled my own outfit change.

I feel sorry for being the master who didn’t accept being served upon, but that was something I couldn't compromise on.

"Well, Reiru-san, Sienna-san. How about we have a little chat until Selene returns?"

When I turned to them and said so, the two of them strangely had expressions that seemed somewhat frightened.

Give me a break, did I look like someone who would eat them or something?

I just wanted to know what had happened to Lyle-san, Anna-san, and John-san from «Wind Falcon» after we left......