
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witchvolume 6 chapter 149: the investigation team for the empty wilderness

With the reformation of the environment and abundance of mana in it, the great barrier erected by Liliela and other goddesses was no longer necessary, and so the intensity of the great barrier was weakening as the years went by.

Even though Liliel was a goddess, activation of her power required a small amount of gathered magical energy accompanied by the prayers of her followers, enabling her to perform miracles.

In that case, it would be better to return the blessings of prosperity to the people rather than maintain a great barrier that did not directly affect their daily lives.

However, if that happened, it meant various things would flow in and out of the weakened great barrier like plants, animals, monsters... and people.

We had expected that eventually, people would come to investigate.

"Well, they're bound to come and investigate. Who are they?"

from outside the barrier. They were unexpectedly attacked by a monster, but the Dragon-Demon patrol rushed to their aid and protected them.>

"Well, there's nothing else we can do."

With that thought, I followed Baretta to where the rescued individuals were gathered.

A young adventurer party was assembled in the village's plaza. Although they had been injured in the battle against the monsters, they seemed to have already fully recovered, likely due to the use of potions.

The four-person party consisted of demi-humans who looked unfazed even in the presence of angelkin and dragonkin-type folks despite their resemblance to the monster humanoids.

"What is this place? It's different from what we've heard."

"Beautiful... What's your name, Lady?"

"You look so lovely. I saw you from afar."

The dog-kin adventurer, who seemed to be the leader, was surveying the village with a look of astonishment.

Meanwhile, the dragonkin man was making advances towards a female dragonkin who shared a similar appearance, and the birdkin adventurer was attempting to flirt with a female angelic being with wings, both of whom were already married and had children.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but those two are married and have children, so discard any hopes of getting together with them."

"Hmm, a human girl? And a maid? No, this is a village of demonic races, so are you also from a demonic race?"

Ignoring his crestfallen dragonkin and birdkin comrades, the male leader turned his attention to me.

"Sorry, but could you bring out the leader of this settlement? We are an investigative team dispatched from the Gard Beastkin Nation. There are many things we want to hear about."

<excuse me.="" this="" person="" here="" is="" the="" master="" who="" governs="" land.="">

Before I could respond, Beretta interjected and put him in check.

Then, after hearing Baretta, the man in front of me showed a perplexed expression, and I took the opportunity to introduce myself.

"Well, it may be a bit too much to say I rule over them, but I'm more like their representative."

"Such a young lady is......"

"I may look like this, but I've lived more than twice your age."

As I commented such and made a self-deprecating laugh, the leader's expression became meek. It seemed that they chose someone who could engage in a calm conversation just in case they made contact with the residents, or perhaps they chose a serious person considering my personality...

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Witch Chise."

"I'm Teto, the protector of Majou-sama-nanodesu! Nice to meet you-nanodesu!"

As I introduced myself, another member of their party, different from the dragonkin and birdkin beastfolk who were depressed due to heartbreak, spoke up.

"Witch Chise and Swordsman Teto...... Could you be ?"

"You know about us?"

"Well, of course! Your feats are basically bedtime stories in the Gard Beastkin Nation. Tales of an adventurer party appearing on a flying carpet! But there were rumors that you died or returned to your hometown. I never expected to find you in a place like this..."

"Hmm? I can't quite follow the conversation. Let's exchange information with each other."

Then I listened to their side of the story.

Apparently, many different phenomena have been sighted around the .

Like the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, the sightings of mysterious lights, and a dragon recently flying from the direction of the causing panic among the populace.

People were guessing that the evil dragon that had been sealed inside the barrier by the goddess in the faraway past has finally been freed.

"We have come here to investigate the truth behind these happenings under the request of Duke Hamil."

Furthermore, if it turned out there really was a dangerous being here, each nation was to prepare itself to subjugate it.

"We have heard that the is holding the title of the land in the . Word was that you did this to seal the atrocious being. There are even rumors that both of you passed away, caught up in the scheme of the previous tyrant king of the Lovile Kingdom and so the seal has been weakened."

"Aside from that, the weakening of the five goddesses' barrier has greatly stirred up the five goddesses' church. They're claiming stuff like it will be the dawn of disaster if the taboo land is released."

I was so surprised at the exaggeration of the rumors that I could feel my eyes looking over into the distance instead of at the adventurer party.

From a diplomatic perspective...... Well, I hoped the nations could work hard and somehow pacify the situation. As for the religious side, I wished Liliel and the others could pass an oracle down and somehow calm them down.

(------It’s impossible. No one can accept our oracle, and even if there is, we can't bend the rules to accommodate personal interest.)

I think I heard such a voice echoing in my mind.

"I, I see...... By the way, is Duke Hamil the head of the Duke family, Gyunton Hamil?"

Prince Gyunton of the Gard Beastkin Nation, too, had wed into the Duke Hamil family around the time we left for the Lovile Kingdom, and took upon the title of Duke.

"Yes. We received a warning from the Duke that under no circumstances should we anger Chise-dono in case we happen to meet you."

"Good grief, just what is his perception of me?"

So I sighed, but I felt the urge to meet this friend from the Gard Beastkin Nation after not hearing about him for a long time.

Afterward, we explained our situation to them, muddling some lies in between.

How we fled from the Lovile Kingdom after their king targeted us.

How, for the next 10 years after that, we moved from one place to another while protecting a human girl and a mythical beast or helping the angel and Dragon-Demon race people as well as the mythical beasts migrate to the .

Although the indeed used to be a desolate land in the past, I told them how we all worked hard over the tens of years planting trees and restoring nature, and then transforming it into a mana-abundant land.

During this process, there were crustal movements, but they had no impact on the surrounding areas.

How the mysterious light phenomena were also a result of our magic, as our attempt to restore a part of the land.

The dragon that has been sighted was a high-ranking dragon revered by the dragonkin tribes, and he was my friend.

However, half of the story was so absurd that it appeared to be a lie.

"So there is a reason behind every abnormal phenomenon. However, it's hard to believe it all at once."

"No matter how high-ranked an adventurer you are... it's hard to accept it."

The adventurers who came to investigate appeared lost, unable to simply swallow our explanation.

"Well, you don't have to believe it. Anyway, can you make it back to the town? Shall we escort you to the town Vir?"

"If possible, I would like you to meet our client, Duke Hamil though..."

Their expression said that their explanation would hardly be believed, rather it was a question of if they wanted to believe in it themselves.

"Well, we will eventually need to get in touch with the outside world either way. Very well, I'll come with you."

I couldn't dispatch any of the maids as a coordinator due to their poor ability in low-mana regions, so that left only me and Teto to take over the role.

"Baretta, we'll be going out for a while so we'll leave the management of this place during our absence to you."

"Alright then, let's go."

"Go? You mean right now!?"

Immediately after that, a Pegasus and a Griffin landed beside us. I guess they were observing the situation, too.

"Are you guys going to help out? Thank you."

"Then Teto will ride the wand with Majou-sama."

The Pegasus and the Griffin took flight, each carrying the dumbfounded adventurers from the investigation team. I also straddled my magic wand Hisui, and once Teto also hopped behind me, we left in the direction of the Town Vir of the Gard Beastkin Nation

'It should have been 20 years since I last visited,' I thought while leading the Pegasus and the Griffon through the sky above the forest. When we descended in front of the town, the mythical beasts put them down then once again soared into the sky, and returned to the .

On the other hand, the adventurers and knights that had been on guard against the giant dragon from the rushed out one after another, probably mistaking it for a sign of a monster invasion tonight.

And then------

"Wha!? That dress style, Chise-san!? and Teto-san too!?"

"It feels nostalgic to see familiar faces. It's been a while."

"Good evening-nanodesu!"

I pushed up the brim of my triangular hat and gazed at the lineup of adventurers. I could see the visage of the young adventurers whom we have guided 20 years ago in them.

I couldn't recall their names right away, but all of them have grown to be veterans, without a doubt.

Then under the loud commotion and cheers, we received their welcome as we stepped into Town Vir for the first time in a long time.