
The blood cloud hovering above the ***Dragon House*** obscured the stars and the moon. The sky was stained with a layer of blood for hundreds of miles, and the air was filled with the stench of blood from unknown sources.

The cultivators loitering in the streets looking for fun, although they did not know what this blood cloud meant, once they saw it, all invariably had the same reaction.

Flee for their life.

In an instant, countless flying swords, leaving trails of spiritual energy, rose over the ***Dragon House*** like colorful fireworks exploding in the sky, fleeing from all directions.

However, among them, there were four flying swords that not only didn't choose to escape but instead went against the general direction, speeding toward the *Dragon Mansion*.

On those four flying swords, there were two men and two women, one tall and three short, all wearing dark blue night camouflage clothes and bamboo hats, and their hands, necks, and faces were wrapped in bandages, giving them a very badass vibe.

Feng Yu Die slightly raised her bamboo hat with her fingers and looked up at the cultivators flying toward them, frowning. "Young Master Ye, these sacrifices are running away. What will Li Feng sacrifice now?"

"They can't run away."

Ye Anping, who was in the lead, casually replied.

The moment he said this, twenty-seven pillars of purple light suddenly rose around the ***Dragon House***.

The purple light pillars converged to a point at the zenith, transforming into a hemispherical purple blanket, covering a fifty-mile radius around the city.

Many of the fleeing cultivators did not have time to stop their flying swords and hit the cover head-on, falling hundreds of feet into the woods below.

Feng Yu Die flinched and inhaled sharply.


Ye Anping sighed and explained. "Li Feng reversed the direction of the defensive formation on **Dragon Mountain**. Originally it could only be exited but not entered, but now it can only be entered and not exited. It is impossible for these cultivators in the *Foundation Building* and *Qi Refining* stages to break through that spiritual shield."

At the end of the group, Liang Zhu frowned slightly and asked him, "So, we have no way out?"

Ye Anping glanced back at him with a smile. "Brother Liang, the four of us are bound by fate now. You'd better stop thinking about running away and think of a way to deal with Wu Chengzhou instead."


Liang Zhu rolled his eyes. He didn't believe Ye Anping's words. This guy definitely had some backup plan to save his life and escape.

After a moment, he added solemnly, "Sixth Brother, promise me."

"What is it, Brother Liang?"

"Take Ating to the ***Hundred Lotus*** Sect after this."

"Nope." Ye Anping looked back at him. "You take her there yourself. I don't like looking after that naughty girl."


"I don't do anything I'm not sure about." Ye Anping pressed down his bamboo hat, looked at the mountain formation in the distance, and sighed. "This mountain defensive formation is the one the Immortal Matriarch personally helped Li Feng to set up."

"Huh?" Feng Yu Die blinked twice. "If that's the case, isn't Xiao Yunluo's mother an accomplice? Does she really have something to do with the demonic cultivators?!"

"You won't say that when you meet her."


*Because in the game, the first time you see Si Xuanji, you start pulling her leg, and then she beats you black and blue*... Ye Anping just sighed softly and did not answer Feng Yu Die's question. Seeing that they had arrived at the gate of the *Dragon Mansion*, he guided the other three to land.

The *Dragon Mansion* guards did not leave their posts without permission. There were still about a dozen of them in armor, guarding the gate.

The head guard looked at the clothes of Ye Anping and the others, frowning. He then raised his hand and gave an order. "Get them!"

Thump thump thump--

The sound of iron boots hitting the ground was very oppressive. More than a dozen guards ran up and surrounded the four people in the center, pointing their weapons at them.

Ye Anping was about to take out the jade talisman that Li Longling had given to Feng Yu Die, when suddenly, there was a flash of blood in the sky, and the guards were distracted to look up.

The originally irregular-shaped blood-colored cloud gradually shrank and condensed, and within a few breaths, it turned into a huge red lotus.


With a sound like a giant breathing, the lotus petals gradually tightened and then suddenly opened.

A large amount of red pollen spurted out from the center of the flower and turned into red snowflakes that drifted down.

The guards surrounding them were a little confused watching the red snowfall, but one of them took the initiative to reach out to catch a snowflake and see what it was.

However, when the snowflakes were about to fall on his palm, Feng Yu Die dashed over, kicked his breastplate, and sent the man flying through the gate.

"Don't touch the snow!!"

Feng Yu Die shouted a warning, but as soon as she said the words, two guards thrust their spears toward her.

Ye Anping hurriedly took out Li Longling's jade pendant and raised it, showing it to one of the guards who looked to be the oldest.

Seeing the pendant, the man's expression changed, and he immediately ordered, "Stop!!"

The spears heading toward Feng Yu Die instantly stopped and then retreated.

The head guard cupped his hands and bowed to Ye Anping. "What are Miss Li's orders?"

"All the guards in the mansion are to wear body wraps and are not allowed to expose their skin, let alone touch these red snowflakes. If they touch..."


A scream from behind interrupted Ye Anping's words.

Without the slightest hesitation, almost at the same time as the screams, Ye Anping drew his sword and approached the screaming guard.


A silver light flashed over the man's left arm, severing his hand.

Ye Anping pierced the man's palm in mid-air with the sword and then nailed it to the floor at his feet, blowing it into a mass of blood and mud.

Everyone was shocked to see this, but then they saw that the hand nailed to the ground by Ye Anping seemed to be struggling, and the five fingers began to wiggle like a rattan whip.

Ye Anping took a fire talisman and threw it onto the hand, setting it ablaze. Then, he looked back at that elderly guard. "If they touch it, do this."


"Spread the orders within the mansion and inform the cultivators of the various sects in the city that if they want to live, they should close the doors and windows and hide indoors."

The head guard's pupils shrank, but he soon came to his senses and started shouting orders. "Right!! Everyone, listen to the orders and go back to change clothes. No exposed skin is allowed, and no touching the red snow!"

"Yes, sir!!"

Although the other guards hesitated a bit, they raised their voices to answer, then supported the guard whose hand had been cut off by Ye Anping and hurriedly returned to their barracks.

Ye Anping shook off the blood on his sword and sheathed it.

"Sister Feng, Brother Liang. The time limit is five eruptions of that *Red Refined Lotus* in the sky. Just now was the first one. If we fail to break the blood sacrifice formation before the fifth eruption, then we have lost."