
Throughout the afternoon, Ye Anping accompanied Liang Zhu in his special training in the yard and told him one by one how to evade Wu Chengzhou's formations.

It should be said that it was not for nothing that Liang Zhu was a rogue cultivator who reached the late stage of *Foundation Building*, as his mind worked extremely fast.

With only a few tips from Ye Anping, he was able to draw inferences from one instance and even think of better ways to deal with those formations based on Ye Anping's suggestions.

Meanwhile, inside the main hall, Feng Yu Die was showing off in front of her Sister Pei.


One checker piece landed and five black checkers were connected.

Feng Yu Die played against Liang Ating a total of twenty-seven games of backgammon, winning almost every game easily, while Pei Lianxue watched in shock. It was clear that she couldn't beat Liang Ating, but the facts were right in front of her, and she couldn't admit it even if she wanted to.

Looking at the black pieces connected in a line on the board, Liang Ating puffed up her cheeks and whined. "You're cheating!"

"Huh?" Feng Yu Die raised her eyebrows and smiled playfully. "How did I cheat? It's not like I moved the pieces, haven't you been watching all along?"


Liang Ating wailed, expressing her dissatisfaction, then hugged Pei Lianxue and buried her face in her belly.


"Ah..." Pei Lianxue was at a loss. After hesitating, she gently stroked her head and comforted her. "Don't cry, Ating. We won't play with her anymore."


Just when Feng Yu Die was about to step forward to comfort her too, there was a sudden bang, followed by dust scattering from all the main hall's beams.

Hearing the sound, Feng Yu Die jumped up like a frightened cat and immediately looked out the door in alarm. She saw that Ye Anping, who was practicing with Liang Zhu, had also stopped and raised his head to look toward the eastern sky.

So, she hurriedly ran outside and raised her head to look eastward, following Ye Anping's line of sight.

To the east of **Duchun City** was **Dragon Mountain**.

Four blood-colored light pillars rose and condensed into a creepy red cloud directly above the ***Dragon House***. Just from looking at the cloud, Feng Yu Die felt that her eyes were filled with a layer of blood, and she could even smell the unique metallic scent of blood.

"What is this..."

"*Red Refined Lotus*." Ye Anping explained expressionlessly, then looked at Liang Zhu and said, "Brother Liang, I just told you what to do. Take Ating back to the house first and instruct her not to come out no matter what. After changing your clothes, come to the main hall, and I'll explain the details then."


Liang Zhu frowned and nodded, then rushed into the main hall without saying a word, picked up Liang Ating, and ran toward the backyard.

Pei Lianxue also came out at this moment and looked up at the scene at the top of **Dragon Mountain**, but she didn't have much of a reaction. With a calm expression, she just called out to Ye Anping. "Husband..."

Ye Anping nodded to her, indicating that the situation was still under his control. Then, he took Feng Yu Die by her shoulders and led her into the main hall. He took out several rolls of bandages from the storage bag and gave them to her.

"Sister Feng, wrap your body in several layers of this bandage, leaving only the area around your eyes out."

Feng Yu Die looked at the bandages in her hand with a puzzled face. "Why do I need bandages, hmm? I'm not injured."

"Pretty soon, red snow will fall from the sky. You must not let the snow touch your skin."

"And what if it accidentally touches me?"

"Immediately take the Shocking pill, do you have it?"

"Shocking pill?" Feng Yu Die nodded. "Sister Xiao bought a lot and gave me some of it."

"Well... okay, then. You can change here."

After that, Ye Anping took Pei Lianxue out of the main hall and found several guards who were frozen in place.

"You guys, go notify the ***Dragon Slayers Society***'s branch leaders to take the people off the streets and notify the residents in **Duchun City** to stay indoors as much as possible. Do you understand? Everyone, return in half an hour."

"Young Master..."

Seeing the dazed expressions of the guards, Ye Anping frowned and reprimanded them. "Calm down!!"

"Ah... Yes, sir!"

"Did you hear what I said?"

"We heard, we're going now!!"

Several guards answered loudly, looked at each other, then left the *Jiang Mansion* in a hurry.

After watching them leave, Ye Anping hurriedly took Pei Lianxue back to the house, wrapped themselves in bandages like two mummies, then put on dark blue night camouflage clothes and bamboo hats.

When they returned to the main hall after changing clothes, Liang Zhu and Feng Yu Die had also changed their clothes and were waiting for them.

Ye Anping stepped forward and took out the map he had previously drawn from the storage bag, unfolding it. He then used his spiritual power to make it float, then pointed to the six red dots on it. "These six positions are where the formation knots of the *Red Refined Five Lotus Formation* are located, but we have killed two people before, and now there are only four left. Therefore, there is no one in the southeast and southwest positions. Our goal is to reach these four points..."

"The northernmost point is the main knot held by Li Feng. To the northwest is Wu Chengzhou. Brother Liang, that's where you're going. There should be a martial arts training ground there."

Liang Zhu nodded. "Got it."

Then, Ye Anping looked at Feng Yu Die. "In the center of the ***Dragon House***, it is Zi Tiancheng, a cultivator in the middle stage of the *Core Formation*. You are in charge of this place, do you understand?"

"*Core Formation* middle stage?!" Feng Yu Die was startled. "Can I handle it?"

*There is a high probability that you will have more trouble*... Ye Anping thought that but omitted the first half of the sentence, and nodded with a smile. "But you can handle it."

Feng Yu Die widened her eyes. "But??"

"After my sister and I deal with Zuo Min in the northeast, we will come to help you."

"Oh... okay!"

"Also, Brother Liang, you might not be able to kill Wu Chengzhou. Just take your time with him. He currently serves as the pivot of the formation, so he can't move and can only stand there. Your main task is to disturb him in maintaining the formation. After we deal with the other two demonic cultivators, we will come to help you. You have to hold on until then."


Ye Anping finally pointed to the red dot at the northernmost part of the map. "We will leave Li Feng at the end. Because there are some variables, I have to act according to circumstances. After we meet again, I will explain to you what to do."

Saying this, Ye Anping puffed out his chest, took a deep breath with his hands behind his back, and asked loudly, "Do you have any questions?!!"

Pei Lianxue immediately puffed out her chest as well and raised her head, answering in a very loud voice. "No!!!"

Her shout startled Liang Zhu and Feng Yu Die, who looked at her blankly. After coming back to their senses, they shook their heads one after another.

Looking at those two, Ye Anping sighed and frowned as he admonished them. "What are your answers?!!"

The two shook their heads slightly. "No... no."


"Hiss-- haven't you eaten?! If you don't have questions, just straighten your posture, raise your head, and say, 'No!' Why are you being such a sissy?!"

Liang Zhu and Feng Yu Die were shocked by Ye Anping's tone. After a short hesitation, they hurriedly followed Pei Lianxue's example and straightened up. "No!!!"

"Good! Good luck in the fight! Let's go!!!"