
The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenixchapter 133: my dad had extramarital affairs?!!

Under the red snow, the ***Dragon House*** burned, fire rose to the sky, and the wailings were incessant.

"Help! Monster!!!"

"Dear! It's me! Ah--!!!"

"Guards! Guards! Help!!!"


More streets in the east side of the city had been transformed into a purgatory-like hellish hunting ground as the cultivators stained by the red snow turned into monsters.

Once contaminated with red snow, the soul would be expelled, the body would be seized by blood spirits, and then, flesh-colored wriggling vines would grow all over the body and countless eyeballs on the skin.

These monsters weren't strong, nor did they have any intelligence.

But for the cultivators left in the city, that wasn't the issue.

Two people were a cultivator couple a moment ago, and in the next breath, the man turned into a blood spirit who tried to cut open his lover's throat.

Another two were master and disciple, but then the master swallowed the disciple in one bite.

This being the case, many cultivators hesitated to take action and thus ended up being ravaged and possessed by demonic spirits at the scene.

The evilness of these demonic cultivators was utterly and purely unreasonable.

The blonde woman wearing a golden robe clenched her teeth, slashed her fellow disciple's throat with her sword, and, with a gesture, ignited the corpse with golden thunder fire.

"Brother... I'm sorry."

She closed her eyes and apologized to the 'brother', then frowned and ran toward the next blood spirit.

Raising her sword, she stabbed.

The sword shadow instantly transformed into three swords of light, cutting the blood spirit into three pieces.

One of the rescued men wiped the sweat from his forehead and thanked her. "Young lady, thank you for your help."

The blond woman nodded, then shook off the blood on her sword and looked up at the lotus in the sky.

"What in the world is going on? What is Master Li doing? How could he let the demonic cultivators go so far?"

"Young lady, it's better to find a safe place to take shelter. This red snow is too weird. I heard before that only the ***Demonic*** Sect can use blood spirits. I'm afraid it's them who are causing trouble this time."

The blonde woman frowned slightly. "And how did the ***Demonic*** Sect people come all the way here from the **Eastern Region**? What is the ***Black Star*** Sect doing? Are their boundaries just for show?!"

The man beside her had a helpless look on his face. "Young lady, you'd better stop complaining, and let's look for..."

Before he finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky and pounced directly on the woman. It pressed her to the ground, opened its bloodied mouth like a lion, and bit her neck.


The woman immediately switched the sword in her hand horizontally, jammed it between the monster's teeth, and pushed its mouth back with force. Unfortunately, the force was bottom-up and had no support.

Seeing this, the man beside her immediately swung his sword towards the monster's neck.


However, before the sword landed, he was blown away by a vine whip on the monster's back.


Seeing her companion slapped away, a hint of panic was revealed in the woman's eyes. She watched the monster's mouth getting closer and closer to her, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Get the hell away, you beast!"

Thick saliva flowed from the monster's mouth, dripping on her face.

And it was right at this time that six icy blue sword lights suddenly flashed by.


The monster pressing on the blonde woman was instantly cut into six pieces and blown away.

Seeing this six-swords technique, the woman was extremely surprised. She turned to look at the person wielding the sword, only to see a girl wearing a bamboo hat and dark clothes, with her face tightly wrapped in bandages.


She was about to say something when another monster's wail came from somewhere close.

The woman stood up, looked there, and saw a young man wearing a bamboo hat and dark clothes, his face also wrapped in gauze.

The young man who had just sheathed his sword met the woman's gaze, then turned around and continued running along the street. "Hurry up, sister."


Watching the two run away, the blonde woman hastily reached out to stop them. "Hey, wait!!"

However, in an instant, the two figures were already thirty feet away.

At this time, the disciple who had been slapped away came back, holding his chest, and asked, "Young lady, are you okay?"

"The *Interrogation Sword* and *Leaf Shadow Sword* secret techniques..."

"... What?"

"Those two from now!! They used the secret sword techniques of our ***Moon Shadow Sword*** Sect!!!" The woman turned her head and looked at her companion. "My mother always suspected that father had some affairs, but I didn't expect it to be true!! Damn that stinky old man, he has more than ten concubines but is still looking for others outside. He even passed the sword skills on. Wait until I come back and see how I let my mother deal with you!"


When her companion heard this, he grimaced, not understanding the brain circuit of his young lady, but he let it go and hastily suggested, "Young lady, we'd better talk about this later. Let's find a safe place first, or we might not even be able to go back."

"Pfft! Bah! Stinky old man!"


Ye Anping led his sister through the streets, clearing the blood spirits blocking the way as he recalled the blonde girl his sister had just saved.

If he remembered correctly, that girl should be the Young Lady of the ***Moon Shadow Sword*** Sect. But the problem was that, in his impression, Yun Xi did not participate in the ***Dragon House*** plot. She made her appearance much later.

"Tsk... that's weird..."

Ye Anping muttered to himself and put the matter away in his mind, ready to think about it later. The most important thing now was to work with his sister to destroy the formation set up by Zuo Min in the northeast.

After a while, they arrived at a square surrounded by a blood spirits barrier.

The square was littered with severed limbs of the Immortal cultivators. In the center, a very scantily clad female cultivator sat cross-legged. Her long hair looked bloodied, and her whole body exuded a foul blood rust smell.

Sensing Ye Anping and Pei Lianxue approaching, the female cultivator slowly opened her eyes, revealing compound eyes like those of a fly.

Although Ye Anping knew this beforehand, when he saw her eyes, he still felt his scalp go numb and goosebumps all over his body.

Zuo Min looked at their clothes and felt a little confused. It seemed that these two people had known about the *Red Refined Five Lotus Formation* beforehand, so they dressed like that to protect themselves from the red snow falling from the sky.

"Early stage of *Foundation Building*? Who the hell are you?"

"Just some cannon fodder."


With a smile, Ye Anping raised his sword and pointed it at her. "Cannon fodder that killed one of your masters."

Zuo Min frowned. "What do you mean?"

"As the name implies, the Grand Master of the ***Magical Poison*** Sect has no existence now. He died in my hands."

Hearing this, Zuo Min's upper and lower eyelids immediately opened, and her fly-like compound eyes almost popped out.
