
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 679: defeating malrak

In the heart of the demonic Battlecruiser's command center, Aldred faced Malrak, the Corruptor, with a newfound confidence fueled by his godly eyes.

As the demonic claws of Malrak slashed through the air, Aldred effortlessly dodged each strike with a grace that seemed almost supernatural.

Aldred's laughter echoed through the corrupted corridors, a stark contrast to the primal roars of Malrak. His godly eyes dissected every nuance of the demon's movements, allowing him to predict and evade attacks with an uncanny precision.

The mass, velocity, power, and mystical energies of Malrak's attack was all identified by his godly eyes.

It was like reading an open book, everything was clear to him.

Malrak, infuriated by Aldred's seemingly impossible agility, intensified his assault. The Corruptor's corrupting aura emanated, attempting to weaken Aldred's defenses, but the celestial energy that enveloped him repelled the malevolent influence.

"This can't be! How did you obtain that power!?"

With a swift movement, Aldred countered, striking with the Phantom Doomblade. The ethereal blade, now infused with the elemental powers Aldred had mastered, cut through the air with unmatched speed. Trails of fire, water, air, earth, and mana followed the blade, leaving a celestial afterglow in its wake.

The evolution seemingly led all of Aldred's abilities to condensed into all of his movements and attacks.

Malrak, despite his demonic resilience, felt the weight of Aldred's strikes. The once-dominant Diamond Rank demon now found himself outmatched by a being who had transcended mortal limitations.

Aldred's laughter continued, filling the command center with an eerie soundtrack to the battle.

As Malrak attempted to teleport with shadow step, Aldred anticipated the move and intercepted him mid-transition. The demonic claws found nothing but air as Aldred phased through shadows, reappearing behind Malrak.

"Your power is obsolete in the face of godly strength," Aldred declared, his voice resonating with a celestial authority.

The battle reached a crescendo as Aldred unleashed a barrage of strikes, each blow leaving behind elemental remnants. The demonic essence of Malrak struggled against the onslaught, and the corrupted heart of the Battlecruiser pulsed in chaotic resonance.

Aldred swung upward.

Malrak's eyes widened as his left arm flew in the air, blood spilling out of the wounds.

When his left arm fell with a thud, Malrak processed the disparity of power.

He was extremely angered.

Malrak, now desperate, unleashed his hellfire breath, engulfing the surroundings in searing flames. However, the flames were mere flickers against the celestial radiance that surrounded Aldred. With a wave of his hand, Aldred dispersed the inferno.

Malrak was once again shocked. "How!!! How did you dispel my power so easily!?"

The once-dominant demon staggered, weakened and disoriented. His dark resilience faltered against the unrelenting assault. Aldred, in his godly form, stood as an embodiment of transcendent power.

Aldred looked at his own hand. He was proud of himself as he became closer and closer to his dream —to become as powerful as his parents.

The crew, witnessing the battle, marveled at Aldred's transformation. Shinari, her eyes wide with awe, whispered to the others, "He's become something more than mortal."

When Malrak attempted to escape through the shadows with shadow step, Aldred's anticipation was as swift as his movements.

The demonic claws found only emptiness as Aldred phased through shadows, reappearing behind Malrak with an ethereal grace that defied the logic of the demonic realm.

The crescendo of the battle reached its zenith as Aldred unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes. Each blow left behind remnants of elemental energy, a testament to the celestial mastery that now pulsed through Aldred's being.

"It's time to end this," Aldred said.

As Aldred declared his intent to end the battle, Malrak, weakened and enraged, struggled to regain his footing.

With a swift and decisive movement, Aldred lunged forward, the Phantom Doomblade cutting through the space between them. The elemental remnants of fire, water, air, earth, and mana followed the blade like a celestial comet, leaving a trail of cosmic energy in its wake.

Malrak, still reeling from the previous strikes, attempted a feeble defense.

His remaining arm, infused with demonic energy, clashed with the Phantom Doomblade.

The clash resonated through the demonic corridors, the collision of celestial and demonic forces creating shockwaves that rippled through the corrupted heart of the Battlecruiser.

Aldred's godly eyes glowed brighter as he poured all of his celestial power into the final assault. The elemental energies surged, intertwining with the Phantom Doomblade, creating a radiant vortex that engulfed Malrak.

In the heart of the vortex, the once-dominant demon roared in defiance, but his resistance was futile against the overwhelming power of Aldred's celestial evolution.

The elemental energies seeped into every pore of Malrak's demonic form, unraveling the very essence that sustained him.

"Aldred made it look easy," Zarael said. "That demon is much more powerful than he look. Even if me and Vortimer fight against him, it will take us a while to take him down. And, if he decide to escape like earlier, we might not able to stop him."

"Aldred's strength has gone beyond my calculation. It is far too fast for him to evolve this far in such a short amount of time. The possibilities of such events was extremely close to zero. Only the gods and heroes of ancient times could experience something like this. Something the like of the Emperor's holy sons."

Zarael nodded. "The Emperor's holy sons were indeed extremely powerful with god-like power."

As the radiant vortex dissipated, the demonic Battlecruiser's command center fell into an eerie silence. The crew, witnesses to the celestial spectacle, looked on with a mix of awe and trepidation. Aldred, his godly form still illuminated with residual celestial energy, stood over the defeated Corruptor.

Malrak, now reduced to a weakened and smoldering entity, gazed up at Aldred with a mix of hatred and disbelief. The once-mighty demon had been brought to his knees.

"It seems your power wasn't enough to protect you, Malrak," Aldred spoke with a calm authority, his godly eyes piercing through the remaining shreds of the Corruptor's resilience.

"You know my name?"

"I know everything about you."

Aldred stabbed the demon's neck and it died.

"Let's try something." Aldred smiled. "Arise."