
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 680: the next step

Aldred, standing over the defeated Malrak, decided to test the limits of his newfound abilities. His godly eyes glowed with an ethereal intensity as he attempted to tap into the essence of the Corruptor's being. With a single command, Aldred willed Malrak to arise.

"Arise," he spoke with a commanding tone, channeling the celestial energy that coursed through him.

To his surprise, Malrak's lifeless form remained motionless. The attempt to turn the demonic commander into an undead slave had failed. It was then that Aldred realized the inherent nature of demons—they lacked the souls that living creatures possessed.

"Too bad."

Malrak's form lay before him, still and lifeless, immune to Aldred's newfound ability.

Aldred frowned, pondering the implications of this revelation. His godly eyes, which had provided him with unparalleled insights into the magical currents and the essence of beings, couldn't manipulate the soulless entities.

Aldred, undeterred by the setback, turned his attention to the crew and the remnants of the demonic Battlecruiser's command center.

"We must gather what resources we can from this vessel," Aldred declared, his mind already strategizing the next steps. "Zarael, Vortimer, we have an alliance, and there's much to explore in the Veil. Let's use the materials from this ship wisely."

As Aldred declared the need to gather resources from the defeated Battlecruiser, Vortimer and Zarael wasted no time in mobilizing their respective forces.

Vortimer, with the might of his Celestial Schemata's robot army and fleet of advanced spaceships, orchestrated a synchronized salvage operation.

The robot soldiers, devoid of fear or hesitation, efficiently combed through the remnants of the demonic fleet.

Each spaceship and piece of technology salvaged by the Celestial Schemata's forces was added to Vortimer's growing arsenal.

Meanwhile, Zarael, accompanied by her Nexus Rings, coordinated a separate salvage effort. Her ships, equipped with advanced technology and interconnected through the Nexus Rings' network, methodically collected demon-spaceships and valuable materials. The Nexus Rings' ability to create checkpoints and process information at incredible speeds allowed Zarael's salvage operation to be both swift and precise.

Aldred, observing the efficiency of their operations, was satisfied with the progress.

The salvaging continued, with the crew working alongside Vortimer's and Zarael's forces to maximize the yield of resources from the demonic Battlecruiser.

Amidst the salvage efforts, Shinari approached Aldred, her curiosity evident in her eyes. "What are we planning to do with all these resources?" she inquired.

Aldred, still emanating celestial energy, explained, "We are preparing for what lies ahead in the Veil. There are challenges and adversaries that will require the strength and knowledge we gain from these salvaged materials."

As the salvage operation progressed, a holographic display manifested in front of Aldred. It showed the Veil, a vast and complex network of realms, each with its own mysteries and dangers.

"We must navigate these realms carefully, exploring the unknown and facing whatever awaits us," Aldred declared, his voice echoing with determination. "The Veil holds secrets that can reshape the destiny of not only our worlds but the entire cosmos."

"Does your evolution let you know all these things?"

"It makes me realize how significance the veil is not just to the galaxy, but the entire universe."

Shinari looked at Aldred in awe, wondering what it felt like to be an existence like him.

It seemed just yesterday that Shinari felt she was catching up to him, but the gap of their strength became a completely different realm once again.

The alliance forged between Aldred, Vortimer, and Zarael had its foundation in the shared pursuit of power and knowledge. With the salvaged resources, their combined forces were poised to become a formidable presence in the Veil, ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

As the salvaging efforts continued, Aldred gathered with Zarael and Vortimer to discuss the intricate details of the distribution, usage, research, and development of the salvaged materials.

The holographic display of the Veil, still hovering in the center of the room, served as a backdrop to their discussions. Aldred, with his godly eyes still aglow, spoke with an air of authority. "We need a strategic plan for utilizing these resources. I don't want anymore delay."

"Aldred," Salamander called. "Do you think we still need the Chronicles of Ascendria? Your current power now is probably enough to defeat Lord Malgorth?"

Aldred glanced at him. "Defeating Lord Malgorth and obtaining the Space Weaver is simply one of the steps I need to return to my realm. I need something beyond that. My current power let me see things clearly, but the universe is too deep that even gods could not fully comprehend it."

Vortimer, his Celestial Schemata projecting a holographic interface, nodded in agreement. "I propose that we allocate a portion of the salvaged materials for the enhancement and fortification of our respective fleets. It will strengthen our military presence and ensure we can navigate the Veil safely."

"I do not think safety is a concern any longer," Shinari said.

"For us. But our forces are branching out in smaller division. These divisions need their own security personnels as they will face danger during their exploration."

Zarael, her Nexus Rings glowing with arcane energy, interjected, "I agree with Vortimer. A well-armed and technologically advanced fleet will be crucial in our exploration and encounters within the Veil. However, we should also allocate resources for research and developments that might help us adapt and improvise in the ever-changing nature in the Veil. Nothing ever stay the same in here."

Aldred considered their suggestions carefully. "Agreed. Strengthening our fleets is a priority, but we should also invest in research endeavors. The Veil is a source of immense power and knowledge, and understanding its intricacies will be key to our success."

The trio outlined a comprehensive plan, dividing the salvaged materials into categories for fleet enhancement, technological research, and developments in magical studies. They also discussed the establishment of collaborative research centers within their respective territories, where scientists and researchers could work together to unlock the mysteries of the Veil.

The crew watched the trio worked.

Intelligence, power, authority.

These three figures held the power to move millions and change reality in a grand cosmic scale.

Salamander and the others soon felt like they were out of place.

They were foot soldiers at best. Salamander, even though he was the captain of the squad, he only led a team of four at best.

His concern was the survivability of his team and completing the mission given by the higher ups.

Aldred, on the other hand, seemed so far high. Not just because of his power, but also his intelligence.

He came to this galaxy less than a year ago, but it seem like he understood more of it than they did.

Shinari sighed. "Can we ever become something like him in the future?"

"Don't let this bring you down. Instead, we should be motivated and work harder in order to reach his level!"

Meanwhile, Elralya and Cellaeth didn't feel any of this at all. Back in their home country, they were royalties.

So they did not have any inferior complex like them.

With the plan outlined, the salvaged materials were systematically divided and transported to their respective factions.

The machine of war started turning. Logistics, transportation, security, development, information gathering, and technology were all put into considerations.

Aldred smiled. He had returned to his game.

Just like last time, he once again had the authority and power to control his fate.

In this galaxy, he could be said to be one of the big player.

No longer was his life decided by a demonic or xenos invasion.

"My fate is mine to decide."