
As Aldred's blade descended with the force of a celestial storm, the demonic Battlecruiser quivered under the impending cataclysm. Malrak, the Corruptor, the demonic commander of the vessel, felt the seismic tremors of Aldred's overwhelming power. The ethereal energies released by the Phantom Doomblade reverberated through the very core of the corrupted ship.

Malrak, stationed in the heart of the Battlecruiser, sensed the disturbance in the magical currents.

His bloodshot eyes widened as he perceived the extraordinary force hurtling toward him. A guttural growl emanated from the depths of his demonic form as he recognized the threat that Aldred had become.

"This... this is impossible!" Malrak roared, his voice echoing through the demonic corridors. The demonic essence that fueled the Battlecruiser pulsed erratically, as if protesting against the intrusion of such immense power.

The crew, having witnessed Aldred's transformation, could feel the Battlecruiser itself resisting his presence.

The dark enchantments that bound the vessel together strained against the might of Aldred's strike.

The Doomblade's power collided with the corrupted heart of the Battlecruiser, and a shockwave rippled through the demonic structure.

After what seemed to be forever, the blade's power burst through the other side, creating a cacophony of explosions.

Malrak, caught in the epicenter of the magical clash, struggled against the overwhelming force. His demonic form contorted with rage and desperation as he realized that the balance of power had shifted.

"What is this power? How could someone become this strong? It's almost… as powerful as Lord Malgorth himself."

Meanwhile, Aldred was about to swing his blade once more until Vortimer stopped him.

"Can you stop attacking? I am planning to use the materials of this ship to be my own."

Zarael stepped forward. "I want my share too. I come here personally to help, so I should get at least a percentage."

Aldred smiled. "I destroyed this thing on my own. What is the benefit for me?"

The both of them shut up immediately. Both of them could not refute, but without Aldred, they wouldn't be able to destroy the Battlecruiser so easily.

Vortimer's eyes flashed. Aldred's current power almost matched his own. In the current situation, Aldred held the most authority because of his incredible might.

"I will offer you my assistance," Vortimer said. "With my army and ships, I can scour the Veil much more efficiently rather than you exploring its endless realms by yourself."

Aldred glanced at Zarael. "And what can you offer me?"

Zarael did not want to lose out on this opportunity. "The Nexus Rings is as powerful as the Celestial Schemata. In fact, since our main ship is as large as a planet, there are an entire ecosystem for processing materials, gathering information, making connections, and even making checkpoints all over the Veils."

Vortimer waved his hand. Green light projected a screen, revealing thousands of ships scouring over the Veil.

"My Celestial Schemata can do beyond that. With my endless and inexhaustible army, they will do what I command with precision for they have no fear, no doubts, no dreams, and no ambition of their own."

Vortimer continued. "They are my puppet to control. Anything I ask. They give."

Zarael gritted his teeth. What Vortimer said was true. She could not bet the Celestial Schemata's undying loyalty to Vortimer.

With a sigh, she was mentally prepared to lose this deal.

"I like both deal," Aldred said.

Zarael was surprised with that answer.

"I will give each of you half of the materials of the Battlecruisers. In return, I want full access to information and technology you have."

Vortimer and Zarael, though initially reluctant, found the terms agreeable. The promise of resources from the dismantled Battlecruiser was too tempting for them to pass up, and Aldred's conditions provided a fair distribution of spoils.

Having settled the terms with Vortimer and Zarael, Aldred swiftly made his way to the command center of the Battlecruiser, where the remnants of the demonic essence still lingered. As he approached, he could sense Malrak, the Corruptor, waiting in the shadows, his demonic fury building.

Malrak, though weakened and disoriented, still harbored a formidable resentment towards Aldred. The air crackled with tension as the two beings of immense power faced each other.

"You think you can destroy the vessel and walk away unscathed?" Malrak's voice resonated with malevolence. "You are a mere mortal! No amount of power can protect you from the wrath of Lord Malgorth."

Aldred, undeterred, raised the Phantom Doomblade. The blade shimmered with the residual energies of the Battlecruiser's destruction, ready to face the enraged Corruptor.

Malrak, with a primal roar, lunged at Aldred, claws extended. However, in his weakened state, the once fearsome strikes now seemed feeble and slow. Aldred effortlessly dodged the attacks, his movements guided by the newfound agility granted by his recent evolution.

Aldred's godly eyes activated. To his surprise, he could now see all the information about the demon.

Name: Malrak, the Corruptor

Level: 175 (Diamond Rank)

Health Points: 180,000 / 450,000


1. Demonic Claws: Malrak possesses razor-sharp claws infused with demonic energy, capable of slashing through magical barriers and armored defenses.

2. Corrupting Aura: Malrak can emit an aura that corrupts and weakens the magical and physical defenses of his adversaries, making them more susceptible to his attacks.

3. Shadow Step: Malrak can teleport between shadows, allowing him to reposition swiftly in battle.

4. Hellfire Breath: Malrak can exhale a torrent of hellfire, scorching anything in its path and leaving lingering burns.

5. Dark Resilience: Malrak has a natural resistance to magical attacks and can quickly regenerate from wounds inflicted upon him.


Malrak, the Corruptor, once served as a high-ranking commander in the demonic forces under Lord Malgorth. His insatiable thirst for power and conquest led him to become a formidable adversary, earning him the title of Diamond Rank. Over the centuries, he mastered the dark arts and became a symbol of demonic authority.

His godly eyes now could even see the weakness points of the demon and the type of elements or attacks that would deal the most damage to it.

Because of that, Aldred became extremely happy. While laughing manically, he dodged all the attacks from Malrak with absolute ease.

He could see every movement before Malrak could even execute them.

"This is such a great day."