
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 648: veil of shadows

Aldred, sword still drawn, couldn't help but scoff at the colossal holographic Elder. He leaned on his sword, looking unimpressed.

"Well, thanks for the warm welcome," he said with a wry smile. "If I knew we were crashing an Elder party, I would've brought a gift. Maybe a nice fruit basket or a coupon for '10% off your next intergalactic adventure.'"

The holographic Elder remained stoic, its expression unchanging. The crew exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to Aldred's irreverent humor in the face of such a formidable presence.

Aldred continued, gesturing grandly to the alien machinery surrounding them. "Nice place you got here, by the way. Very... ominous. But you might want to consider some redecorating. Maybe throw in a few houseplants or some mood lighting."

Salamander suppressed a chuckle, while Shinari and Elralya exchanged amused glances.

Shuzib, on the other hand, was confused. "Does he act like this often?"

"Sometimes he does," Shinari said.

The holographic Elder's voice echoed again, this time with a hint of curiosity. "You are an interesting group, indeed."

Aldred grinned, undeterred. "Well, you know what they say—variety is the spice of life, or in this case, the spice of dodging your fancy defense systems and acrobatically navigating your cosmic death traps. Seriously, who designed this place? I hope they got a bonus."

The crew couldn't help but chuckle at Aldred's unexpected humor in the midst of their perilous journey. The tension in the room seemed to ease, if only for a moment.

The holographic Elder regarded Aldred with an unreadable expression. "You have faced trials few could endure. But your journey is far from over."

Aldred shrugged, still grinning. "Oh, I've been through worse. Bring it on, O Wise and Mysterious Elder. We're ready for the next act of this cosmic comedy, because you must be fucking JOKING!"

"I just went through thousands of deathly traps to get here, and you treat this as if it was all a game. Well, fuck you!"

The room fell silent, the echoes of Aldred's outburst hanging in the air. The holographic Elder remained impassive, its presence imposing, as if it absorbed Aldred's frustration without a hint of reaction.

Aldred, after his moment of venting, straightened up. The crew, though momentarily surprised by the sudden shift in tone, stood ready for whatever revelation or challenge the Elder had in store.

The holographic Elder's voice, now devoid of the earlier curiosity, resonated with a gravity that filled the room. "Your resilience is commendable. But your journey is not a mere game, and the challenges you faced were not designed for amusement."

Aldred's grin faded as he locked eyes with the holographic figure. "Then what is it? Why put us through all this? What's the purpose of this labyrinthine nightmare?"

The holographic Elder's gaze seemed to pierce through Aldred's, revealing a profound understanding. "You seek the truth, Aldred of Earth."

"How did you know I was from Earth?"

The Elder ignored his question. "The trials you faced were a testament to your strength, but they were also a means of preparation."

The holographic Elder's form flickered momentarily, as if contemplating its response. "The Chronicles of Ascendria hold the essence of balance—the delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction. Its knowledge has the power to shape the destiny of realms, to mend the fractures in the fabric of existence."

"You didn't answer my question."

"All of your questions will be answered as long as you enter Ascendria."

Shuzib stepped forward. "Why do you say Ascendria hold the knowledge to shape destiny of realms? Isn't it only contain information to increase one's strength and abilities?"

The Elder gazed at Shuzib like a teacher looking at his student. "You are greatly misguided and misinformed. The Chronicles of Ascendria hold far greater power than you could imagine. Within its vast and almost limitless Ethereal Engrams you will find everything you need to know."

"What is Ethereal Engrams?" Aldred asked.

Shuzib immediately reply: "It refers to a trace or record of the past. If I have to explain it scientifically, you can say it's similar to Quantum Information. I am sure you know what that is."

Salamander nodded. "I get it now."

"Ha?" Aldred was confused. He got no clue what they were talking about.

Shuzib sighed before he explained the concept of Quantum Information — Basically, Quantum Information meant that no information could ever be destroyed or lost.

If a piece of paper was burned, it would seem to vanish or destroyed, but if certain conditions were met, it was possible to reconstruct the paper with the exact writings on it.

"Wait, so you're saying the Chronicles of Ascendria maybe has the information of the entire universe?"

"That's a big maybe, but yes," Shuzib nodded. "I never went there so I don't know. A lot of sources said many things about Ascendria, but you could never trust them one hundred percent."

"Then, what about you?" Aldred pointed towards the Elder. "What do you know about Ascendria?"

The holographic Elder regarded Aldred with an enigmatic gaze, the room filled with a subtle tension. The crew waited in anticipation for the Elder's response, their previous banter now replaced by a more serious inquiry into the nature of their quest.

The holographic figure's form flickered once more, as if weaving through the threads of ancient memories. Then, with a solemn tone, it began to speak. "I was one of the guardians appointed to watch over Ascendria."

"Guardians?" Aldred frowned. "What bullshit do you speak now?"

"The Ascendria is guarded by many entities like me. I am merely one of the many that protect Ascendria and its secret, however, someone manage to rip me away from Ascendria."

"How could someone rip you away from Ascendria? You're a guardian of possibly the most valuable thing in the entire universe."

"Yes. But that also means many hands want to grab it for themselves. Ascendria is not meant to be used for simple greedy ambition. It's meant for something greater and much more complex than basic needs for power. Ascendria chose what and who to give access to its knowledge."

The holographic Elder continued, its voice resonating with an air of ancient wisdom. "Ascendria chooses those who seek knowledge with pure intentions, but even as a guardian, I am not exempt from the machinations of those who covet its power. I was forcefully severed from the connection to Ascendria by a force too potent for me to resist."

Aldred, though skeptical, could sense the sincerity in the Elder's words. "So, what does that mean for us? If you can't guide us directly, how are we supposed to find Ascendria?"

"Ascendria is not chained to a physical location in reality. It's an abstract concept that is actually located in the mind of intellectual races. However, not just anyone can access this. If you want to reach Ascendria, you must go to a place where reality bends and falter the most, a dream-like place, a place where the minds and souls gathers."

Shuzib's eyes widened. "Are you talking about… the Immaterium?"

"What's that?" Aldred asked.

"It's hard to explain. It's not exactly a place, but I can't say that it wasn't either. It both exist and doesn't exist at the same time. In simple terms, it's an entirely different dimension of pure psychic energy. At least, that's what I know about it. They say once you go there, there is no coming back. And it's better that way, because it is far worse if you do comeback."

Aldred had so many questions right now, but he didn't know which one to ask first.

"Okay, just tell me how do we get to this place."

The holographic Elder observed Aldred's inquisitive gaze and spoke with a measured tone, "To enter the Immaterium, you will need to traverse the Veil of Shadows—a thin, ethereal boundary that separates your reality from the realm of psychic energy. It is a place where dreams and nightmares converge, where the barriers between mind and matter blur."

Salamander, ever the pragmatist, interjected, "Sounds like a one-way ticket to insanity. Are you sure about this?"

The holographic Elder nodded. "The Immaterium is both treacherous and sublime. It reflects the collective consciousness of all sentient beings. Your journey there will be shaped by the depths of your own minds and the challenges that emerge from the very fabric of your thoughts."

Shuzib, intrigued, mused, "If the Immaterium is a reflection of the mind, then perhaps that's why it's so unpredictable. Thoughts can be chaotic, after all."

The holographic Elder acknowledged Shuzib's insight. "Indeed, and it is precisely this unpredictability that makes it a formidable passage. However, the Chronicles of Ascendria resonate most strongly in the Immaterium. To access its knowledge, you must navigate the surreal landscapes and face the trials born from your innermost fears and desires."

Aldred, undeterred by the daunting task ahead, tightened his grip on his sword.

"We've faced trials before, and we'll face them again. Lead us to this Veil of Shadows."