
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 647: ark of aethoria

As the Ark of Aethoria's defense system sprang to life, the once-dormant corridors erupted with activity.

Automated turrets emerged from concealed compartments, and energy barriers crackled into existence, creating a lethal maze for Aldred and his allies. The crew found themselves in a deadly ballet, dodging lasers and narrowly avoiding traps.

Aldred, with his reflexes heightened by years of navigating treacherous terrain, led the crew through the chaos.

The once-silent corridors echoed with the sounds of alarms and the hum of activated machinery. Shinari's agility proved invaluable as she gracefully evaded energy beams, her acrobatics reminiscent of a cosmic dancer.

Salamander, usually composed in the face of technology, was taken aback. "I've seen a lot of security systems, but this... this is on another level!"

Elralya, holding the crystalline shard, focused her energy on deflecting some of the attacks, creating small shields to protect the crew. "This shard is reacting to the ship's defenses. It's trying to communicate with them."

"Can you use that to deactivate these weapons?" Aldred moved to the side to dodge a laser beam.

"It's not working!" Elralya said.

The crew, bathed in the eerie glow of pulsating laser beams, navigated the labyrinth of peril with a synchronized dance of desperation.

Each member moved with a fluid grace, their bodies contorting and weaving through the air as if choreographed by the impending threat. The corridor echoed with the low hum of energy pulses, creating a dissonant harmony with the staccato rhythm of their footfalls on the metallic floor.

Laser beams, sharp as blades, cut through the darkness, leaving trails of phosphorescent hues in their wake.

The crew, in a heart-pounding display of agility, executed intricate maneuvers—swift leaps, sudden twists, and acrobatic rolls—to narrowly evade the lethal beams.

Their movements were a desperation for survival, a ballet of reflexes sharpened by the urgency of impending doom.

"We can't dodge all the attacks! We have to destroy those weapons!"

In the chaos, each crew member wielded weapons with a desperate precision. Blasters fired energy streaks, offering brief reprieves in the onslaught.

Limbs moved gracefully, a survival instinct choreography, with occasional flashes as energy pulses grazed perilously close to their skin.

At the junction, the crew faced a dilemma, a choice between paths fraught with unknown dangers. The holographic Elders' symbol pulsed, seemingly guiding or taunting them. With a collective decision made through exchanged glances, the crew continued their perilous dance, limbs in constant motion, navigating the labyrinth of danger with an elegant yet desperate precision.

There was barely anytime to communicate. They had to make quick and wise decisions, for a even a second of delay could cost them their life.

Elralya and Cleome focused on creating a barrier that deflected and blocked the attacks. When they were overwhelmed, Aldred, Salamander, and Shinari blocked and destroyed the weapons.

Shuzib was in the center of the formation, trying to keep with up with the rest of the team.

In all honesty, if he wasn't here, the team would move much faster. However, without him, they would have a hard time decrypting the ship.

A sudden surge of energy pulses threatened to ensnare them in a shimmering net of destruction.

The crew, however, displayed an astonishing blend of anticipation and reflex. Limbs contorted in rapid, almost instinctive motions, narrowly avoiding the pulsating waves that sought to entrap them.

The air crackled with the discharge of energy, creating an otherworldly ambiance that underscored the urgency of their predicament.

Even Shuzib was shocked by the acrobatic movement he just did. Never had he imagined that he was possible of movements like that. It was as if his limbs were fluid, able to move freely in every direction.

"So it's true. To achieve the peak of power, one need to go through great trial."

At the heart of the junction, the holographic Elders' symbol flickered with an otherworldly intensity.

The ethereal voice, now more urgent, resonated through the corridor, conveying a sense of ancient wisdom and impending danger. The crew, momentarily halted by the holographic display, exchanged quick glances.

"Shuzib, can you decipher what it said?" Aldred deflected a 3 meter-long steel bolt that flew towards him at twice the speed of a bullet.

"This will take me a while. Everyone be quiet for a moment!"

The team created a barrier around Shuzib as they blocked and deflected as many projectiles and energy beams as they could.

Cleome's lightning barrier were constantly punctured with holes before she quickly repaired it, however, each time she did, her energy plummeted.

She wanted to say to 'hurry the fuck up', but she gritted her teeth and swallowed what she was about to say.

After what seemed like forever, Shuzib finally said. "Okay, I got it. Everyone move forward and follow my direction!"

The crew propelled themselves forward once more.

The labyrinth, seemingly sentient, threw new challenges their way.

When they were going forward, the floor under their feet suddenly fell.

Aldred quickly grabbed Shuzib by the waist and kicked the air to reach to safety.

Salamander activated his jet pack and grabbed onto Elralya and Cellaeth.

Cleome used her lightning power to float away while Shinari teleported to Aldred's shadow and appeared beside him.

"It's going to be more dangerous from here," Shuzib warned.

Aldred sighed. "Can't we just destroy the whole ship instead?"

He then punched the wall of the ship with his whole strength, but only able to create a small dent.

Salamander caressed the wall. "The ship is created with materials I have never seen before. The metallurgy of the Elder's seems to be much more advanced than the human today. We won't be able to do what we did on a demon's Destroyer-Class ship."

At that time, Aldred manage to punched his way through countless thick wall to reach the engine of a Destroyer-Class ship. A feat like that was already incredible, but seem like it wasn't possible to do that in this ship.

Suddenly, a dozen 3-meter-long steel bolt flew towards them. This time, it was three times the speed of a bullet.

Aldred, already had enough of this, summoned his sword and cut the steel bolt into pieces.

"Point me the way, and I will lead you to it." Aldred charged forward, pushing his allies to do the same and blasted everything that came at them.

The crew, having successfully navigated the immediate threat, found themselves in a corridor bathed in an ominous half-light.

As they advanced, the labyrinth seemed to shift its tactics. The walls themselves pulsated with an unsettling energy, causing the crew to approach with caution.

A sudden rumble beneath their feet signaled the emergence of a new challenge – the corridor was transforming. Sections of the floor began to rise and fall like undulating waves, creating a treacherous terrain that required not only agility but also perfect timing.

"Fuck you!" Aldred stomped the floor with all of his power, shaking the entire section of the ship.

His stomp deactivated dozens of traps and weapons nearby.

A series of concealed panels along the corridor walls opened, revealing concealed turrets armed with pulsating energy projectiles.

They hummed to life, seemingly gathering energy for a second before releasing all of it in an instant.

The crew could already feel the heat before the energy was already released. When it did, all they saw was a blinding red light that filled the entire corridor.

Aldred snorted and pushed his blade forward. The light that went towards them were suddenly pulled into the blade, sucking them like spaghetti.

The blade glowed bright red like a star, and Aldred's finger were charred.

Everyone was once again shocked by Aldred's incredible power.

"Is there a limit to this guy's power?" Cleome watched with awe.

The holographic Elders' symbol pulsed with a renewed intensity.

The ethereal voice, now more urgent than ever, guided them through the shifting labyrinth, its cryptic instructions intertwining with the cadence of the crew's dance.

The corridor itself seemed to respond to the Elders' guidance, offering fleeting moments of stability amidst the ever-changing landscape.

"Is the voice actually helping us?" Aldred asked.

Shuzib nodded. "Yes. It seems to be so."

As the crew approached another junction, the labyrinth presented them with a final challenge. The walls closed in, threatening to crush them in a suffocating embrace.

"Take the left!" Shuzib shouted.

Everyone began to sprint towards the appointed directions as the wall around them tightened the space.

The corridor became tighter and tighter.

"We won't make it this way!"

Aldred stabbed the floor with his blade, momentarily stopping the wall before he suddenly grabbed Shuzib by his collar and threw him towards the left entrance.

"Everyone go as fast as you can while I am holding this wall!"

The wall moved on again, pushing the blade with it. Aldred spread his arms wide, holding the wall with his incredible physical strength.

Aldred's muscles strained against the unrelenting pressure of the enclosing walls. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his breaths heavy and labored. Every sinew of his being screamed with effort as he held the colossal force at bay. The veins on his arms bulged, pulsating like tributaries of raw power, and his jaw clenched in stoic determination.

The wall, seemingly indifferent to his resistance, continued its inexorable advance. The metallic surface groaned under the immense force, protesting against the defiance of one man. The corridor echoed with the sounds of grinding metal.

Aldred's eyes, usually fierce and determined, now betrayed the intensity of his struggle. The whites were tinged with red, and a glint of pain flickered in their depths. The strain etched lines on his face, revealing the toll of this Herculean effort.

He roared in defiance, not letting mere steel to defeat him.

As the wall closed in further, the floor beneath Aldred's feet creaked and groaned. He could feel the vibrations resonating through his entire body. A lesser man would have crumbled under the relentless force, but Aldred held firm, his stance unwavering.

Meanwhile, the crew sprinted through the narrow passage, their breaths echoing the urgency of their escape. Elralya, clutching the crystalline shard, exchanged a worried glance with Salamander. Shinari's teleportation left an afterimage of fleeting shadows, marking her rapid movements.

As the crew reached the other end of the corridor, they immediately turned around to look at Aldred.

"How is he going to make it?" Shinari was prepared to teleport back and save Aldred.

However, they were in for a shock.

Aldred made his move immediately. With a mighty roar, he dislodged his blade from the floor and propelled himself forward. The wall that was more than 100 meter from his location, now mere inches away. It all happened faster than the blink of an eye.

In a feat of sheer athleticism, Aldred soared through the air with an agile grace that belied his earlier struggle. Muscles rippled beneath his skin as he covered the distance with breathtaking speed.

The crew, witnessing Aldred's leap of faith, held their breaths.

The wall, relentless in its pursuit, closed in, as if trying to trap Aldred within it. However, in the nick of time, he manage to reach the entrance, before the wall instantly slamming shut behind him.

A collective exhale echoed through the crew.

Salamander helped him stood up. "Are you okay?"

Aldred nodded. "We need to keep moving. Shuzib, where do we need to go?"

Shuzib was impressed by Aldred's mission-oriented attitude. Only true warrior had such personality.

"There is nowhere else to go. This is it." Shuzib pushed open the door and revealed some kind of lab.

A pulsating glow emanating from the intricate alien machinery that adorned the walls. The crew stepped cautiously into the room.

Strange wires snaked across the floor, connecting to pulsating terminals that seemed to be a vital part of the ship's mysterious functions. Tubes filled with glowing liquid hung from the ceiling, making the room eerie.

"What is this place?" Aldred looked around and stumbled onto a lever.

The lever caused the tubes to glow and the whole lab seem to become alive.

At the center of the room, a colossal holographic projection of an Elder appeared.

"Fuck!" Aldred brandished his sword, ready for another battle.

The figure loomed over them with an imposing presence, its expression blank yet somehow conveying a profound awareness.

"Congratulations for coming this far, travelers."