
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 649: eye of clairvoyance

The holographic Elder's voice resonated through the chamber as it unveiled the mysterious lore of the Veil of Shadows. The ethereal boundary, existing since the cosmic dawn, stood as a metaphysical bridge linking the material realm to the arcane expanses of the Immaterium. An intricate tapestry of cosmic events and psychic energies, the Veil's origins intertwined with the awakening of the first sentient minds, evolving over eons into a nexus where reality and the ethereal became inseparable.

As the Elder spoke, holographic projections illustrated the history woven into the Veil's fabric—a narrative echoing the dreams and nightmares of civilizations that rose and fell across time. It became clear that the Veil of Shadows, existing at the crossroads of order and chaos, mirrored the eternal dance between knowledge and madness. The crew absorbed the weight of their impending journey, realizing that the Veil held secrets guarded by the wise and the reckless alike.

Legends whispered of ancient seers who, through profound meditation and mastery over their minds, discovered the Veil's elusive location.

Aldred sighed. "Why are things getting so complicated. Our primary goal is to reach Lord Malgorth, but in order to do that, we need to reach Ascendria so we can get the power to defeat him, but to get to Ascendria, we need to get to the Veil of Shadows."

"I don't usually do things in such a complicated way. Normally, I just charge towards my enemies and defeat them."

"Lord Malgorth? You are looking for him?" the Elder asked.

"Yes, he is our primary goal. The very reason why we start this journey in the first place."


"Well, I have a personal reason, but we need his Space Weaver for something."

The Elder went silent for a second before it revealed: "Lord Malgorth. I can't believe I am hearing that name."

"You know him?" Aldred wondered if Malgorth had any link to Ascendria.

"Lord Malgorth was the one who ripped me away from my post. He come to Ascendria, seeking knowledge. But his intentions were not aligned with Ascendria, so I stopped him. I manage to banish him, but at the last second, he used his Space Weaver to bring me with him."

Aldred listened intently to the holographic Elder's revelation, a mix of surprise and realization etched across his face. The pieces of the cosmic puzzle were falling into place, and Lord Malgorth's connection to Ascendria seemed more intricate than Aldred had initially thought.

"So, Malgorth has a history with Ascendria," Aldred mused, exchanging glances with his crew. "And now, we're tangled up in the mess he left behind."

"That also means that Malgorth is much more powerful than we thought he was," Salamander commented. "Among all the Demon Lords, he might be the strongest of them all."

"I don't know," Aldred said. "Every time someone said that they are the strongest, there is always a bigger and stronger worm that come out."

Aldred, growing more curious, asked, "Why did he want the knowledge? What is he after?"

The Elder's holographic form flickered with an air of reluctance. "His intentions were shrouded in darkness. He sought not the wisdom to mend, but the power to dominate. Ascendria does not yield its secrets to those with corrupt ambitions."

As the crew absorbed this revelation, the Elder extended its incorporeal hand, revealing a magical yet mechanical eyeball. "Take this," it intoned. "This enchanted device is attuned to the Veil of Shadows. It will guide you to the crossroads where reality bends, and the journey to Ascendria begins."

Aldred accepted the mystical orb, examining it with a mix of skepticism and fascination. "How does it work?"

The Elder explained, "Trust its instincts. It resonates with the energies of the Veil. Follow its guidance, and it shall lead you to the threshold of the Immaterium. But be warned, the path is fraught with challenges born from the depths of your own minds."

"Can you explain in more details about that?"

The holographic Elder, sensing the crew's thirst for understanding, delved into a more intricate explanation of the Veil of Shadows. It described the Veil as a metaphysical membrane that responds to the collective consciousness of sentient beings. The crew listened attentively as the Elder unraveled the intricacies of the ethereal boundary, detailing how it echoed the dreams, fears, and desires of all life across the cosmos.

Aldred, ever the skeptic, questioned, "So, this Veil thing is like a mirror reflecting our thoughts?"

The Elder nodded. "Indeed. It acts as a mirror and a gateway, shaped by the minds that seek to traverse it. The Veil's malleability is both its strength and its danger."

Shuzib, the scientist of the group, chimed in with a more technical inquiry. "Is there a scientific explanation for its existence, or is it purely mystical?"

The holographic Elder smiled knowingly. "In your realm, it might be deemed mystical, but the Veil of Shadows is an intersection of psychic energies and quantum entanglements. It transcends the boundaries of mere science and delves into the realms of the metaphysical."

"Science will only limits your thought," the elder said. "I believe humanity has passed way beyond science by now."

Aldred smiled bitterly. After meeting his new mom and dad who were literal godly beings that could destroy galaxies, sciences were immediately thrown out of his mind. Anything was possible.

If someone said something crazy to him right now, he would believe it.

Elralya wanted to ask questions as well. "My elder, doesn't tell me much about the Veil of Shadows. But I heard of them speak of it in hushed tones. I have asked them about it, but they never told me."

"The Veil of Shadows was a force both revered and feared by the Elves," the Elder narrated. "Its influence shaped the destiny of our realms. The Veil was a source of immense power, but it could also be a harbinger of doom."

Aldred and his crew, surrounded by the ethereal projections, listened intently as the holographic Elder unfolded the story of the Elves' struggle against the unpredictable currents of the Veil. The decline of the Elven empire, once a bastion of magic and wisdom, was intricately linked to their battles with the forces that lurked beyond the Veil.

"The Pantheons, in their eternal wisdom, fought valiantly to harness the energies of the Veil," the Elder continued. "They sought to channel its power for the betterment of their people. However, the Veil is a fickle force, and its energies often slipped beyond their control."

The Elven races were led by Pantheons which consisted of powerful god-like entities. These entities absorbed the power of the Veil and use it to dominate countless stars.

The Elder's holographic form became more vivid as it described the epic conflicts between the Pantheons and the forces unleashed by the Veil of Shadows. Elven realms were torn apart, and the very fabric of their reality distorted.

Aldred, absorbing the weight of the narrative, asked, "Did the Pantheons succeed in their battles against the Veil?"

The Elder's holographic gaze grew solemn. "The struggle was endless. While the Pantheons managed to repel the malevolent forces temporarily, the Veil's influence persisted. It was both an adversary and a source of unparalleled potential."

Shinari, intrigued by the story, inquired, "And what happened to the Pantheons in the end?"

"Their fate remains a mystery," the Elder responded. "The Veil of Shadows is a force that defies simple understanding. It has the power to shape destinies and rewrite realities. The Pantheons' ultimate fate is entwined with the very nature of the Veil itself."

"I see," Elralya said. "The Elders probably do not want to tell me about this, because I might explore more about the Veil and endanger myself."

Cellaeth looked worried. Elralya was the Elven's greatest treasure. Maybe going to the Veil wasn't a good idea.

Elralya noticed her worry and smiled. "I will be. We will be fine. Our ancestors will guide us."

"Does the Veil interact with every sentient being? If that is so, does the Imperium has any history with it?" Aldred asked.

The Elder, sensing Aldred's curiosity, continued its narrative, delving into the history of the Emperor of the Imperium—the colossal empire that spanned the galaxy. The holographic projections shifted, revealing images of mighty armies, colossal warships, and the indomitable will of the Emperor.

"Mankind. Once scattered, loss, and divided are now united under the Banner of the Imperium, a bastion of humanity's strength and tenacity," the Elder began. "It stood as a beacon of order in the vast expanse of the cosmos. But even the mightiest empires are not immune to the subtle whispers of the Veil of Shadows."

As the holographic images unfolded, the Elder recounted how the Imperium encountered the enigmatic forces of the Veil. The Emperor, a figure of immense power and foresight, recognized the potential dangers that lurked within the Veil's depths. The Imperium waged a war not only against external threats but also against the insidious influence of the Veil on the minds of its people.

"The Veil has a way of exploiting the deepest fears and desires of sentient beings," the Elder explained. "The Emperor, in his wisdom, sought to shield the minds of his subjects from the seductive whispers of the Veil. Supers, individuals with psychic abilities, became both a valuable asset and a potential threat. The Imperium's war against the Veil was fought not only on the physical plane but also within the very minds of its citizens."

"Supers?" Cleome frowned. "I am a super, but I never heard of these whispers?"

"None of you have ever heard of strange whispers from time to time?" the Elder asked.

They all shook their head.

"What a great coincidence. No. Perhaps it was fate that all of you gathered here. Supers who never heard of any whispers in their life time are immune to the influence of the Veil. This is a great advantage, because you won't be at the mercy of the Veil when you entered it."

"But my colleagues never mention anything about strange whispers or veil before."

"It is normal. The existence of the Veil are often kept secret in order to reduce its influence. Knowing its existence and believing its power is dangerous. Only individuals with powerful souls and minds could withstand it."

"So that's why we never heard of it."

Salamander, known for his impatience, asked, "Enough with the explanations. How do we use this magical eyeball to get through the Veil and reach Ascendria?"

The Elder shifted its focus to the enchanted device Aldred held. "The orb you possess is an Eye of Clairvoyance, crafted from the essence of the Veil itself. It resonates with the subtle energies of the crossroads. Trust its guidance, for it can unveil hidden paths and shield you from the psychological turbulence you might encounter."

Aldred, glancing at the orb, asked, "What about the challenges you mentioned?"

The Elder's expression grew somber. "The Veil manifests challenges born from your own minds—illusions, fears, and reflections of unresolved conflicts. To traverse the Veil successfully, you must confront these manifestations with courage and clarity."

The team looked at each other. "We will."