
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 639: oiled machine

The battlefield erupted in chaos as Aegis Crusaders, armed with advanced technology, clashed with xenos and demons.

Explosions, screams, and energy weapon blasts filled the air, accompanied by the sickening smell of burning flesh and sulfur.

As the xenos charged, one of them roared and then its head exploded the next second.

The demon next to it got its whole left shoulder ripped off by the bolter gun.

The demon glared at the approaching super soldiers with extreme hatred, but another bolt shattered its skull.

The super soldiers advanced relentlessly. They were like an unstoppable tsunami. Every obstacles were destroyed with overwhelming force.

"Incredible! Just incredible!"

"What are they? Are they humans?"

"They are much bigger than humans! I've seen them in some videos before, I couldn't believe they are real!"

However, the enemies were not backing down. Zaraak, the xenos queen, and Azazel, the demon general, regrouped their forces, launching a counteroffensive with renewed ferocity. The battlefield once again became a battleground of raw power and strategic brilliance.

In some instances, the super soldiers showed some sign of struggling that only Aldred could notice, but they quickly solved their problem in such a short notice.

"Their communication is immaculate," Aldred commented.

Aldred was very impressed. Back on his planet, the warriors focused on individual strength and agree that every win or losses were decided by each individuals.

The super soldiers were very different. Each unit move as a team, working like a perfect killing machine.

With a glance, everyone could tell that the super soldiers were winning.

"Let's join them," Aldred said.

"What? Why? The super soldiers will take care of them."

'Because I want to get the attention for the higher ups and earn some rewards,' Aldred thought to himself, but he wouldn't say that.

"This is a chance to fight side by side with the super soldiers! You're telling me you are willing to let this chance slip away?"

Salamander's eyes widened. "You're right! I am such an idiot! This is my opportunity to fight alongside my heroes!"

He turned around. "Everyone! We are warriors and soldiers. Let's show our allies that we aren't babies crying and begging to be saved!"

The people roared in excitement because they saw the super soldiers were winning, they wanted to join the battle too.

Soon after, Aldred and his allies charged out of the stronghold.

The super soldiers immediately noticed their presence, and rounds of communication were issued regarding them.

"Sir, they are locals of this planet. It seems like they're planning to help us fight the xenos and the demons."

The commander, standing firm inside his battleship, overlooking numerous battlefield at once, frowned. "Annoying pest! Try to keep your distance away from them. Don't let them ruin your coordination."

"Yes, sir!"

The call ended. The commander stared at the numerous screen presented to him without blinking. Hundreds of workers working in the background.

The locals presented unpredictable elements.

Even though their intention were trying to help, the locals were not included in their battle formation and philosophy. They wouldn't know when to retreat, when to attack, and how to handle certain situations.

The super soldiers were trained as a team. They were like a group dancers that had repeated every single movement more than a million times over.

If a person who never trained before joined the group, the whole chemistry and aesthetic would vanish immediately.

That was why super soldiers were mostly deployed on worlds where the local forces couldn't fight back anymore and huddled under some rubbles somewhere.

The commander blinked. "That got me thinking. How did they hold on for this long against a bio-titan while swarmed with demons and xenos?"

Suddenly, a massive jet of flame burst out from a particular direction and swept xenos and demons alike. Incinerating them like a rocket thrusters.

After the fire disappeared, a crimson lines appeared all over the place, and thousands of demons and xenos were minced to pieces.

Amidst the roar, screams, and explosion, there was a particular battle-cry, much louder and stronger than the other.

The commander set his eyes on a particular man with a strange, dark, crimson sword.

"A super?"

The man slashed left and right with each swing, cutting dozens of opponents at once.

Suddenly, Aldred did something else.

Aldred charged into the fray, his weapon in hand, a shape-shifting masterpiece crafted from a rare, dark crimson metal. The sword glowed with an otherworldly aura, and as he swung it, the blade morphed and shifted, adapting to the needs of the battle. It transformed from a broadsword to a whip-like weapon, lashing out and cutting through xenos and demons with fluid precision. The super soldiers nearby glanced at him in surprise, their advanced visors analyzing his unique weapon.

However, they couldn't find any information about his weapon at all.

With every strike, Aldred showcased his exceptional combat skills. He moved with a grace that belied his muscular build, his movements precise and calculated. He parried xenomorph claws and demon blades effortlessly, countering with swift strikes that left his enemies disoriented.

Aldred's presence actually some of the burden from the super soldiers, and he worked with precision not to disturb their teamwork.

The xenos and demons found themselves facing a formidable adversary in Aldred.

His combat style was unpredictable, his sword shifting forms rapidly, catching his opponents off guard. He was a whirlwind of destruction, his crimson sword leaving trails of light in the air as he moved.

At one moment, his sword elongated into a spear, impaling multiple xenos in a single thrust.

In the next, it transformed into a pair of serrated blades, slicing through demons with ruthless efficiency.

The super soldiers watched, impressed as Aldred seamlessly adapted his weapon to the ever-changing battlefield, his movements synchronized with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

Aldred's presence bolstered the morale of the local defenders. Inspired by his bravery and skill, they fought with renewed vigor, pushing back against the xenos and demons. His every move was a spectacle of martial prowess, a dance of death that left a trail of fallen enemies in his wake.

Meanwhile, the commander of the Aegis Crusaders observed Aldred's performance with keen interest.

The way Aldred wielded his shape-shifting sword intrigued him.

He realized that this was no ordinary weapon but a relic of incredible power and versatility.

The commander's tactical mind whirred into action as he considered the possibilities of incorporating such a weapon into their arsenal.

"Hmm, a weapon like that can provide unpredictability and element of surprise that can catch the enemy off-guard. However, implementing it on a large scale require further training and education." The commander considered. "Still, the benefit outweigh the cost."

"Prepare an analysis of that weapon," he ordered one of his subordinates. "I want to know its capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. If it proves to be as effective as it looks, we might consider adapting our technology to create something similar," the commander ordered.

Back on the battlefield, Aldred continued to fight valiantly. With each swing of his shape-shifting sword, he carved a path through the xenos and demons, creating an opening for the defenders and the super soldiers to exploit. His movements were a blur of crimson light and steel.

As the battle raged on, Aldred's connection with his weapon deepened. He felt an ancient power coursing through the blade, guiding his strikes and enhancing his reflexes.

It was as if the sword had a mind of its own, aiding him in his fight against the overwhelming odds.

With a fierce battle cry, Aldred lunged forward, his sword shifting into a massive, double-edged axe.

He cleaved through a horde of xenos and demons, the impact sending shockwaves through the battlefield. The ground trembled beneath his feet as he pressed onward, his crimson sword leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

"This should be enough to get their attention," Aldred said. "However, I should do more just in case."

The battlefield echoed with the clash of steel, the roar of energy weapons, and the battle cries of allies and enemies alike.

And in the heart of the chaos, Aldred stood tall, his crimson sword blazing with an otherworldly light, a symbol of defiance against the forces that sought to consume them all.

Amidst the chaos, Azazel, the demon general, recognized Aldred as a significant threat. With a roar, he charged towards Aldred, his massive frame cutting through the battlefield. Zaraak, the xenos queen, followed suit, her agile form gliding gracefully as she leaped and dodged incoming attacks.

"Hoo, the big bosses are finally coming to me." Aldred smiled.

Aldred met their challenge head-on. His shape-shifting sword transformed into a shield, deflecting Azazel's mighty blows, while he countered Zaraak's strikes with swift, calculated parries. The clash between the three titans sent shockwaves across the battlefield, creating a momentary lull in the chaos.

Sensing the opportunity, the Aegis Crusaders regrouped and focused their firepower on the xenos queen and demon general. Energy blasts and precision strikes rained down upon Azazel and Zaraak, forcing them on the defensive.

Aldred, seizing the advantage, launched a relentless assault. His shape-shifting sword morphed into a pair of razor-sharp blades, and he struck with blinding speed, targeting Azazel's vulnerable joints and Zaraak's sensitive sensory organs. The demon general howled in pain as his movements slowed, while the xenos queen screeched in agony, temporarily blinded by Aldred's precise strikes.

"These super soldiers are very reliable," Aldred said. "I wonder if I can create them when I return to my planet."

Seeing their leaders in distress, the remaining xenos and demons faltered.

"The enemies are losing! Kill every last one of them!"

The defenders, fueled by the newfound coordination between Aldred and the Aegis Crusaders, pressed the attack. Barricades were reinforced, choke points exploited, and traps set, further disorienting the enemy forces.

The Aegis Crusaders capitalized on the chaos. They unleashed a barrage of devastating energy blasts, annihilating xenos and demons alike. Azazel and Zaraak, overwhelmed by the combined assault, fell back, their forces in disarray.

Overwhelmed by the attacks, Azazel and Zaraak escaped from the battlefield.

The super soldiers didn't bother to chase, instead, they reap the xenos and demons that remain on the battlefield.

The result of the battle was certain.