
"We can do this. We can win,"

Amelia's words cut through the tension in the air, rallying the defenders in the midst of battle. Her unwavering trust in Aldred transformed the stronghold's atmosphere, dispelling fear and replacing it with newfound courage, uniting them in their fight against the darkness.

Amidst the chaos, Aldred's strategic mind went into overdrive. He shouted orders, directing his comrades with precision.

Salamander's flames engulfed groups of demons, creating a barrier of searing heat that kept the horde at bay. Cleome's lightning danced across the battlefield, striking down demons with lethal accuracy.

Shinari's shadowy tendrils snaked through the air, ensnaring demons and pulling them into the darkness.

Cellaeth conjured gusts of wind, creating a protective shield that deflected demonic projectiles.

The defenders adapted swiftly, their tactics evolving with the battle. They lured the demons into traps, using the terrain to their advantage. Barricades and makeshift barriers were reinforced, creating choke points that funneled the demonic horde, allowing the defenders to engage them more effectively.

Everything was going very well, until…

Amidst the xenomorph ranks, Zaraak, a highly intelligent Xenomorph Queen, emerged.

Her obsidian exoskeleton gleamed under the eerie demonic glow.

Unlike her kin, she possessed human-like intellect, evident in her calculating eyes and regal demeanor.

Zaraak's leadership transformed their tactics, orchestrating precise strikes and ambushes that overwhelmed the demons.

However, she wasn't the only one.

Distance away, leading the demonic forces, stood Azazel, a massive demon whose sheer strength and brutality struck terror into the hearts of even the most battle-hardened warriors.

Azazel's skin was ashen and adorned with ritualistic scars, and his eyes glowed with an unholy fervor.

His every movement exuded power and menace, inspiring fear in the hearts of both xenomorph and human alike. Azazel's presence on the battlefield brought a surge of ferocity to the demonic horde, as they redoubled their efforts, fueled by his commanding presence.

Under the strategic guidance of Zaraak, the dynamics of the battlefield shifted dramatically.

The xenomorphs, once driven solely by instinct, now moved with calculated intent. They strategically targeted vulnerable points in the demon ranks, exploiting weaknesses with lethal precision. Zaraak's tactical brilliance allowed the xenomorphs to anticipate demon movements, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Meanwhile, Azazel led the demon horde with an iron fist, crushing opposition with raw power and overwhelming force.

His demonic minions rallied under his command, their attacks becoming more coordinated and devastating. The ground quaked with every step of the demonic army, leaving deep scars in the earth as they advanced relentlessly, pushing the defenders back.

Aldred, Salamander, and the rest of the defenders found themselves facing an even more daunting challenge. The arrival of Zaraak and Azazel intensified the onslaught, testing their strength and resilience to the limit. The defenders fought valiantly, their weapons clashing against the xenomorphs and demons with unwavering determination.

Suddenly, an ethereal alien figure appeared floating near Aldred. Aldred couldn't figure its gender, but its face looked like a female with the muscular body of a bulky man.

However, he knew exactly who it was.

"Nylara," Aldred called.

"You! Who are you! You are not the chosen one!"

"I am not. I am a human, send to this world exactly to eradicate the xenos."

"You tricked us! How dare you!"


Aldred couldn't believe the irony. The xenomorph tricked the entire population of this world and now she got mad when Aldred lied to her….

Suddenly, her ethereal figure glowed with strange light. Both of her eyes were shining.

"You shall incur the fury of our hive! Our vast swarms of kin shall pursue you relentlessly! They will track your scent and feast upon your flesh. There shall be nothing left of your form, all consumed, save for your skull, which we shall display in every skirmish, a grisly reminder that deceit is futile against the xenos!"

Nylara's figure vanished.

Aldred scoffed. "This is not the first time I got threatened."

The battlefield became a nightmarish tableau of violence, with demons, xenomorphs, and humans locked in a deadly struggle for survival. The air was thick with the acrid scent of battle, and the ground was littered with the fallen from all sides.

Aldred had a complicated expression on his face. The scene was too brutal and gruesome, even for him, who was once called the Merchant of Death, Undying Master, Soul Reaper, Vicious Killer, and many more nicknames were put on his name because of his numerous feats.

The scale of this battle, the countless corpses that littered the battlefield was even beyond his imagination.

"Is this what happen to thousands of human planet?" Aldred asked to himself.

"Every day," Salamander replied as he climbed atop the hill of corpses and overlooked another battle in the distance.

"You might think we might deserve a break, sympathy, or pity, but truly, there are thousands more world fighting just like this if not worse. Every day, one world destroyed, one world taken over."

"Is that true?"

"That's the statistic, but sometimes human got two world, so our dominion is slowly increasing."

"The bigger your Empire, the bigger and numerous your enemy," Aldred commented.

Nodding, Salamander replied: "I can't deny the fact that the Imperium has many enemies. Everyone is trying to destroy us. We humans are weak when we're broken and shattered. The Emperor manage to unite us under one banner, and together we fight to defend every single world."

Aldred looked at the man. Salamander was a man full of conviction and patriotic spirit to the Imperium. Aldred could not understand that feeling, because he never felt like he should sacrifice himself for his country.

But, he would do everything for his loved ones.

That was when Aldred realized something. 'Maybe Salamander loved every human being in this galaxy, that's why he felt so passionate in protecting the Imperium.'

The Imperium represent every single human that live on this galaxy.

Aldred's newfound understanding of Salamander's perspective gave him a different insight into the grand scheme of things. He saw the Imperium not just as a massive empire, but as a collective of countless lives, each with its own story, struggles, and dreams. It was a realization that changed his outlook, making him feel a sense of responsibility not just to his loved ones but to every human being scattered across the galaxies.

'No! No! No!' Aldred shook his head. The resposbility of the entire human being was too heavy. He could not burden himself with it when he still struggled to protect his own live and his wives lives.

In the battlefield, Zaraak, the xenos queen, and Azazel, the demon general, finally met.

The clash between Zaraak, the xenos queen, and Azazel, the demon general, sent shockwaves through the battlefield.

"DIE!!!" Zaraak screeched.

Their meeting was a convergence of raw power and strategic brilliance, a battle that would determine the fate of the planet.

Zaraak's agile form moved gracefully, her obsidian exoskeleton reflecting the chaotic glow of the battlefield.

With each step, her powerful limbs propelled her forward, and her calculating eyes assessed Azazel, sizing up her opponent.

Unlike the mindless xenomorph drones, she possessed intelligence, adaptability, and a keen understanding of her enemy's weaknesses.

Azazel, on the other hand, exuded an aura of menace and power.

His massive frame loomed over Zaraak, his eyes burning with demonic fervor. He brandished a wicked, serrated blade, ready to strike down any who dared to challenge him. The air crackled with dark energy as he prepared to unleash his devastating might upon the xenos queen.

"This world is ours to conquer! You, flesh eating monsters should leave this world!"

The battle commenced with a thunderous clash as Zaraak lunged forward, her razor-sharp claws aimed at Azazel's chest. The demon general parried her attack with his blade, the impact sending shockwaves across the battlefield. They exchanged blows, each strike resonating with the force of a cataclysm.

Meanwhile, the defenders and the demonic horde continued their fierce battle on the sidelines. Aldred, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and Cellaeth fought alongside their comrades, desperately holding their ground against the relentless onslaught. The ground trembled beneath them as the battle between Zaraak and Azazel intensified.

However, the two suddenly stopped fighting.

"Why don't we make a deal," Zaraak offered. "We kill the human first, and then, we fight to decide who can have this world."

Azazel put down his guard and nodded. "I agree."

Aldred's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the unexpected alliance forming before him. The xenos and the demonic army, once bitter enemies, had set aside their differences in a bid to eliminate the human threat. It was a horrifying realization for Aldred and his allies, who now faced an even more formidable adversary.

With the two sides, joining hand, the people that protected the shelters were immediately overwhelmed. Even though they had set up formidable barriers, it was nothing compared to the mass swarm of aliens and demons.

The personnel that was assigned to search and rescue more people were told to return back to base immediately as they need more manpower to hold on.

Aldred and his allies entered the stronghold and defended it from the inside.

"This is too much for us!" Cleome shouted as she blasted off hundreds of aliens and demons with her lightning bolt.

"It will only a matter of time before they breach the stronghold!"

The mass swarm began to enter the first wall from the hole created by the bio-titan. And then they began to dig through the second wall.

"Fucking bastard! There's never any end to them!"


They broke through the second wall as the bio-titan fired another shot. With the demons and xenos joining hand, the bio-titan had no one to distract it from the stronghold.

"They are approaching the third wall… this is the last wall and only wall that we have now," Salamander said.

As Aldred grappled with the weight of responsibility, the battlefield trembled beneath the relentless assault of demons and xenomorphs.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the sky above the stronghold blazed with streaks of bright light. From the heavens descended a battalion of super soldiers, clad in gleaming power armor and armed with advanced weaponry that hummed with lethal energy.

Aldred looked up and saw a massive battleship named "Aegis Crusaders"

Without pause, the super soldiers charged immediately towards the opponent, firing their massive bolter gun that turned everything it struck into goo.

When these super soldiers got close to their enemy, they pulled out a sword as tall as they were and then sliced through the ranks of the enemy with ease.

The xenos and demons charged at them, but they were cut in half with a single swing.

The arrival of the Aegis Crusaders brought a renewed glimmer of hope to the beleaguered defenders. As the super soldiers descended from the heavens, they landed with precision and grace, forming a formidable line of defense around the breached walls of the stronghold.

Their power armor gleamed in the eerie light of the battlefield, equipped with advanced technology that surpassed anything the defenders had ever seen.

Energy shields flickered to life, creating shimmering barriers that deflected xenomorph acid and demonic projectiles.

Each soldier wielded high-energy plasma weapons, their shots searing through the air and striking their targets with deadly accuracy.

The Aegis Crusaders moved with unmatched speed and efficiency, their movements synchronized as they engaged the xenos and demons. Bolts of energy lanced out from their weapons, disintegrating waves of oncoming enemies. Xenomorphs screeched in agony as they were incinerated by the super soldiers' relentless onslaught, and demons howled in fury as their ranks were decimated.

The battleships in the sky participated in the battle as well.

It activated a high-energy plasma cannon towards the bio-titan, disintegrating half of its body in an instant.

The Bio-titan roared, before firing its spines towards the sky.

A golden ethereal shield flickered to life and deflected the spines away.

That was when six massive rotary cannons protruded out of the ship and then ripped the bio-titan to pieces.

Aldred, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and Cellaeth watched in awe as the Aegis Crusaders fought with incredible strength. The tide of battle began to shift once more, as the combined might of the defenders and the super soldiers pushed the xenos and demons back, reclaiming lost ground.

Salamander clenched his fist in excitement. "This is the super soldier! I finally see them fight with my own two eyes. Look at them! Look at how they advance through the swarm of enemies without pausing even for half a second. They are an unstoppable force! Look at how they coordinate! Look at that teamwork!"

The super soldiers displayed incredible teamwork, covering each other's backs and forming defensive formations that held the line against the relentless onslaught.

Their commander, a stern-faced leader with a commanding presence, barked orders and strategies over the comm channels, guiding his troops with precision.

The battlefield became a symphony of destruction, as energy blasts and explosions filled the air.

The Aegis Crusaders moved with calculated precision, striking down demons and xenomorphs with ruthless efficiency. The ground shook with the impact of their footsteps as they advanced, driving the enemy forces back with every step.

Aldred was speechless. Never before had he seen something like this. With his godly eyes, he noticed that these super soldiers weren't actually much stronger than him, but their numbers, their teamwork, logistics, coordination, and plus all of their equipments, tools, and weapons of war…

All of these elements add up and increase their firepower by many fold!

"No wonder Salamander admire them so much."