
With Azazel and Zaraak retreating, the battlefield gradually began to calm.

The roars of demons and xenos grew fainter as the remnants of their forces scattered, fleeing from the overwhelming might of the alliance between the super soldiers, Aldred, and the local defenders.

The once chaotic battleground was now littered with the fallen, a grim reminder of the fierce battle that had taken place.

Aldred lowered his weapon, its crimson glow fading as the ancient power within subsided. He looked around at the devastation, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The Aegis Crusaders approached him, their advanced visors scanning the area for any remaining threats.

"Your help is very much appreciated, warrior. The valor you showed in battle will forever be carved in history."

"It is I who should be thanking you guys. Without you, this planet will be done for."

The super soldier nodded and then he received a list of data. "You are not from here?"

Shaking his head, Aldred replied: "No. I am not actually from here. I come here because I receive information that there might be an Eclipse on this planet."

"You do understand what an Eclipse is?"

"I do." Aldred nodded.

"And yet, you willingly come to this planet. All alone?"

"Not alone. I bring some people with me."

Salamander, Shinari, Cleome, And Shuzib approached Aldred.

Elralya and Cellaeth were hiding in the back. Super soldiers might had the ability to detect that they were elves. If that were to happen, they would surely be killed.

"Only the five of you? Why not ask for help?"

"We did. But Lord Malgorth's forces blocked our reinforcement. Apparently, this isn't the only planet he invades in this star clusters."

"True. Our allies are currently fighting against Malgorth's forces as well. Fortunately, you buy us enough time to save this planet."

"I only protected one city."

The super soldier shook his head. "The majority of the xenos and demon forces congested in this city. In theory, the whole region should be conquered within hours."

Aldred could understand. The existence of the bio-titan was a major threat as it could breach any stronghold in a short time.

"You fought like a true hero. We couldn't have done it without you and the super soldiers."

Aldred nodded humbly, acknowledging the compliment. "It was a team effort. We all played our part in this victory."

As the battlefield settled, the alliance turned their attention to the wounded and the fallen. Medics rushed to provide aid to the injured, while others began the somber task of collecting the bodies of the fallen soldiers. Despite the victory, there was a heavy atmosphere of loss and mourning for the fallen comrades.

The sergeant approached Aldred, his expression thoughtful. "We owe you a debt of gratitude for your assistance. Your unique weapon and combat skills proved invaluable in this battle. We would be interested in learning more about your technology and techniques."

"You mean my sword?" Aldred raised his weapon.

"Yes, we would like to obtain its technology."

Aldred scoffed inside. By 'obtaining' they mean, take the sword away from him, but he knew they would ask about his weapon.

"It's not actually my sword."

"Then whose?"

"It's actually my ability. I am able to manipulate matters to a certain point and extent my power into them."

Aldred then summoned a clone.

The clone wield the same blade and then the clone stabbed upward, releasing a vortex of intense fire.

"As you can see, the clone is just a bunch of matters and atoms, but I am able to infuse them with my powers."

The sergeant was impressed. His readings told him that the clones actually had the same power level as Aldred.

One Aldred was powerful enough, now he could create clone with the same level?

There had to be extreme limitations to this technique.

Suddenly, the sergeant received a message from the higher ups. "Aldred, what do you think about joining the super soldiers?"

Salamander's eyes widened. He was shocked the sergeant invited Aldred to join them.

"Joining the super soldiers?"

The sergeant nodded.

"I don't know yet," Aldred said. "From what I can see, joining you will be a fully devoted commitment, and I am not sure I am ready for that."

"Aldred, why are you hesitating? This is the super soldiers we're talking about. This is one in a lifetime chance," Salamander said.

Aldred activated his intercom and whispered. "I am not from here, remember?"

Salamander just realized. Aldred wasn't from this galaxy, and he actually had the intention to return back to his world. If he join the super soldier, he wouldn't be able to go back.

"Let us know if you change your mind. The commander took an interest in you." The Sergeant pulled out a solid golden card with the symbol of the Aegis Crusader and handed it to Aldred. "Keep this with you."

"Thanks." Aldred received the card and put it in his pocket without much thought.

The sergeant took notice of his action. Usually, people would stare at the cards for a while.

"Let's take care of the aftermath."

With the battle over, the alliance focused on regrouping and fortifying their defenses. The Aegis Crusaders and the local defenders collaborated, sharing their expertise and technology to enhance the planet's security measures. Aldred, with his extensive combat experience, provided valuable insights into potential weaknesses and strategies that the enemies might exploit.

In the following days, the alliance worked tirelessly as they began repairing damaged structures, reinforcing fortifications, and establishing communication networks to ensure swift responses to any potential threats. The unity among the super soldiers, local defenders, and Aldred became a beacon of hope for the planet's inhabitants, inspiring them to stand strong in the face of adversity.

However, the Aegis Crusaders didn't stay for long. Super soldiers never stay at a particular place for long. They were always on the move, fighting against every threat almost at all time.

The entered their spaceship and quickly entered the warp.

They left as quick as they came.

Aldred and his companions were immediately surrounded by locals expressing their thanks.

Some offered valuable and meaningful gifts, others bowed in deep respect, their expressions filled with reverence for the strangers who had defended their home.

"Thank you, brave heroes! Because of you my family is still intact!"

"I saw my father died because of those demons! If not for you, the rest of my family will be killed as well."

"Thank you, hero."

"Thank you!"

"We love you!"

"Thank you so much!"

The people repeatedly said their thanks to him without end. They keep nodding and look at him with admiration.

The wounded were treated with care, and healers from various species worked together to mend injuries and tend to the fallen. Among the refugees, there were tears of relief and gratitude, for they had been spared from the fate that had befallen many others.

Salamander, Shinari, Cleome, and Shuzib, the local warriors who had joined Aldred, were hailed as heroes.

The people praised their bravery and determination, holding them in high esteem for standing alongside the super soldiers and Aldred during the battle.

Children approached them wide-eyed, asking for stories of the battle, their faces filled with awe as they listened to the tales of valor and triumph.

Cleome and Shinari loved to tell stories to these children, and they gladly tell them everything.

In the following days, Aldred and his allies became an integral part of the community. They helped with the reconstruction efforts, using their unique skills and technology to assist the locals in rebuilding their city.

He was very active even in the small stuff.

Shuzib noticed his strange behavior. "Why are you doing this?"

Aldred looked around, making sure no one else was there. "We haven't got paid yet."

"Ah…" Shuzib blinked a couple of times. This man really liked money.

"Anyway, where is your wife and children? Shouldn't you be finding them now?"

Shuzib's eyes widened. " That's right. My family. Right. My family, should be around here somewhere. The authorities are identifying the survivors. Once they are identified, the authorities will surely tell me."

"I see." Aldred did not understand how the government works on this planet, so he didn't ask further question.

Suddenly, a luxurious spacecraft, landed nearby.

Aldred and his companions watched in curiosity as a luxurious spacecraft touched down near the battleground. Its sleek exterior gleamed in the sunlight, adorned with intricate designs and symbols that spoke of wealth and opulence. As the spacecraft's door opened, a grand staircase slowly extended, descending gracefully to the ground below.

The crowd of grateful locals and the warriors fell silent, their eyes wide with astonishment as a figure descended the staircase. The newcomer was dressed in regal attire, adorned with jewels that sparkled in the sunlight. Their presence exuded an aura of authority and wealth, capturing the attention of everyone present.

Aldred smiled bitterly, because he know who it was.

Baron Octavius Drakon looked around in disgust. "What a mess."