
As the orc monster pet fell to the ground, defeated, the team caught their breaths, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt.

"What the hell is that thing?" Aldred pointed.

"Some monsters that those orcs created. They might look dump but those guys are quite good at bioengineering."

One orc crawled in sight. Its legs seemed to be broken, but when it caught sight of Aldred and the group, it became enraged and forced its body to stand before sprinting at them.

With a roar, it raised its war-axe and swung at Aldred. Easily, using two fingers, Aldred caught the axe before kicking the orc's arm.

The arm suddenly twisted in a weird way, broken with a single attack.

The orc was standing taller than 2 meter tall with huge muscular stature, compared to the orc, Aldred was like a small child. And yet, this small child managed to break his arm with a single kick.

Aldred tightly gripped the axe and spun it all around his body, swirling and rotating. "This weapon is not bad."

The orc, enraged again at the sight of Aldred stealing its weapon, charged forward.

With a slight grin on his face, Aldred swung downward.


He cut the orc in half.

The body fell, spilling green blood all over.

Aldred asked: "Where do we go now?"

"Our next target is vehicle garage. Orcs often deploy powerful vehicles and war machines in battle. If we can destroy the garage, it will prevent them from deploying armored vehicles, tanks, or aircrafts."

"Our goal is to destroy things as much as we can." Aldred nodded.

Salamander led them to their next destination.

On the way, a group of orcs came approaching. They wield a brutal-looking firearms constructed from scavenged metal scraps held together by welds and bolts. These weapons were oversized and bulky with a thick and stubby barrel.

The orcs immediately fired at them.

Aldred and Cleome was about to block incoming projectiles at them, but they were surprised to see that none of the projectiles manage to hit them.

All of the projectiles missed them. Even the massive dreadnought machine that Salamander use did not get hit.

"This is so dumb."

However, that changed when one slug of metal struck the dreadnought on the chest. The slug manage to push the dreadnought by a step, and put a dent on the armor.

"Don't let them get close! Those weapons lacks accuracy but they cover that with sheer firepower!"

Salamander activated his heavy plasma cannons, firing powerful, superheated plasma bolts towards the orcs.

The orcs were blasted to nothingness immediately.

Salamander laughed. "I like this thing."

More orcs obstructed their path but Salamander cleansed them from reality.

They soon arrived at the garage.

"This base is lacks manpower. Orcs usually group in a very large number, especially in a base like this one."

"Maybe because they want to keep it a secret?" Aldred pointed out.

"That's possible." Salamander glanced at the vehicles in the garage. "Let's destroy these things."

"Wait!" Aldred stopped him. "There is something there."

With wide stride, Aldred approached a rug and then threw it to the side, revealing a cage with two elves inside. "Elves?"

"Holy, I can't believe they captured some elves," Salamander said.

"Where? I want to see an elf."

Cleome and Shinari approached to look. They had never seen elves with their own eyes before.

'These elves look quite similar with the elves on my planet,' Aldred thought.

There were two female elves in this cage. One seemed to be a child, and the other one seem to be 20 years old. But elves' appearance barely depict their age. Aldred knew some young-looking elves but were actually hundreds of years old.

Suddenly, the little elf slowly opened its eyes and set gaze on Aldred.

Both of them had an eye-contact. Her eyes was of a sparkling beauty. Like glittering stars within a nebula. Aldred felt some sort of warmness inside, then suddenly, a warm energy circulated within his body.

Aldred was surprised. The energy felt like his power was returning back to him, and he could feel the presence of Phantom Doomblade. It was trembling in distress, wanting to get out but could not.

The ethereal moment was broken by loud sound. The other elf woke up and slammed on the cage, glaring at Aldred and hissing at him.

"You filthy mon-keigh! How dare you capture us!"

"You seem to misunderstand. We are not the ones that captured you," Aldred said.

"Puih! Bullshit!"

A spit landed on Aldred's face. He wiped it away with his clothes. "Relax, we will not harm you."

Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and even the 20-year-old looking elf was surprised to hear that.

"What did you just say?"

"Yeah, what did you just say, Aldred?" Salamander asked.

"Uhh, I said we will not harm them?"

The elf was shocked. "I cannot believe it."

"You cannot believe that we will not harm you?"

"No. I cannot believe you mon-keigh are so direct at lies! You lesser creature has stooped even lower than before. Puih!"

Aldred wiped the spit on his face again.

"Yeah, Aldred. Why did you say that?" Salamander asked. "These elves are our enemies. We should be killing them on sight."

"Humph! So you are able to spout truths after all."

"Why do we have to kill them?" Aldred asked. "They've done nothing to us. Why don't we help them instead?"

The room became silent once again. This time, the silent was much longer and deeper.

The little elf looked at Aldred in deep thought.

The teenage elf was in disbelief as well. "I can't believe the mon-keigh have become dumber over the decades. No, I shouldn't be surprised. It should be expected that your race's intellect degrade overtime."

"Can you not spout racist comments every time you open your mouth?"

"I will speak whatever I want."

Sighing, Aldred said: "Alright, can we at least agree not to kill each other? Instead, we will work together to destroy this facility and then leave."

"Not in the slightest chance! Even if you threatened to kill my entire bloodline, cursed, and tortured them one by one in front of my eyes. I would rather hear the screams of my ancestors rather than working with yo—"

"Cellaeth!" Elralya grabbed her shoulder. "I think we should work with them. This is our chance to escape."

Cellaeth looked at her for a second. Elralya's eyes showed certainty. "Fine."

Aldred was speechless. 'Didn't she just said that she'd rather hear her ancestors screams in pain rather than working with me?'

Shrugging, Aldred turned to Salamander. "Can you open the cage?"

"Are you sure about this? They might try to kill us the moment we let them out."

Aldred glanced at Elralya of which she stared back. Some sort of connection formed between them as if a mysterious strands of energy tied a knot to connect them.

"I am sure."

"I hope you don't regret this."

The dreadnought revealed its assault drill, a pair of powerful rotating drill designed to bore through enemy fortifications and armored vehicles at close quarters.

With that specification, of course they were easily able to rip through the cage.

Cleome and Shinari activated their abilities, ready to strike in case the elves dare to do something funny.

Cellaeth lowered her stance as well, ready for battle.

Only Aldred and Elralya were calm in this situation.

"Everyone, stay calm," Aldred said. "We're not going to harm each other, but work together."

"Why do we have to work with you?" Cellaeth said. "We are leaving this place and none of you will stop us!"

"That is fine as well," Aldred said. "You are free to go."

Cellaeth frowned. She was wary of Aldred's words. How could the humans let her go without paying a price?

"Let's help them," Elralya said. "They've helped us. It is only proper if we return the favor."

"We don't need your help. It's much safer if the two of you leave," Salamander said. "You are a security threat for us."

"Are you sure? Do you know that at the center of this base the orcs are creating a super-weapon that is an incredible threat for this stellar clusters?"

"Bullshit. There are no such reports."

"And there are no more reports about the location of key facilities after you destroy the armory and the communication center," Elralya replied. "The last key facilities' location provided to you is only this garage."

Salamander frowned and checked his data. It was true. There were no marks on other parts of the base, indicating that the reports lacks information.

"How did you know?"

"You are mercenaries right? Your employer will pay you more if you manage to destroy more facilities, and if they know you just destroy a super weapon, they will flood you with money, and your reputation will become better. More opportunities will come into your way."

Aldred frowned. How did this little elf knew so much. It was as if she was able to pry information out of their brain.

Elralya stepped forward, approaching Aldred. Cellaeth followed behind her, ready to protect her if needed.

Elralya raised her hand for a handshake. "Our goal align. I think we can work together from now on."

"From now on? Are you saying that we're going to be with them?" Cellaeth asked in disbelief.

"What is your goal?" Aldred asked.

"Lord Malgorth."