
"Lord Malgorth? Why would you look for him?"

Cellaeth did not know anything about this either. They were actually looking for a stone that would let them communicate with their ancestors' spirit.

"Before we arrive on this planet. We were looking for something. However, we were attacked by the demon forces. That demon forces took what we searched for, and now it is in the hand of Lord Malgorth."

Aldred thought for a moment. "So are you proposing that we work together from now on to reach Lord Malgorth?"

Elralya nodded. "The only way we can find Lord Malgorth is if we continuously attacking his demonic forces scattered around the galaxy. I cannot explore the human territory as freely, and you also cannot explore the elven territory as you'd like to be."

Aldred turned around to look at his friends. "What do you guys think?"

The three of them hesitated. They never faced a situation where they had to consider working together with an elf before. The fact was, they never met an elf in their life. Their territories were rarely passed by or attacked by elves.

"Our goal are the same. Killing demons," Cleome said. "I think I can consider working together with that in mind."

Shinari nodded. "Since we have the same goal, this shouldn't be a problem."

Everyone else seem to agree, however, Salamander spoke with a frown. "The question is, how did you know that we are looking for Lord Malgorth? We never speak about it to you."

Aldred just realized as well. How did she knew?

"I am psychic farseer. It is within my power to predict the future within some capacity. I am sure you know about this. Some humans have this capabilities as well."

Salamander grunted, but he did not say anything again. It was true that there were human seer that was capable of prying information from the universe itself. However, this power was extremely limited. They need specific situations and conditions to predict the future or to obtain an information.

The information they obtain usually came at random, and the future they predict were not always accurate. Their presence were vital during battle in an unknown cosmic territory however. Without these seer, the soldiers might as well be fighting blind, so their positions were greatly revered.

Cellaeth noticed that the humans no longer had any doubt. What Elralya said was true that she was a seer, but she was actually more than that. Unlike most seer which had vague vision of the future and limited abilities to obtain information, Elralya almost had perfect accuracy in her vision and she could decide what information she could get.

The only problem was, every time she used this skill, unfortunate events might befall on them if they try to use this information.

However, that only happened if she willed it. If she did not intentionally used her power, she could randomly get visions of the future or some information that might be useful for her.

The Elven had decided that she was a Spirit Seer. It was said that the ancestors communicated through her in order to guide the elven race.

Her existence were extremely precious, however, the elves decided not to protect her so blatantly as every factions within this galaxy will come to take her life.

Elralya's power were still at the early stages, so the elven race needed her to grow stronger to be able to contribute to the race as a whole. For now, she was still a worm among giants.

"So everyone agree to work together?" Aldred asked.

He waited for a few seconds and no one issued any problem. Aldred reached out for Elralya's hand and shook it. "I guess we are partners from now on."

Elralya smiled and nodded.

"Enough chatting," Cellaeth suddenly said. "What is our next step?"

"First we have to destroy more facilities in order to get more bonuses," Aldred said.

"I will guide you," Elralya said. "200 meter from here there is a mek workshops where the orcs tinker with weapons. It is also the place where their engineers would be most of the time."

Aldred grabbed Elralya and then sprinted out of the vehicle garage. "Point the way for us."

Cellaeth was shocked and was about to attack until she saw that Aldred meant no harm. She followed soon after before the rest did the same.

"Go left," Elralya said.

They were sprinting in a massive metal corridor that had a lot of turns. It was like a metallic maze.

They sprinted for thirty minutes before Elralya told them to stop.

Aldred abruptly halted in his step. Everyone also stopped behind him.

Suddenly, a massive swinging axe came from the side and missed Aldred's nose by an inch.

"Holy shit!"

"There will be traps from now on, so I want all of you to be careful."

They all nodded after Elralya's warning.

They continued to advance. This time, they weren't sprinting, but jogged at a pace.

Aldred stepped on something then suddenly, then a section of the floor collapsed, revealing a pit lined with rusty spikes.


Cellaeth was about to leap ahead to save Elralya until he saw Aldred kicking the air and jumped back.

She was shocked when she saw that.

"That was close. Fiuh." Aldred wiped his imaginary sweat from his forehead.

"Elralya, can you point out any traps if you know about it?"

Elralya was speechless as well. "I will do that."

The elven spirits did not inform her of any traps. She suspected that the spirits were trying to pry information about Aldred, but they probably hadn't found anything yet.

Elralya took a deep breath and focused her psychic senses, trying to detect any hidden traps in their path. She closed her eyes momentarily, letting the energy of the surroundings flow through her.

"There's a pressure plate ahead," Elralya warned, her eyes glowing faintly. "Step around it, and watch your every move."

The group proceeded cautiously, following Elralya's guidance. The metallic corridor was now laden with more traps, a testament to the Orcs' crude yet effective methods of defense. As they moved forward, Elralya guided them, her eyes darting around, sensing the subtle shifts in energy that indicated the presence of traps.

Suddenly, a series of arrows shot out from the walls, narrowly missing Aldred and Cellaeth. Elralya's eyes widened in alarm.

"Duck!" she shouted, and the team dropped to the floor, narrowly avoiding another volley of arrows.

After what felt like an eternity of navigating the labyrinth of traps, they finally arrived at the entrance of the mek workshops. The door was heavily reinforced, indicating the importance of the facility.

"How do we get in without triggering more traps?" Shinari asked, his eyes scanning the door for any signs of mechanisms.

"I can sense the energy flow within the door," Elralya said, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Give me a moment."

Elralya closed her eyes and extended her hand towards the door. Her fingers twitched slightly as if tracing invisible patterns in the air. After a few moments, the door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit interior of the mek workshops.

Salamander raised an eyebrow. Individuals with psychic powers were always capable of doing things out of the box. Who would have thought that a small elven girl was able to unlock a massive steel door.

As they entered, they found themselves surrounded by a myriad of orcish gadgets, weapons, and mechanical contraptions. Orc engineers and mechanics hurriedly worked on their creations, oblivious to the intruders in their midst.

They were too focused on their work that they couldn't even notice a dreadnought was on their door. A freaking dreadnought. A hulking beast of a machine made of exotic steels standing over 4 meter tall!

"These guys have no survival instinct at all," Salamander said, activating his arsenal.

Salamander's mechanical armor hummed to life as he activated his weaponry. His arsenal included a variety of powerful tools, each designed to unleash devastation upon his enemies. With swift precision, he targeted the nearest group of orcs, unleashing a barrage of plasma bolts that tore through their ranks.

Aldred, Cellaeth, Cleome, and Shinari sprang into action as well. Aldred charged forward, his axe slicing through orcish armor as he cleaved a path through the workshop.

Cellaeth's fists flew with deadly accuracy, finding the weak points in the orc engineers' defenses.

Cleome conjured bolts of lightning, electrifying the air and incapacitating any orc who dared to approach her. Shinari merged with the shadows, becoming a deadly specter that struck from the darkness, leaving confusion and fear in his wake.

Elralya, although not a frontline fighter, utilized her psychic abilities to disorient the orcs. She created illusions, making them see terrifying visions of their worst fears, causing panic and chaos among their ranks.

Meanwhile, the dreadnought, piloted by Salamander, became an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Its massive, hulking form crushed anything in its path as it advanced through the workshop. Orcs scattered in fear as the dreadnought's heavy weaponry mowed them down.

As the last orc fell, the workshop fell silent, save for the crackling of flames and the hum of machinery. The alliance had triumphed once again, destroying the facility and eliminating the orcish threat.

"We did it," Aldred said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and triumph. "One more facility down. Lord Malgorth won't stand a chance against us."

Everyone looked at Aldred weirdly.

"You know Lord Malgorth is a demon lord and this is an orc base, right?"

Aldred shrugged. "The plan was too get you all excited and motivated."

"The 50,000 Galactic Credits should be enough motivation," Salamander said. "And if we want more, we should raze this entire base to the ground."