
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 612: infiltration

Soon after, the Galactic Rover hovered over a starless planet.

"It's glowing?" Shinari stated. "How can a planet glow on its own?"

"Based on the data we receive. The glow is emitted by its atmosphere which contain powerful exotic gas. If any normal humans would breathe it, their bodies would expand and explode from within," Salamander said.

"Enough explanation," Aldred said. "Let's get this done."

Aldred wore an ear piece before he entered the launch pod. A glass casing covered him after he pulled a lever.

He tapped the ear piece. "Is this working? Can you guys hear me?"

"We can hear you," Shinari replied.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Salamander asked.


"Good. Let's launch!"

Four pods launched out of the Galactic Rovers and made its way into the planet. As they entered the atmosphere, the pods quickly caught in blazing fire and they fell like meteorites.

The pods shook violently and Aldred held onto his seat.

The intense heat and pressure outside the pods made communication impossible. Aldred gripped the sides of his seat, his heart pounding in his chest. The pod rattled violently as it descended through the planet's atmosphere. He glanced at the small window and saw nothing but a fiery orange glow outside.

Seconds felt like hours as the pods plummeted toward the surface. With a sudden jolt, Aldred's pod crashed into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris. The impact was brutal, but the pod's advanced technology protected him from the worst of it.

Team members emerged, facing an alien landscape.

Salamander activated the sensors in his mechanical armor. "I detected mysterious energy source from underground. That's probably our target."

"How can we go underground?" Shinari asked.

Salamander's arms transformed into a pair of drills and he began drilling into the ground. However, his drills were only able to dig a meter into the planet before the rock was too hard for his drill.

Salamander looked at his blunted drill. "The planet's gravity and atmosphere made the rocks on this planet much harder than normal. It might take us a while."

Cleome was thinking how to solve their problems before she saw Aldred doing something weird. "Aldred, what are you doing?"

Aldred was closing his eyes and both of his legs spread apart. Taking in a deep breath, Aldred stomped the ground with his right leg, then suddenly, the whole area shook like an earthquake.

He then moved his hands in the air in a weird pattern before stomping his left foot forward. The rocks under their feet cracked like spiderweb.

"How did he do that?" Cleome wondered.

Suddenly, Aldred abruptly raised both of his arms into the air, following that, the rocks below them were flying into the air before falling a distance away.

The group gathered around Aldred.

"What did you just do?" Shinari asked.

"I dig," Aldred replied. "Anyway, follow me. I will create a tunnel down."

Aldred jumped into the massive hole he just created and then swiping his hand lightly in the air, the dirt below him were lifted and created a man-sized hole.

"Come on, guys." Aldred entered the hole and more more dirt continued to fly in the air.

Salamander entered the hole. He noticed the dirt were not moving in a massive bulk, but streaming on the surface of the tunnel like a river. This allowed the group to move forward while the dirt was being thrown outside.

'How many abilities are you hiding, Aldred?' Salamander thought as he followed him from behind.

As they dug ever deeper, the pressure on their spacesuit increased. The group felt their whole body became much heavier and it took more effort for them to move.

The light from the surface was long gone, and the tightness of the tunnel felt suffocating.

Their journey paid off however when Aldred reached a metal wall.

Salamander was about to change position with Aldred to break through the wall until Aldred took care of it. With a move of his hands, the metal wall was bent outward from the center, creating a hole.

Everyone was speechless.

"Let's get in."

The group entered and they realized they were in some-kind of armory.

In the dim, eerie light of the Orcs' weapon armory, the team found themselves surrounded by an impressive array of advanced and menacing weaponry. The armory was vast, with rows upon rows of shelves, each filled with a variety of lethal instruments designed for destruction. The air was thick with the scent of oil, metal, and a hint of something more sinister.

The Orcs' armory in the Warhammer 40k universe was a sight to behold. Massive power armor suits, adorned with crude but effective modifications, stood tall like sentinels, their eyes glowing with a menacing red hue. These suits were fitted with heavy weaponry, from plasma cannons to missile launchers, capable of tearing through even the toughest of enemy defenses.

On the shelves, plasma rifles hummed with deadly energy, ready to unleash searing hot blasts upon any unfortunate foes. Chainaxes, their blades still stained with the blood of past battles, gleamed ominously in the dim light. Each weapon seemed to possess a malevolent aura, as if they were thirsting for bloodshed and violence.

Grenades of various sizes and shapes were neatly organized, each designed for specific purposes – fragmentation grenades, meltabombs, and krak grenades, each waiting for a skilled hand to throw them at the enemy. A rack of power swords, crackling with blue energy, hinted at the Orcs' mastery in close-quarters combat.

In the corner of the armory, a towering dreadnought, its mechanical limbs and massive weaponry a testament to the Orcs' engineering prowess, stood dormant but ready to be unleashed upon the enemies of the Orc race.

Salamander approached the dreadnought. Compared to his mechanical armor, the dreadnought of the orcs was a literal giant of hulking steels.

"I can't believe I will see a dreadnought with my own eyes." Salamander caressed the leg of the machine. "This machinery was one of the symbols of death and destructions. If you see one, that usually meant you are currently in an extreme battle. You will more likely die a few minutes after seeing one."

"Can you use it?" Aldred asked.


"Well, you seem to like it. Can you use it? It will help us in destroying the facilities here. This is the armory right? We can start by blowing stuff up here."

Salamander's eyes lit up. "I like that idea!"

Soon after, the whole armory exploded in a giant flame that spread to other sections of the secret base. Thousands of orcs were engulfed in the explosions, roaring before they were burnt to crisps.

Far from the explosions, the group were marching towards a communication center within the base.

"According to the map, the communication center should be close by. We should destroy that first to prevent the orcs from requesting assistance outside this planet."

With determination burning in their eyes, the team pressed forward through the orc base, their goal clear: locate and destroy the communication center before the orcs could summon reinforcements. The labyrinthine corridors of the underground base were filled with echoes of distant roars and the clanking of orcish weaponry.

As they advanced, they encountered fierce resistance from orc warriors, but the team's unique blend of abilities and their newfound orc dreadnought made short work of their enemies. Cleome and Shinari's elemental powers danced in the air, creating a whirlwind of lightning and shadows that incapacitated the orcs, while Salamander strategically utilized the dreadnought's devastating firepower to clear their path.

They seemed to work extra hard as if not letting Aldred had the chance to do anything. Aldred simply smiled and let them do as they please. When they get tired, he would act.

Finally, after overcoming waves of orc defenders and navigating the maze-like interior of the base, they reached the heavily guarded communication center. The door was reinforced with thick metal plating, a testament to the importance of the facility. Salamander, with his advanced armor, attempted to breach the door, but it proved to be a formidable barrier.

The sensors quickly scanned for a weak spot and he breached the door.

The team rushed inside, disabling the communication equipment swiftly and efficiently.

Salamander blasted all the communication devices.

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath their feet as the massive orc monster pet, larger and more terrifying than any they had faced before, emerged from the shadows. Its eyes glowed with savage hunger, and its claws scraped against the metal floor, sending sparks flying.

"We have one last challenge," Salamander said, his voice steady despite the looming threat.

The team regrouped, their determination unwavering. Cleome and Shinari unleashed a combined assault of lightning and shadows, momentarily disorienting the monster. Aldred, with newfound confidence, charged at the beast, his movements fluid and precise. With a powerful strike, he managed to sever one of its limbs, causing the monster to roar in pain.

Seizing the opportunity, Salamander directed the dreadnought's heavy weaponry at the monster. Plasma blasts and missiles rained down upon the creature, causing it to stagger and weaken further.

With coordinated teamwork and unyielding determination, the team continued their assault. Cleome and Shinari created a blinding storm of elemental energy, confusing the monster, while Aldred and Salamander targeted its remaining limbs. Together, they incapacitated the beast, rendering it helpless.