
Shinari sparred against Cleome. She easily dodged her lightning bolts, and even counter-attacked a bunch of times. She vanished into the shadow and appeared behind Cleome, about to execute a final attack, however, she suddenly got distracted and Cleome struck her.

Shinari's feet slid backward. She only suffered minor injuries as Cleome did not attacked her with full power.

"What's wrong? It's very unusual of you to lose focus," Cleome said.

"It's nothing."

"It's about Aldred, huh?"

Shinari looked down, showing a mixed feeling on her face. "Yeah."

"What are you so worried about?"

"I think he's going to get himself killed."

"Oh, he's plan about chasing Malgorth? Do you think Aldred will ever reach the demon lord? Not even the Royal Investigators manage to track him. My best bet is Aldred will be chasing endlessly, but along the way, he will kill aliens and demons, so I am fine with him leaving."

"I am not only worried about that."

Cleome looked at her. "You really cared for him, huh?"

"Without him, we would probably be dead by now. If he leaves the planet all by himself, his chance of survival might be very low."

"So what are you going to do, accompany him?" Cleome asked jokingly.

"That's actually a great idea. Yes! I should accompany him. I owe him my life after all. Thanks, Cleome."

"Uhh… I did not expect that answer."

"I am going after him now before he leaves." Shinari rushed out of the sparring room.

"Wait!" Cleome followed her.

"Pleasure having a business with you!" Zozha shook Aldred's hand with a big smile on his face. He rarely got customers and so he was ecstatic when Aldred really closed the deal with him.

"Now, let me escort you to your spacecraft."

The three of them went to some sort of hangars for spacecraft and there Aldred saw his first ever spacecraft.

The Galactic Rover was a medium-sized spacecraft with a streamlined, aerodynamic design. Its length measures 25 meters, providing a balanced combination of space efficiency and maneuverability.

Zozha handed him the key. "This is yours now. Enjoy."

Aldred received the key and turned to look at Salamander.

"Remember, Aldred," Salamander started. "Be careful out there. Although this is a good spacecraft, it's just a scout-class spacecraft. It is designed to fight against small threats at most. This thing is for commercial use after all and the cheapest product in the spacecraft category."

Aldred's eyelids jerked when he heard that. The spacecraft wasn't cheap at all. It cost him more than 70 thousand Galactic Credits. For comparison, the average income on this planet was 3 thousand Galactic Credits per month.

He would need to work for 2 years straight without spending a single penny to pay off the loan.

"I wish I could accompany you. I am actually interested in exploring the stars as well. There isn't much I can do here with the limited resources that we have, but alas, I have to take care Shinari and Cleome."


Suddenly, they heard a loud shout from a distance. It was Shinari shouting and waving at him with Cleome following her from behind.

Shinari immediately sprinted to Aldred. "I am coming with you."

"What?" Aldred and Salamander asked at the same time.

"I cannot have you go out of the planet all by yourself. At least, I can watch your back if I come along."

"Dang it! I was joking when I told her to go along," Cleome said. "Who would've thought she would take it seriously."

"You don't have to do this," Aldred replied. "This is my decision. I will face its consequences on my own."

Shinari shook her head. "You know it is also my dream to explore the stars. Consider you helping me as well. Bring me with you."

Cleome sighed. "Salamander, talk some sense into her will you?"

Salamander thought for a moment before he replied. "Actually, I would want to come as well."

"Huh?!" Cleome was in disbelief. "Are all of you go nuts? The three of us have been together for a while now, and now you're going to leave me?"

Salamander looked at her with a smile. "Why don't you join us?"

"Wait a minute. This is my spacecraft. Aren't you going to ask for the permission of its owner first?"

"Fuck it! Count me in!" Cleome said.

"Damn, all of you just decided on your own," Aldred said, helpless at the situation.

Without saying a word, Salamander, Shinari, and Cleome entered the spacecraft.

"Come on, Aldred. I will show you how to control this thing," Salamander said.

Aldred scratched his head. "How did it come to this?" He entered the spacecraft and the door closed automatically.

Salamander sat on the captain seat and urged Aldred to approach him. Meanwhile, Shinari and Cleome were making themselves comfortable on the available seats.

Salamander patiently explained the intricate controls of the Galactic Rover to Aldred, pointing out each button, lever, and display screen. Aldred's eyes widened as he took in the complexity of the spacecraft's dashboard.

"This lever here controls the propulsion systems," Salamander explained, his fingers tracing over the control panel. "And these buttons adjust the energy distribution between shields, engines, and weapons. It's crucial to find the right balance during flight."

Aldred nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I think I got it. And this red button?"

Salamander grinned. "Ah, that's the emergency warp drive activation. You'll want to avoid using that unless it's a life-or-death situation. It drains a massive amount of energy and can leave you stranded if not used wisely."

As Salamander continued his tutorial, Shinari and Cleome watched attentively. Cleome, always the quick learner, chimed in with her own insights occasionally. Shinari, on the other hand, seemed lost in thought, her gaze fixed on the vast expanse beyond the spacecraft's windows.

After a thorough briefing, Salamander guided Aldred through the process of activating the spacecraft. Aldred's hands trembled slightly as he pressed the necessary buttons and pulled the designated lever. The Galactic Rover hummed to life, its engines purring as it prepared for liftoff.

"Take a deep breath, Aldred," Salamander encouraged. "You're about to embark on a journey beyond the stars."

He said that, but Salamander was actually excited for this journey as well. He had knowledge about the spacecraft controls, but he had never actually fly in one.

Aldred followed Salamander's instructions, guiding the spacecraft away from the hangar. It slowly moved its wheels and began to speed up in the runway.

"Increased speed," Salamander said.

"Increase speed," Aldred repeated as he pushed the throttle.

"Now engage the thruster."

Aldred did as instructed and the spacecraft sped up.


Aldred pulled then the spacecraft hovered before getting higher and higher in altitude.

The planet's surface began to shrink below them as they ascended, the familiar landscapes turning into miniature versions of themselves.

"Engaging thrusters for atmospheric exit," Aldred announced, his voice steady despite his nerves.

The Galactic Rover rumbled as it pierced through the atmosphere, leaving behind the protective shield of Desolatia Primena. The darkness of space surrounded them, dotted with distant stars and celestial wonders. Shinari's eyes widened in awe as she beheld the vastness of the cosmos.

"Congratulations, Aldred," Salamander said, clapping him on the back. "You've officially left the planet. Now, let's set a course for a nearby Galactic Mercenary Group branches. We'll need to get your mercenary license and complete your identity registration."

Aldred nodded, his determination solidifying. He glanced at Shinari and Cleome, who were both wearing determined expressions.

"To new beginnings," Aldred said, his voice firm.

"To new beginnings," echoed Shinari and Cleome in unison.

With those words, the Galactic Rover surged forward, its engines propelling them further into the depths of space.