
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 602: picking a spacecraft

"Lyronis-7. That's just a few star systems away," Salamander said.

"Is there a chance Lord Malgorth will come to our world?" Cleome asked.

"I don't know," Salamander replied. "The maps the news presented includes our star system, but the chance is lower than others."

Aldred clicked his tongue. He was quite enraged after he saw the news. He did not understand it either. He just entered this new galaxy and didn't really know the people here, but for some reason, he felt some sort of anger when he saw an entire world was being invaded.

He calmed himself down and took in a deep breath. "I need to tell you guys something."

Salamander and the others put their attention towards him.

"I am sure all of you already know," Aldred began. "I am not from here. I don't exactly know where I am from either, but I am pretty sure it's not in this galaxy."

The group was silent as they waited for Aldred to continue.

"Here is the thing. I want to return to my hometown and the only thing that might give me a chance to return is to steal that Spaceweaver Scepter from Lord Malgorth."

The last statement shocked the entire room. They could not believe what they just heard.

"Aldred, I don't think you understand how powerful Lord Malgorth is. An entire regiment of Royal Guardsmen has to be deployed just to hold him off. Fighting him means fighting an entire army of demons. And its scale is much larger than what we just fought against to defend this planet," Salamander said.

Cleome nodded in agreement. "The demon only send 3 battle ships to attack this planet, but Lord Malgorth will bring tens of thousands of ships and with far larger armaments than we've faced. Going after Lord Malgorth must be a collective decision with multiple military organizations and requiring the support of the Royal Guardsmen because the price is just too steep for anyone to handle."

"Still, I have to go. Besides, stealing the scepter will help humanity as a whole. I cannot stay still on this planet."

Shinari stepped forward. "If anyone else said that, I would've laugh, but I don't hear a joke from your tone. Are you serious about this?"

"I am dead serious. I am always an adventurer and explorer. Staying at home is just not my style."

"How are you planning to leave this planet?" Salamander asked.

"That's why I need you guys. I need your help. What do you suggest? I don't think obtaining a spaceship will be easy?"

"Actually, there is a way," Salamander said.

Cleome hit Salamander on the arm. "Are you really going to let him go?"

"It's his choice. What rights do we have to stop him? He has risked his life and helped us fight against Azrakar. What a terrible friend I would be if I dare to stop him."

Cleome hesitated before stepping back after hearing that.

Shinari's face turned bitter. "I didn't get the chance to know you more. Why don't you wait for a couple of weeks before deciding again?"

Aldred shook his head. "I cannot delay any longer. Salamander, tell me what you know."

"You can loan a spacecraft with the military for your own personal use, but you have to pay a huge price. As you know, our planet are always in constant need for resources, so we cannot give away spaceships for cheap."

Aldred tried to access his inventory, but he could not. Sighing, he asked again: "I don't have anything on me. How can I pay?"

"You can sign a contract with the military for the leasing the spacecraft, as for the payment, I would suggest you join the Galactic Mercenary Group and become a mercenary. That way you can earn Galactic Credits to pay the loan."

Salamander grabbed some sort of watch-like device and tapped it on Aldred's right wrist. The watch automatically strapped itself on his wrist, adjusting its tightness to his comfort level.

Suddenly, a projection appeared, revealing a website of the Galactic Mercenary Group.

A video immediately popped out.

"Hey, folks! Got nothing to do? Are you bored staying in your peaceful planet? Well, come and join us. Here you can fight aliens and monsters all day everyday. Better yet, you get paid for it! What you waiting for! Sign up right now at Galactic Mercenary Group right now and get the best thrill of your life!"

Suddenly, a digital registration form appeared. "Uhh, I am not a citizen of the Imperium. Can I still register?"

"I will help you create your ID later. For now you can register as a mercenary and the identity confirmation can wait for later."

Aldred nodded. "Thank you for your help."

"It's the least I can do after what you've done for us." Salamander tapped his shoulder. "I will escort you to pick your spacecraft."

"That would be convenient."

Salamander and Aldred reached the military air-base and they went to the spacecraft department.

"We only have a limited list of spacecraft you can choose. As you know, most of the higher-grade spacecrafts are used by the military and not available for commercial use," a thin man named Zozha said.

"That's fine," Aldred said.

Zozha brought them to a presentation room where a large projector displayed some pictures of the spacecraft available. However, there weren't many choices Aldred could pick.

Zozha, the spacecraft dealer, cleared his throat and began his presentation. "Welcome, esteemed customers, to our spacecraft department. While our selection might not be as extensive as you'd find in the heart of the Imperium, we do offer some reliable models suited for various missions. Please have a look."

He pointed at the projector screen where images of the available spacecraft started to flicker.

"First up, we have the Stellar Hawk. It's a nimble cruiser designed for reconnaissance and light combat. While its speed is commendable, don't expect heavy armor or advanced weaponry. It's perfect for hit-and-run tactics, though."

Aldred examined the Stellar Hawk on the screen. Its design was sleek, with a streamlined body that suggested speed. He did not know much about spacecraft, but he was sure the shape of the spacecraft did not matter much in space since there was no friction of air.

He talked to Salamander about this.

"Well, that only applies if you plan to stay in space all the time. As a mercenary, you will go in and out of planets a lot of times, so the streamlined shape will help you. Also, you might meet unexpected stellar storms in space or perhaps celestial debris."

Aldred nodded, thankful that he bring Salamander to this place. "What about its weaponry?" he asked.

Zozha nodded. "The Stellar Hawk comes equipped with dual laser cannons and a plasma torpedo launcher. Basic, but effective for dealing with smaller threats."

Aldred contemplated. "What else do you have?"

Zozha clicked a button, and the image shifted to a bulkier spacecraft named Cosmic Defender. "This one, the Cosmic Defender, is more of a heavy artillery ship. It's slower than the Stellar Hawk, but it compensates with powerful shields and a reinforced hull. Good for taking a beating while dishing out damage."

Aldred nodded, considering the options. "What about stealth? Do you have something less conspicuous?"

Zozha scratched his chin. "Ah, you're looking for the Shadow Seraph. It's a stealth cruiser, equipped with cloaking technology and silent engines. Perfect for infiltration and surprise attacks. But keep in mind, it sacrifices armor for stealth."

As Aldred weighed his choices, Salamander chimed in. "What about maintenance? We need something sturdy but not overly complex. We might have to repair it on the go."

Zozha smiled. "For ease of maintenance, I'd recommend the Galactic Rover. It's a versatile spacecraft, easy to repair even with basic tools. Its modular design allows for quick part replacements, and it's relatively fuel-efficient, considering the distances you might cover."

Aldred considered his options. Each spacecraft had its advantages and drawbacks, and he needed to make a decision based on their upcoming mission. "I'll go with the Galactic Rover. It sounds like the most practical choice given our circumstances."

"Excellent choice, sir," Zozha said, jotting down the selection. "I'll get the paperwork ready. Please follow me to the registration office, and we'll finalize the details."

"Did I make the right choice?" Aldred asked.

"You did. The stealth aircraft is too complex and expensive to repair and the maintenance cost will bankrupt you. The stealth technology is not that good anyway," he said the last sentence with a whisper.

As they walked towards the office, Aldred couldn't shake off the feeling of determination mixed with apprehension. The prospect of venturing into the unknown, facing Lord Malgorth, and the vastness of the galaxy before him stirred a mix of excitement and fear.

But he also did not forget his purpose to return to his lovely wives. He couldn't rest easy with his wives being so far away. What if his enemies took revenge by attacking them?

He must quickly steal the scepter and try to go back.

Aldred clenched his fist and entered the office.