
In the vast expanse of space, the Galactic Rover cruised smoothly, Aldred at the helm, his hands steadier now as he grew accustomed to the controls. Salamander, Shinari, and Cleome were strapped into their seats, observing the stars as they passed by.

"Look over there! What is that?" Aldred pointed and asked.

Everyone looked over.

"That is called nebula. They are vast interstellar clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born and where the cycle of stellar life and death plays out on a grand scale," Salamander explained.

"They look so beautiful," Aldred said, his eyes twinkling.

Shinari was also in awe when she saw this. Although she often saw one in pictures, looking at the real thing with her own eyes was a completely different experience.

The vibrant colors observed in nebulas are a result of various elements and molecules present within them. Ionized hydrogen (HII regions) typically appears red, while other ions such as doubly ionized oxygen and ionized sulfur can emit green and blue light, respectively. The presence of complex molecules and dust can also contribute to the palette of colors, ranging from pinks and purples to oranges and yellows.

As they journeyed deeper into the galaxy, they encountered various celestial phenomena: vibrant nebulas, distant pulsars, and colossal asteroid fields. Each sight was more awe-inspiring than the last, reminding them of the infiniteness of the universe.

Aldred enjoyed the sight with a smile. In the future, he would certainly bring his wives and the others to enjoy this view as well.

During their travels, Salamander continued to educate Aldred about the intricacies of space navigation. He explained the importance of charting safe routes, avoiding potential hazards, and understanding the peculiarities of different planetary systems.

Shinari, although captivated by the cosmic wonders, couldn't shake off her worries entirely. She kept stealing glances at Aldred, who was determinedly focused on the task at hand. In the quiet moments, she found herself contemplating the challenges that lay ahead.

'What kind of aliens will we meet in the future? we are no longer under the assistance of the military, so we have to fight for our own.'

As Shinari was worrying, Cleome, on the other hand, was brimming with enthusiasm. She explored every corner of the spacecraft and bothered Salamander to explain to her for every single thing she touched.

"Can you ask me first before you decide to touch things?"

Cleome mockingly showed her tongue at him.

Days turned into weeks as they traversed the galaxy, finally arriving at the Galactic Mercenary Group's branches.

"Star sytem: Astralonis," the spaceship spoke with a lady-like robotic voice.

"What's that?" Aldred asked.

"That's the automatic planetary system welcoming us."

"Well, here we are. Go closer to that planet."

Aldred did as instructed and on the screen, a name popped up. "Seraphara. That's a beautiful name for a planet."

Viewed from space, Seraphara appeared as a testament to human innovation. The planet had been transformed into a bustling hub of activity, its surface twinkling with the lights of advanced human settlements and shielded infrastructures.

The planetary shield, a translucent, shimmering dome, encased Seraphara like a protective cocoon. It glowed softly, reflecting the distant light of its parent star, Luminara, creating an ethereal aura around the entire planet.

Beneath the protective shield, the surface of Seraphara was dotted with clusters of brilliantly illuminated human settlements. These settlements were carefully designed, their geometric patterns visible even from space, showcasing the order and precision with which they had been planned. The buildings, aglow with artificial light, created intricate constellations against the planet's surface.

"What a beautiful planet," Aldred commented.

Everyone else was excited as well as they had never went to space before.

Occasionally, glimmers of movement could be observed – human spacecraft docking and departing, shuttles zipping between settlements, and the occasional flash of light as defense systems were tested and monitored. Seraphara's appearance from space had been a testament to the symbiotic relationship between humanity and technology, illustrating the harmonious coexistence between advanced civilizations and the cosmic wonders that surrounded them.

'Perhaps Earth could become like this in a few thousand years,' Aldred thought to himself. 'Well, at least I know that humans will not be completely extinct.'

Suddenly, a projection popped out. It was Commander Brenea.

"Oh crap," Salamander cursed before he saluted in a nervous manner.

"Salamander," Commander Brenea called with a frown. "You leave your ranks without saying anything. Do you care to explain?"

"I—I apo—"

"You should have tell me. I would've given you a better spacecraft."

"Huh?" Salamander and everyone else was shocked.

"The four of you are joining the Galactic Mercenary Group right?"

"That's correct, ma'am."

"Then I have no problem. The Galactic Mercenary Group is a vital organizations for humanity fighting against the aliens and demons. I wouldn't have forgiven you if you runaway from your position because of cowardice. Joining the mercenary simply means that you have better ideas in eradicating the demons."

Salamander, Shinari, and Cleome were quite embarrassed.

"My prayers will be with you. Good luck out there."

"Thank you, ma'am!" they saluted.

The projection vanished.

"Oh, well. Thankfully, we're not accused of treason," Salamander said.

Suddenly, a beeping noise came. "Commencing auto-docking system. Please do not move your vehicle."

Aldred quickly pulled his hands from the control system.

The spacecraft made its dock on one of the many space stations orbiting the planet.

"And we've arrived!" Salamander shouted before he laughed.

The door of the spacecraft opened and all of them walked to the bridge where they were greeted by a man with a pair of glasses.

"Before you can enter the planet, I will have to confirm your identity."

'Uh oh,' Aldred worried. He hadn't had any ID yet.

Salamander pulled out four cards out of his mechanical hands and gave it to the officer.

The officer nodded. "All clear."

Salamander retrieved the cards and kept it.

As they walked along the space bridge, Aldred asked. "When did you create an ID for me?"

Salamander smiled. "Don't worry about it."

They entered a space elevator with other people. The space elevator was just a big glass tube with no wires. Aldred saw some sort of thrusting engine on the top and bottom of the glass tube that allow its movement.

They slowly entered the planet.

As the space elevator descended, Aldred and the group were treated to a breathtaking view of Seraphara, the technologically advanced planet. The elevator moved gracefully through the planet's atmosphere, offering a panoramic display of bustling tech-activity, glittering cityscapes, and awe-inspiring structures.

The surface of Seraphara was a testament to human ingenuity. Skyscrapers made of sleek, reflective materials stretched towards the sky, their surfaces adorned with holographic displays showcasing various s and announcements. Flying vehicles zipped through the air with remarkable precision, following designated pathways in the sky.

Gigantic screens adorned the sides of buildings, displaying news updates, art exhibitions, and interactive s. People walked along transparent sidewalks, their footsteps lighting up the path beneath them. Automated drones whirred above, performing tasks ranging from delivering packages to monitoring the city for any signs of trouble.

As the space elevator reached the ground, the doors slid open, revealing the heart of Seraphara. The ground beneath their feet was made of a smooth, iridescent material that seemed to shimmer with every step. Aldred couldn't help but touch it, marveling at the advanced materials used to construct the city.

The people there looked at Aldred weirdly.

Salamander quickly pulled him to stand up. "Don't act like a country bump. You're going to embarrass us."

"Sorry about that."

They ventured further into the city, guided by the holographic signs that adorned the streets. The city was a blend of traditional architecture and futuristic designs. Ancient-looking temples stood alongside sleek, metallic structures, creating a unique juxtaposition of the past and the future.

"It's so amazing despite all the tech around them, people still pray to god."

"Hmm? That's normal though. Gods exist so people often pray to them."

"Huh?" Aldred blinked a couple of times in confusion."

"Ahh, does your galaxy or universe has no gods"

"Uhh… we kinda have." Aldred explained his concept of gods.

"It's kind of the same thing here. But they are not really all-knowing and all-powerful. And unlike your god, the gods here have showed themselves and actually got involved in the material realm direct or indirectly."

"Does the gods sided with us?" Aldred asked.

"There are many gods. The demon gods, the alien gods, the elves gods, and so many more."

"What is your definition of god exactly?"

"An entity capable of altering the current situation of a large region of the galaxy with their action?"

"Ah, I see. So is the Emperor a god for you?"

"Of course. The Emperor is one of our main gods and almost every human prays to him. His power is beyond anything you can imagine."

Aldred nodded in understanding. Shinari had told about the magical feats the Emperor had done. Still, he still could not believe that a man was capable of creating a super-nova with a clap of his hand.

A supernova was a catastrophic explosion that occurred when a star died leading to an incredibly powerful burst of energy.

From what Aldred learned, a supernova can release an enormous amount of energy, equivalent to the energy output of an entire galaxy for a brief period in the form of shockwaves.

These explosions would destroy anything in the distance of 50 light years.

Such power… if true then the Emperor would be worthy to be called a god.