
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 594: mutated demonic spawn

Demonic spawns. A grotesque-looking creatures without a mind of their own. They were like feral beast incapable of self-reflection or rationalization. Their very existence were sustained by instinct and the feeling of hunger for flesh.

These creatures were created as a result of the demonic energy that came out of the warp, the red spinning portal of which the demons used as a door to invade worlds. The demons were also contributing to the creation of these creatures as their aura spread. They let out these aura or some scents every time they breath, fight, or even die.

An unfortunate animals or humans would unknowingly absorb the aura and transformed into a demonic spawn that would kill anything it set its gaze upon.

As more creatures died, the demonic aura intensified to the point it got so powerful that even corpses could turn into demonic spawn.

That was the reason why there were tens of thousands demonic spawn currently charging at them.

The group charged forward, meeting the grotesque demonic horde head-on. The ground trembled beneath the stampede of these twisted creatures, their frenzied and grotesque forms seemingly untouched by reason or sanity.

It was a nightmarish sight, one that would haunt the dreams of any who witnessed it.

Cleome unleashed her lightning in a blinding display of power. Her bolts of electricity danced among the demons, creating a frenzy of sparks and screams.

The smell of burnt flesh filled the air as she continued to unleash her wrath upon the horde. "May you all rest in peace!"

She knew that these creatures were just actually unfortunate victims of the demonic aura. She felt no hatred towards them, but pity.

Shinari teleported around the battlefield, her shadowy form darting in and out of existence. With each reappearance, her swift and deadly strikes felled demons left and right. Her teleportation skills allowed her to strike from unexpected angles, creating confusion and chaos among the enemy ranks.

"I will make it swift and painless for you," she said.

Aldred, wielding the crimson-dark sword he had picked up earlier, swung it with devastating force. The serrated edges of the blade cut through demon flesh like a hot knife through butter. He moved with a grace and power that seemed impossible for a man of his size, each swing of the sword a testament to his incredible strength. "There are so many of them."

Salamander, with his mechanical precision, turned his arms into a pair of high-powered machine guns.

Bullets sprayed forth like a storm, tearing through demon bodies and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. He maintained a steady barrage, ensuring that none of the demons could break through their line. "We will get through this! Everyone, keep fighting!"

Despite the relentless onslaught of the grotesque horde, the group fought with determination and unity.

As the battle raged on, Cleome's lightning continued to strike down demons, while Shinari's teleportation skills allowed her to evade attacks effortlessly. Aldred's swordsmanship remained unmatched, and Salamander's firepower was unrelenting.

But the horde seemed endless, their numbers replenishing faster than the group could cut them down. The air grew heavier with the stench of death and decay as the battle wore on.

"Their numbers keep increasing!" Shinari said as her shadow blade cut down a demon spawn in half.

Aldred swung the huge sword in quick-succession with one hand as he realized the number of the enemies were not decreasing.

'So this is what my enemy feels when I send my undead and mechanical robots at them.'

No wonder they hated him so much.

Salamander's mechanical eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation. "We can't keep this up forever. There's just too many of them."

Cleome who seemed tired already nodded in agreement. "We need to find a way out of this or we'll be overwhelmed."

Shinari, her teleportation abilities pushed to the limit, managed to speak between her swift movements. "There's a building up ahead. We can try to make a stand there, create a bottleneck."

"I will open up a path!" Aldred shouted as he charged forward and swung the blade wide.

"I will assist!" Salamander advanced behind Aldred as he fired in every direction.

Cleome and Shinari nodded before they joined the group, creating a bubble of space in the midst of the demon spawn horde.

As they advanced however, they realized the demonic spawns stopped moving and letting a particularly tall demon with two antennas slowly walked towards the group.

"Fuck! That's a mutated demonic spawn!" Salamander shouted.

"Is that bad?" Aldred asked.

"Really bad!" Cleome gritted her teeth.

Salamander fired a couple of shots at the mutated spawn. The monster raised one of its six arms and the bullets stopped in mid air.

"Psychic abilities! A powerful one as well," Shinari commented.

"They can only do telekinesis. Why are you all so worried?"

The monster then raised three of its arms and an aircraft that was high in the sky was being pulled towards them at high speed.

Fractions of a second before impact, Cleome and Shinari created a defensive barrier. The pilot was wide-eyed, unable to comprehend the situations that his aircraft moved by itself and at such a high speed too.

Cleome and Shinari closed their eyes and looked away after they saw the pilot's face. The aircraft crashed into their barrier and exploded.

"I am going to attack!" Salamander shouted as he fired two incendiary canisters that exploded and engulfed the monster in flame.

I apologize for the oversight. Let's return to the moment when the group was in imminent danger from the mutated demonic spawn.

The mutated demonic spawn, despite being engulfed in flames, was not entirely defeated. It emerged from the inferno, its body scorched and charred, but its psychic abilities seemingly unaffected. The creature's six arms waved wildly in the air, and a sinister aura enveloped it, casting an eerie crimson glow.

The creature's twisted mouth contorted into a grotesque grin, and it unleashed a barrage of telekinetic projectiles at the group. The force of these attacks was unlike anything they had encountered before, sending cars and debris hurtling toward them with deadly speed.

Cleome and Shinari's barrier strained under the relentless assault, and their stamina waned. They gritted their teeth to pour more energy into the barrier to keep it from collapsing.

Aldred suddenly exited the barrier.

"Wait, what are you doing!?"

They thought Aldred was about to kill himself until he slashed the air and all the cars and debris were minced into a thousand pieces, reducing the impact they had on the barrier.

When they saw this, the rest of the group watched in disbelief.