
"Salamander, start the Humvee. We need to reach our destination as fast as possible," Cleome told.

Salamander turned on the Humvee immediately. But then, a high caliber bolt penetrated through the engine, killing the engine in the process.

"Fuck! Watch out! There are snipers!"

Cleome spread her arms, creating a lightning force field that blocked the incoming projectiles.

Aldred saw the projectiles were a piece of sharp hot red metal that kept on rotating as if trying to penetrate the force field.

Those were very interesting for Aldred. The demons in this world were not only vicious but technologically advanced as well. The battleships and these snipers might only be one of the many weapons they had available at their disposals.

"Not only do they have an edge in physical prowess, but they can match humanity's technology. How could we hold on for so long?"

"Damn it!" Cleome said through gritted teeth. "I cannot hold these force field for long. Do something."

Aldred saw a sniper hiding atop a ruined building. He exited the vehicle, grabbed a small rock, and threw it towards the demon at shocking speed.

The demon, perched atop the ruined building was unaware of the impending danger. He continued to peer through the score of his rifle. Then, with a sudden and unexpected impact, the rock struck its target.

Upon contact, there was a resounding crack as the rock struck the demon's shoulder with tremendous force. The rock was like a powerful high-caliber bullet as it took a large chunk of the shoulder, revealing a nasty wound.

The weird-looking, alien-like sniper rifle slipped from the demon's grasp and tumbled to the ground. The demon let out a guttural cry of pain as it was shocked by the force created by just a small rock.

Salamander saw this through his mechanical screen. The zooming capabilities let him clearly knew exactly what happened. Aldred's quick thinking, precision, but more importantly physical strength shocked him to the bones. Throwing a small rock accurately over 3 KM away was an almost impossible feat for any super, but this guy can do it within a breath.

'Thankfully, he's an ally.' Salamander let out a sigh before he turned his mechanical arms into a pair of machine guns and went guns blazing at every demons he detected.

Shinari joined as well. She wasn't very proficient in long-distance targets, but she make sure she trained herself in almost all field exactly for a situation like this. With a clap of her hands, she created a bow out of shadows, and an arrow immediately formed when she pulled the string.

She was a trained scout as well, so her eyes very as sharp as an eagle. With that, she easily killed the demons in the distance.

'Hoo, these people are very impressive,' Aldred thought. 'Not only can they fight at close-range, they are also proficient in killing distant targets. And, with Cleome's forcefield they can defend themselves against attacks as well.'

What an incredible team!

After killing all the snipers, they continued their journey on foot.

They moved with caution through the war-torn landscape. The once-thriving city had now become a battleground between humans and the technologically advanced demons.

Cleome, leading the way with her force field, couldn't help but feel angered when she saw what the demons had done towards the city. She had lived in this city for all her life, and the demons razed it to the ground. Clenching her fist, she was even more determined to protect her home and her people.

Salamander noticed her expression. He also felt a sense of duty like never before to perform this mission successfully especially the stake being so high. He couldn't afford to let them down.

His mechanical arms shifted back to their normal form as he continued to scan the surroundings for any sign of danger.

He knew these vicious demons would stop at nothing to take this city and create a cult to brainwash the survivors and worship their dark gods.

The worshipers would further strengthen the demonic forces, threatening to bring humanity to extinction.

Suddenly, a 2,7 meter tall demon with a sword appeared out of the rubbles and charged at them.

Aldred lunged towards it, and blocked the blade with his forearm, before slapping the demon in the face, twisting its neck in the process.

"How did it manage to slip out of our detection?" Salamander frowned.

"Our abilities to scan danger are not perfect, and surely these demons have their own ways to evade your detection," Aldred said as he picked up the sword the demon had held.

The blade was 157 CM tall (5,1 feet). It could be said to be as tall as a man. A very short man at least.

It was crimson dark, the color of darkened blood with sharp, serrated edges.

With a glance, one could tell it wasn't meant to be wielded by a human.

Aldred easily picked it up and swing it left and right, creating a disturbance with the wind he produced. "This will do for now."

"Everyone, on guard! There are demons approaching us!" Salamander shouted.

In the distance, a massive cloud of yellow dust rolled towards them like an avalanche. A few seconds later, a nightmarish horde of grotesque demonic spawns appeared. Their twisted forms shrouded in sickly, yellowish flesh and bearing a cacophony of disgusting features, charged relentlessly at Aldred and his allies.

Their frenzied advance was a terrifying spectacle of flailing limbs, gnashing claws, and unhinged desperation for blood and flesh. As they closed in, the very ground trembled beneath the weight of more than ten thousand stampede.

The air grew thick with an oppressive stench of decay and rot. The horde's corrupted aura left a trail of desolation and withering in its wake, turning the ruined streets to something even worse.

However, Aldred and the rest of the team stood resolute at the face of the onslaught.

Salamander stepped in front of them, determined to become the tip of the spear. "I am proud of you all. Especially you, Aldred. We never fight alongside before, but you act like you've been with us this whole time. Have you no fear?"

"Fear? Of these horde? I've seen much worse." Aldred smiled.

"You're one of mystery." Salamander smiled as well. "Be sure to tell your story after we're done with this."

"You got that."

They all looked forward after the short conversation, and then charged at the horde while letting out a battle-cry.