
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 595: support from above

As Aldred's swordsmanship sliced through the incoming projectiles, reducing them to harmless fragments, Cleome and Shinari couldn't help but watch in awe. His skill and strength were truly extraordinary, and they realized that they were fighting alongside a formidable ally.

Salamander, on the other hand, shifted his tactics. He transformed his mechanical arms into a pair of rapid-firing energy blasters, unleashing a continuous stream of powerful energy bolts at the mutated demonic spawn. The creature's distorted form was bathed in searing energy as it howled in pain.

"I will block the debris for you. Attack that thing with all of your power!" Aldred shouted.

Cleome and Shinari began sending their ranged attacks towards the mutated spawn.

The combined efforts of the group began to take a toll on the monstrous creature. It struggled to maintain its psychic onslaught, and its movements became more erratic. Smoke and sparks emanated from its charred body.

Seeing an opportunity, Cleome and Shinari focused their energies on a coordinated counterattack. Cleome's lightning bolts struck the creature's limbs, causing it to convulse and twitch. At the same time, Shinari utilized her teleportation to deliver precise and deadly strikes, targeting vulnerable spots on the creature's body.

That was a very risky move of her. If the mutated spawn grabbed a hold of her with its psychic power, she would be done for.

The battlefield crackled with energy as the group unleashed a relentless assault on the mutated demonic spawn. Their combined powers created a symphony of chaos and destruction as lightning bolts, shadowy strikes, and energy blasts converged upon the creature.

Aldred, determined to protect his newfound comrades, continued to intercept incoming projectiles with his crimson-dark sword. His movements were a blur of precision and strength as he deflected each threat, ensuring that Cleome and Shinari could focus on their attacks.

The fact that the mutated spawn still able to attack them was nothing but incredible. Cleome's lightning attack, Salamander's rapid energy blasters, and Shinari's shadowy strike would kill any monsters within seconds.

Cleome's lightning struck the creature's arms, eliciting agonized shrieks from the mutated spawn. She channeled her anger and frustration into her attacks, determined to avenge the fallen city and its people.

Aldred could tell that she was the most emotional of the group.

Shinari's teleportation skills allowed her to strike from unpredictable angles, making it difficult for the creature to anticipate her moves. Her strikes targeted the creature's vital areas, causing it to spasm and writhe in pain.

Every time the mutated spawn tried to grab her with its psychic power, she would vanish into the shadow.

Salamander's energy bolts tore into the creature's charred form, leaving scorch marks and craters in its wake. The relentless barrage of firepower seemed to weaken the creature's psychic defenses, making it increasingly vulnerable.

The battle seemed to tilt to their favor, but could they truly defeat this abomination? The creature's psychic powers were formidable, and despite their combined efforts, it showed no sign of relenting.

Cleome and Shinari, too, were feeling the strain. Their energies were depleting, and the sustained intensity of their attacks was taking a toll on their bodies. Beads of sweat formed on their brows as they gritted their teeth.

Salamander's mechanical voice broke through the chaos. "We can't keep this up much longer. We need to finish this."

Aldred nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving the mutated spawn. "We have to give it everything we've got."

But just as they prepared to launch their final assault, the mutated demonic spawn let out an unearthly howl, and a surge of psychic energy erupted from it. The ground quaked beneath their feet as the creature's powers reached their zenith.

The sound was a nightmarish symphony of anguish and despair, a chilling cacophony that sent shivers down their spines and made their blood run cold. It was a sound that seemed to reverberate not only in the ears but in the very souls of those who heard it.

The unholy howl was not merely a sound, but a palpable force of terror.

As it reverberated through the air, the very atmosphere seemed to warp and quiver in response.

The ground beneath their feet rumbled and groaned, as if the earth itself were writhing in agony. Cracks spiderwebbed out from the creature, snaking their way across the ground like veins of despair. Stones were upturned, and the very earth seemed to cry out in anguish as it succumbed to the psychic onslaught.

Aldred and his allies struggled to maintain their footing as blood trickled out of their orifices.

It was as though the very fabric of reality was unraveling before their eyes, and they found themselves caught in the grip of a force beyond comprehension. In that moment, they knew that they were not just facing a creature of flesh and bone, but a nightmarish embodiment of malevolence that threatened to consume not only their bodies but their very souls.

Cleome and Shinari screamed in pain as their knees hit the ground. Salamander was standing still like a statue, but inside his mechanical armor, he was wriggling in pain.

Aldred too felt the pain to the very essence of his soul. He could bare the pain, but his body could barely move.

And with passing seconds, the effect got worse and worse while their heads felt like they're about to explode.

In that moment, it seemed as though all hope was lost. The group was pushed to the brink of defeat, their bodies and minds strained beyond limits.

That was when the monster howled even louder and reached to the sky with all of its six arms. Massive destroyed buildings rose to the sky, casting shadow upon the land.

And then, when it seemed as though the mutated spawn's devastating attack would be unleashed, two aircraft streaked across the sky. Their missiles struck the creature with pinpoint accuracy, causing a series of explosions that enveloped it in flames.

The force of the explosions sent shockwaves rippling through the area, knocking the group off their feet. Debris and smoke filled the air as the mutated spawn's howls of agony were drowned out by the chaos.

As the dust settled, Aldred, Cleome, Shinari, and Salamander slowly rose to their feet, their bodies battered and bruised. They looked up at the two aircraft making a manuever in the sky that had come to their rescue.

A communication request prompted on Salamander's coms device.

"Keep going, soldiers. The commander cannot let you stop now."

"Affirmative," Salamander replied before ending the call.

They aircraft entered super-sonic speed end left immediately.

The group then looked at the explosion site.

The mutated demonic spawn lay in ruins, its once-powerful form reduced to smoldering wreckage.

"If a demonic spawn is already this strong. How much stronger is the enemy we're going to face?" Aldred asked.

"A mutated demonic spawn is a very rare occurrence," Salamander replied. "But I am not saying that Azrakar will be any weaker. We will never know until we face that demon. Still, the fact remain that we must attack him to reduce the power of the demons. His dark magic amplify the demonic aura in this planet, strengthening basically every individuals demons that is attacking our allies."

"Our destination is already ahead of us," Cleome said. "That mutated spawn is the gate keeper and probably Azrakar's most powerful guard."

"Where is it?" Aldred asked.

"The location is right below us," Cleome said before looking at Salamander.

Salamander's arms turned into a boring machine. "Let's start digging.