
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 583: being the son of the demon king is tough

The air crackled with energy as the Tom stepped forward, his blade alight with flames that danced and flickered along its length. He raised his sword in challenge, facing off against the mighty demon Zethirion, who towered above him with a malevolent grin on his face.

With a fierce battle cry, Tomcharged forward, his blade slashing through the air with deadly precision. Zethirion met his attack head-on, his own sword ringing out as the two blades clashed in a shower of sparks.

Tom's eyes turned red, activating his demonic bloodline, making the demon pause for a fraction of a second. He took his valuable moment. Slashing the demon's shoulder and cutting off its left arm.

Zethirion roared in agony as Tom's sword cut through his left shoulder, severing it from his body. Blood sprayed from the wound as the demon stumbled back, his remaining arm flailing aggressively, slamming towards Tom.

He raised his blade to block, but the impact threw him onto a wall at high speed, so fast that his body dug a dozen meters inside the wall.

Tom walked out of the hole, rubbless falling off his dirty clothes. Cracking his neck left and right, he summoned his Phantom Doomblade again and walked towards the demon.

"Are you really the weakest foot soldier my father has?"

The demon roared and tried to regrow his limbs, but the wound on its shoulder shone and sizzled with dark purple light mixed with crimson energy.

Tom sneered. "I am tired of my enemies growing limbs right after I cut them, so I created a skill that can prevent that."

The demon roared and stomped its feet, shaking the earth violently. Suddenly, dark energy rose from the grounds, creating the shapes of small creatures before they turned into hundreds of imps that charged towards Tom.

"You're not the only one with subordinates." Tom raised his arm and hundreds of undeads rose from the shadow with their dark purple form. The undeads clashed against the imps, raising their weapons and stabbing each other.

The imps and undeads were like ants that were swarming at each other. Both sides had warriors with swords, spears, maces, even bows and arrows. Not only that, they also had magicians that threw spells at one another.

After a few hours of battle, the imps showed a sign of losing, mainly because the undead seems to be unkillable. Every time one undead died, it would revive a second later and fight like nothing happened. While the imps kept losing numbers, the undead lost none at all.

Zethirion saw this and was enraged. "Inferno Blast!" It raised both of its fists and slammed it to the ground, rocks and stones were flung into the air, as the ground under their feet cracked. Suddenly, bright yellow light came out of the cracks, blasting out a bright hell fire that vaporized all the undead and imps.

"Hahaha, tired of losing?" Tom laughed.

Zethirion grunted. It stepped forward and suddenly vanished, before immediately appearing in front of Tom, and kicked him like a ball.

The demon grinned in satisfaction until it realized its left foot was gone.

Tom stood up again and wiped the blood on the corner of his lips. "You can slam me to the wall many times, but you won't be able to kill me."

Footsteps rang in the darkness. A second later, a group of cultists appeared.

"Son of Hujarar, please stop this madness. We are here for you! We will turn this world into hell to expand your empire!"

"I think my father already quit the hell-building business. So all of you should quit too."

"That's… impossible. It is our eternal duty to keep on expanding hell because hell must be ever-reaching and ever expanding to every world and every realm that ever exists. Even if we have to sacrifice ourselves, we will devotedly do our duty!"

Zethirion looked at the group of cultists and pointed with his nasty finger. "Abyssal Vortex."

The cultists suddenly fell into a pool of dark vortex, consuming them whole and turning them into energy that fed Zethirion.

Its left foot grew, and it could stand properly again.

"So much for a sacrifice," Tom said before he charged and fought the demon.

The battle raged on, the swordman's flaming blade cutting through the demon's defenses with ease. Zethirion roared in frustration as he struggled to keep up with the swordman's lightning-fast strikes, his own attacks barely scratching the swordsman's armor.

Tom wasn't fighting an easy battle here. The demon was much more powerful than he was, so he had to rely on his skills and techniques to defeat it.

After two hours, Zethirion roared in anger and covered itself in hellish flames. It struck Tom , sending him a few meters in the air. He looked at his health points and was shocked to see that it didn't regenerate.

"That flame… it's constantly burning my body from the inside."

It's not that his body fail to regenerate, but the fire just kept on reducing his health points.

Both sides glared at each other. Both severely injured, but none had the desire to surrender.

They roared and then clashed.

As the battle wore on, Tom began to feel the strain of the demon's relentless assault. His muscles ached, and his breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to stay upright.

But despite his fatigue, Tom refused to give up. With a fierce determination, he redoubled his efforts, his flaming blade glowing even brighter as he unleashed a devastating attack on the demon.

Cutting off his remaining arm.

Zethirion stumbled back, his defenses finally breached by Tom's relentless assault. With a final burst of energy, Tom plunged his blade deep into the demon's chest, the flames erupting in a blinding burst of light.

As the demon's body crumpled to the ground, the Tom stood victorious, his sword still blazing with the heat of battle. He had defeated one of the most powerful demons in the underworld, proving himself to be a true master of the sword.

"Well, for my dad. This thing is probably the weakest demon. I wonder if I ever have to fight a stronger demon of his. Ahh, being the son of a Demon King is really tough."