
"Son of Hujarar! That is the Son of Hujarar!"

The cultists trembled in excitement and ecstasy as if they were seeing their god they had been worshiping for the first time in their life.

"That flame. That power! The Son of Hujarar is mighty."

"O'Son of Hujarar, have you come here to bless our rituals?"

"Bless?" Tom glared at them with hateful eyes. "I am here to kill you all!"

He swung his Phantom Doomblade down, the blazing flame that covered it whipped like a whip of rolling waves, filling the entire room.

The cultists screamed in pain as the flame engulfed them. Tom leaped down and beheaded two cultists at once.

He watched the other cultists rolling around on the floor, unable to kill the fire that was burning them to death.

"The cultists here aren't the problem. That thing is." Tom looked at the giant demonic statue that began to grow bones and flesh.

"I must destroy it!" Tom leaped forward. The height of his jump defied his small frame, leaping over 50 meters with a single jump. Holding the blade with two hands, he raised the blade and swung down.

The blade went towards the statue's head in full chaotic power. Tom usually control the chaotic energy, but he felt like he needed the blade's chaotic attributes to destroy the statue.


Tom's eyes widened when he saw that his blade was blocked by a giant, dark, evil looking hand with hideous sharp nails.

Tom looked down and saw the head of the statue was already turning into a cow head. Hot steam came out of its nostril as it breathed out.

"Return to hell! This place does not belong to you!" His father's demon was incredibly intelligence, so they had a high chance to know that Tom was Hujarar's son. If they knew he was the son, they might obey him. They were also able to understand intention, and languages just by hearing it for the first time.

The demon king's army was unlike anything the world had seen after all. Each soldier was an intelligent scholars and also an experienced and brave fighter. They were able to research, study, and learn their enemy to create the best way to defeat them.

But, the demon did not reply, in fact, it did not show any sign of intelligence higher than that of an animal. After looking at Tom, it roared at the top of its lungs.

The demon's roar echoed through the darkness, sending shivers down the spines of any who heard it. It was a sound that seemed to come from the depths of the underworld, a guttural and primal growl that reverberated with a bone-chilling intensity. The very air seemed to vibrate with its power, and the ground trembled beneath the weight of its fury.

The demon's eyes glowed with a fiery red hue as it looked upon the man before him, its immense power radiating from every inch of its being. Without warning, the demon raised its massive, clawed hand and with a guttural growl, grabbed the man by the throat, lifting him as if he were nothing but a mere insect.

With a roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, the demon summoned all of its demonic strength and hurled the man with tremendous force towards the nearest wall. The impact was bone-jarring, a sickening crunch filling the air as the man's body slammed into the unforgiving surface with devastating force.

As the dust settled, the demon looked upon its handiwork with a cruel smile, satisfied with the destruction it had wrought. The man lay motionless on the ground, before he coughed a couple of times and stood up.

Tom wiped the blood on his lips and glared at the demon.


Name: Zethirion, the Unholy (weakened)

Level: 170

Race: Demon

Class: Demon Lord

Health Points: 1,000,000

Mana Points: 500,000

Strength: 15,400

Dexterity: 10,440

Intelligence: 11.200

Physical Defense: 2,500

Magical Defense: 2,000


- Inferno Blast: Unleashes a blast of hellfire that deals massive damage to enemies in a large radius.

- Demonic Rage: Increases Zethirion's strength and speed for a short period of time.

- Abyssal Vortex: Creates a whirlpool of dark energy that drains the life force of all enemies in the area.

- Summon Imps: Summons a horde of lesser demons to aid Zethirion in battle.


- Shadowsteel Armor: Provides exceptional physical and magical defense.

- Void Blade: A sword forged in the depths of the underworld, imbued with dark energy that deals massive damage to enemies.

- Crown of the Damned: An artifact of immense power that enhances Zethirion's demonic abilities.


Zethirion, the Unholy, is one of the most powerful demons in the underworld (the weakest world in hell). He has been a demon lord for centuries and has conquered countless realms, leaving only destruction and chaos in his wake. His mastery over dark magic and his immense physical strength make him a formidable foe for any who dare to oppose him. Zethirion is a cruel and ruthless demon, who delights in the suffering of others and has no mercy for those who cross him.

But, despite his background, he is only suitable to become a foot soldier under Hujarar's Grand Infernal Army.

Tom admired his father more and more. A demon this powerful was only a foot soldier for him, and this wasn't even its full power. The demon had been weakened because it didn't fully transport its bodies yet.

If Tom was a little bit late, the demon might get its full power, and no one might be able to stop it. Especially if it had its complete sentience.

A demon's main power was to lure and seduce people. They didn't destroy civilizations or realms using physical force, but by manipulating the hearts and minds of the people. By turning people into evil, these people would gladly do their bidding for absolutely nothing.

That was why they were extremely dangerous.

Tom closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to win. If he got defeated here, the demon might had enough time to get stronger and destroy this whole world.

"Sigh… it's tough having the demon king as your father." Tom opened his eyes and entered a battle stance.

"I will destroy you and return you to hell!"