
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 584: secret admirer

Tom looked at the dead body of the demon and watched it slowly burn away into nothingness.

When a demon died, they didn't exactly die, instead, they returned to hell, revived, and prepared for another battle.

"The soldiers of the netherworld are undying, eternal, ever expanding, and ever growing. Just like hell itself, it always is and always will be."

Tom looked away. The Phantom Doomblade in his hand vanished. But the battle wasn't over yet.

"I need to destroy this whole underground structure."

More importantly, he needed to find more information about the Cult of Devourer. It seemed like they had a grand plan to destroy this world and burn it to the ground. Summoning Zethirion was the proof of that. That demon had the power to engulf this world in flame and turn it into one of the trillions world of hell.

Footsteps rang again. This time, there were 20 cultists that came out of the cave.

"Who are you?"

Tom felt a little odd. This group did not seem to know who he was. Every time he met a cultist, they would know his identity. Perhaps those who knew held a higher position in the cult or something.

"Answer me! Who are you!?"

Tom raised his hand and a giant dragon flew out of the shadow before pouncing at them.


Their screams didn't last long as they entered the mouth of the dragon.

"Kill all the cultists you see," Tom ordered. The dragon nodded and flew away. Its large body knocked against the stone wall, because the space was too tight.

Another twenty cultists came running from the other cave. This time, Tom summoned the Phoenix and let it burn the cultists into dust.

He also told them to find more cultists and kill them all.

"All of these cultists cannot be scanned with my godly eyes. All of them did not exist in reality."

A powerful entity must be behind this organization. Perhaps, all of its members were put in a spiritual realm and do their job from there.

But the power needed to do that had to be out of this world. Even a Spiritbound Tower might not be enough to do this.

Tom walked towards a cave. There were many caves in this place, and they might lead to different places. But a cat suddenly appeared.

It was the same cat that led him here.

"Thank you for bringing me here, otherwise, this world will be destroyed."

The cat glared at him and clawed his face, causing blood to flow from his cheek.

"What was that for?"

The cat hissed at him and then leaped into the air before completely disappearing.

Tom rubbed his cheek, the wound already healed. "How did that cat wound me?"

Tom was a powerful Diamond Rank with incredible physical durability. He had a skin stronger than most Diamond Rank warriors which proved to be stronger than any materials that ever exist in this world. That was why they didn't wear armor sometimes.

But, that cat managed to wound him with a simple swipe.

"Nothing is normal anymore." Tom looked up. He decided not to explore this place personally since people might look for him.

"I should let the undead and Corduul do a cleanup of this place."

He vanished from the spot and thousands of undead crawled out of the shadows: monsters of every kind, soldiers of every shape and size, roared and rushed to every direction.

When he returned to the library again, he returned the bracelet to the librarian.

"Thank you for your visit. Hopefully you have a wonderful time."

"I do. And I hope I can return soon," Tom replied.

The librarian's eyes changed color from blue to purple, and time and space suddenly stopped. "You don't have to. We will handle it here. But we will need your power."

Tom furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you?"

"The enemies of the cult. Someone who doesn't want this world to be burned."

"You knew the cults were here?"

"We were."

"And you don't stop them?"

"No one can stop the summoning except the Son of Hujarar himself."

"Everyone seems to know who I am but I know nothing about you all."

"Perhaps in time, you will. But let me give you a warning, Son of Hujarar. The less people know about their existence, the better."


"The more people know, the more active the cult will become. If their existence becomes public knowledge, no one under the sun will have a peaceful time."

"Besides, they cannot do anything anyway."

The world returned to normal and the librarian's eyes became blue again. "You can return anytime you want," she said with a bright smile.

If only she knew what was under the library. She didn't even realize she was possessed a few seconds ago.

Maybe it was really better for no one else to know about this.

Tom walked out of the building with the librarian happily waving goodbye at him. He returned to the inn and saw his friends happily having a meal.

"Tom, where have you been? Come here and eat." Zerdar pulled him to sit down and grabbed a plate full of food for him.

"Where did you go?" Helid asked as he filled his mouth with a big spoon of food. Even though he ate a lot of food, his body was always skinny. Of course he could use magic and potions to change his body composition, but he liked being skinny.

"I went to a library."

"Ohh. I heard their library is only filled with arts, cultures, and stuff like that. There are no magic spells or techniques."

"That's true. But I believe they have a different library for that as well."

"I heard the magicians and warriors of this city are strong, so that has to be the case," Zerdar replied.

"So when does the competition start?" Tom asked.

"It's tomorrow, but can I ask if that is your pet?"

"What pet?"

"The one on your shoulder."

Tom looked at his left shoulder and realized a cat was sitting on it. It was the same cat in the library. How could he not notice it!?

Zyta stood up and immediately grabbed the cat. "Awww, so cute and fluffy! I just want to hug and cuddle with it forever. That's right. Tom, why don't we bathe this cat together?"

Everyone rolled their eyes while Wilma looked down and blushed. She wanted to bath with Tom too.

"I don't think cat like water very much."

"She would be fine." Zyta hugged Tom's arms.

They all looked like handsome men and women now. It had been 10 years since then. So now they have aged 10 years more. Tom was now at the age of 23 years old. At that age, of course Tom changed his appearance into a very handsome and tall man. Everywhere he went, people would look at him in admiration, especially from women.

Diamond Ranks women also looked at him like he was the price. For normal people, Diamond Ranks always looked beautiful. They had the clearest skin, and the fairest hair. From shape to color and texture, they looked amazing in every way imaginable.

But since Diamond Ranks see each other all the time, they had far higher standards than normal humans. So for even Diamond Ranks to look at Tom in awe meant that he was truly good looking.

A beautiful girl approached Tom with a blushing smile and she handed a letter to him before leaving immediately.

"What is this?" Tom looked at the letter, but before he could read it Zyta grabbed it and burned it into dust.

"Hey, why did you do that? I haven't read it yet."

"You don't need to." Zyta smiled. "I will write a letter for you."

"That's not the point. Who knows she might try to say something important."

"Trust me. It's nothing important."

Tom and Zyta debated for a few minutes and they didn't realize a small drone swooped in and sucked all the dust from the letter.

In a room full of high tech computers, multiple screens of various sizes, and thick metallic cables all over the walls and ceiling, Corduul stood at the center. All of these contraptions were all in his control.

"Began reconstruction," he said and the computers began to scan the dust millions of times as they tried to reconstruct it.

After a few seconds, the letter appeared before a highly advanced 3D printer began printing the letter atom by atom.

When it's done, Corduul opened the letter and read it.

Tom, I have always had my eyes upon you since 10 years ago. As the sun rises, I see your figure in the sky, as it falls, I see you in my sleep. My mind is filled with you and I wish you can fill my inside too. I have a fear of you rejecting me, but I fear more of not conveying my feelings to you.

Love you -your secret admirer

Corduul's eyes flickered after he read the letter. "What is the meaning of this? Send this letter to the tech priest. Tell them to analyze every word of this letter. Perhaps it contains important information."

The computer replied with a female robotic voice. "Calling all tech priests and sending the information… transmission success."

Corduul read the letter again. "I shall read this letter ten thousand times to analyze it."