
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 466: a shocking ability

As victor swung his light saber, Aldred reached out with his hand and grabbed the saber. His skin sizzled as the light burned him.

"How did you…?"

"You underestimate my power, Victor. I did not come here to lose to your robots. I am here to lure you out!"

Aldred flashed forward, Phantom Doomblade forming in his hand, and he wanted to thrust into Victor's chest.

Victor's body suddenly moved backward and an energy exploded from him, knocking Aldred away.

Aldred's feet dragged against the floor for a second before he came to a stop. "As expected from a level 135 entity. You wouldn't be that easy to kill."

Victor's robotic eyes lit up and two powerful beams shot towards Aldred.

Raising his blade, a wall of flame ignited in front of him and absorbed the beam. Aldred then spun, his flame followed his movement as if he was dancing gracefully, and then swung his blade forward, throwing the flame towards Victor before it formed the shape of a vicious dragon.

Victor's right arm flashed with electricity and fired a powerful lightning bolt at the dragon, blasting it into pieces, creating a beautiful fireworks of fire and lightning in between them.

Aldred smiled. "I was afraid that you might be some sort of weak mortal who relied on your robots to fight. I was wrong. You are much better than I anticipated. But with this strength, why use robots to fight?"

"This power I own is only something I create to assure my safety. Like I said, my existence keep equality afloat. I have to protect myself from all kinds of threats. You are not the first one that manage to lure me."

"At least I manage to lure you though," Aldred said with a smile on his face.

He intentionally mocked Victor and calling him out. After that, Aldred simply pretended to be defeated by the robots to lure Victor.

The plan worked.

"We could be working together, you know. We can create peace for this continent."

"There will be no peace if your kinds still exist."

"You know equality is a terrible thing if you take it too literally right?"

"It's much better than the current system. Tell me, have you ever seen the live of slaves?"

Aldred suddenly recalled the first time he came to Ruandeurtin Fort. He recalled the scene when he was jogging and saw the slaves working under the glaring sun despite their sickness and pain.

He remembered that he manage to cure a man's disease by killing a parasite in his body. He also remembered that he met the man's child who only had one arms but manage to skillfully spear a fish in the river.

He forgot their name as it was quite a while ago.

"I have," Aldred said.

"Then you should know that the current society is a failure. I am not like you. I want none of those materialistic things. What I want is to enforce my ideologies."

"And you must think that you're a saint by doing that, right?" Aldred asked.

"I am no saint. Just a man who wanted less suffering for this world."

"Killing millions of people is your solution?"

"Kill millions to save billion. I have no problem with that."

"Sorry, I have a lot of important people who are magicians and warriors. I have to end you here to save them."

Victor and Aldred vanished from their original spot and fought at close range at extremely high speed.

Stella, Naley, and Barne watched the battle unfold in silent, but their hearts were beating like mad.

Except for Naley, They did not know that Victor was actually this strong.

"He is stronger than most Diamond Ranks I've seen," Stella said.

"You said that you have lived over thousands of years, right?" Barne asked. "What was the state of this land a thousand year ago?"

"Nothing like anything you see here. It was barren land."

"I see… I did not expect that."

Aldred continued to fight against Victor back and forth. Flames burned all over Victor's robotic body, and electricity crackled all over Aldred's body.

They both backed up and stared at each other. They did this for a few seconds before they rushed back into battle.

Aldred swung his Phantom Doomblade, Victor ducked to dodge, until suddenly, another Aldred appeared from the side and slashed. Victor's body moved automatically to dodge, but another Aldred appeared and attacked from below.

Victor's body moved in mid-air, managing to dodge the fatal attack, but the blade cut his right foot.

Victor wanted to re-attached the foot, but Aldred reached out with his hand and crushed it into pieces.

The three Aldred then rushed towards Victor, but surprisingly some surface parts moved quickly and emerged as his new right foot. Victor quickly kicked the ground and dodged the attacks.

"Not bad." Aldred summoned another clone. In total, there were four Aldred now.

They all then rushed at Victor. One was engulfed in flame, one in water, one covered in earth, and the last one was inside a whirlwind.

Aldred attacked with the four basic elements. Sending fire fist, earth pillars, water razor, and wind attacks at Victor.

Victor's chips became overloaded with data. There was so many attacks at once that even his advanced chip struggled to process the information it received. The result was a slower reaction, and Aldred's attack hit him a bunch of times, causing damage to his body.

Aldred and his clones then attacked at the same time, sending all four elements towards Victor.

The attack knocked Victor in the air.

And a split second after, Aldred and his clones raised their Phantom Doomblade.

"Execution Strike!"

Each one of them sent a bright red arc towards Victor.

When it reached him, it cut off all of his limbs, then a series of slashes followed throughout his body.

Victor's robotic eyes widened in shock. Even though most of his body were mechanicals he still retain his human features because he needed that to invent new things.

And now, his senses just told him that he was cut into thousands of pieces!

Quickly, his body re-connected itself and landed on the ground. He seemed to be unwounded but that attack took great toll on his robotic body. Though it can't felt tired, it could break under constant pressure.

"Would you like to surrender?"

Aldred asked with a smile as his godly eyes detected a lot of damage on Victor's body. On the surface, it might looked pristine fine, but it was terribly damaged inside.

Victor raised his right arm in silent. With a few mechanical clicks, a small pod with blue liquid came out of his forearm.

"Your offense is nothing to me, Victor. Don't try to resist any longer. You have nowhere to go."

"I do," Victor said before crushing the pod.

Suddenly, time and space stopped. And then slowly, time began to reverse. Aldred's body moved and he could not control it as everything he had done before were completely reversed. The attacks, the fightings, the broken parts, the explosion all reverted. Time went backward as far as when he was captured by the robots, but it did not end there.

It then returned to the point when he was trapped inside the cube barrier.

When that happened, the time returned to normal again, and Aldred could move his body around.

The cube barrier vanished.

Aldred was shocked out of his mind after what just happened.