
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 465: getting caught

"Dammit!" Barne stomped the ground in anger. "How dare he destroy my creation! Help me teleport another thing. I have something much bigger."

Aldred smiled. "Keep your robots for later. I will take care of this."

Aldred vanished out of thin and then reappeared right below the space ship. Using his godly eyes, Aldred saw no humans within the space ship. This gigantic massive mechanism was completely automated.

In Aldred's past lives, this kind of technology was only possible in science fiction movies.

A second later, Aldred detected a lot of weapons were pointing at him. Before they could do anything however, Aldred summoned his Phantom Doomblade and slashed upward.

A wide arc of flame appeared at the speed of light and slashed the space ship in half. The attack was then followed by a series of explosions and shock wave that threw numerous mechanical parts in every direction.

Barne's and Naley's jaws went to the ground. With a single slash from him, the kilometers wide space ship was completely obliterated. They couldn't ever imagine a human would be possible of such things.

Sure they had seen a glimpse of the outside world and the power of magic, but not like this.

In fact, even Diamond Ranks would be shocked to see Aldred's power. Even a being as ancient as Stella was amazed by him.

So their reaction was not over dramatic. It was just Aldred's power was that dramatic.

Suddenly, dozens of blue vortex appeared in the sky and thousands of fighter jet with x wing came out. Their speed was impressive for normal Diamond Ranks, but Aldred wasn't a normal Diamond Ranks.

In his godly eyes, these planes were as slow as snails. Raising his fingers, he smiled and aimed at them.


Instead of firing one fire bullets at a time, Aldred fired hundreds in succession. Like a machine gun with steroids he kept on firing endlessly, destroying hundreds of planes.

The planes tried to make a maneuver to dodge his attack, but despite their rigorous calculation, it was physically impossible to do so.

They then turned around and counter attacked, firing thousands of bullets in a fraction of a second.

The bullets struck against Aldred's skin and it got deflected.

"This is too weak. Come on, Victor. Show me your true power! Is this the nation that manage to fight Ceraisian Empire to a draw?"

Aldred raised his left fist and clenched. "Fire Combustion!"

Suddenly, the entire sky was filled with flame. The flame was so bright and so hot that it melted steel and glass far away from it. When the flame disappeared, the planes had been turned into liquid metal and they all fell to the ground.

"Weak! Too weak, Victor!" Aldred shouted at the sky.

After Aldred said that, electricity sparked all around him, and a barrier with the shape of a cube trapped him inside.

"Trying to trap me? You think your weak tech can do that?"

Aldred slashed the barrier, but his Phantom Doomblade was deflected. Aldred frowned and kept hacking at it, but to no avail.

Suddenly, the whole cube barrier, and along with him was teleported into a vast, completely white room.

There was a bulky, golden robot in the room with a pair of large hands.

"Is this your best robot?"

Suddenly, the robot punched out, and its fist detached from its arm and went straight towards Aldred. It grabbed him and pulled him towards it.

Aldred raised his sword about to thrust it into the robot but the robot swung its left fist at him. With a powerful bang, he was knocked into the air, while also being electrocuted.

When Aldred landed on the ground, the robot were already rushing at him.

Aldred rolled to dodge the giant fist and then slashed its arm. The right arm flew into the air, but cables shot out from its arm and re-attached it back.

Aldred moved forward and slashed it off again before he spun and cut off its left leg. The robot was disoriented, and Aldred thrust his blade into its chest. The blade burst in flames, burning its internal part from the inside.

The robot slowed down and the light in its eyes died.

"Weak," Aldred said before he turned around and saw hundreds of the same robot standing thirty meters from him.

Aldred let out a sigh.

For the next hours, Aldred fought endlessly against the robots. Hours then turns into days, and it turn into weeks until he got exhausted and defeated.

The robots surrounded him and tied him with all kinds of strange devices.

A few hours later, a man came. His feet clanging against the room as if steel against steel.

Aldred looked up and saw a man, no a machine. Wait, it was a half-man half-machine.


Level: 135

Power: Mechanical Body, Super Strength, Super Speed, Fast Thinking, Ultra Focus, Deep Thought, Self-Engineering, Tech Master, Artificial Brain Network Connection...

History: Once was an ordinary man under constant oppression, Victor saw a chance to bring humanity to a greater equality and fight for it. Developing science and technologies in secret, he manage to carve a territory for himself after years of fighting.

Aldred raised an eyebrow. An ordinary man managed to get the strength of a Diamond Rank.

That meant it was possible for other ordinary person to achieve this height. Even if that wasn't the case, they could at least reach Silver Ranks.

"You are a threat," Victor spoke with heavy and harsh robotic voice.

"Am I?" Aldred asked.

"Yes, you are. You define the thing I despise. Someone so talented and so powerful in the art of magic. The art of non-physic! No one should have learn magic. It brought great suffering for the majority of people who could not wield its power. And people like you, who stand the highest above them all would do everything you can to keep your rule and satiate your endless ambition for countless conquest."

"I did not expect you to be so talkative."

Victor raised his arm, and it flashed with blue energy before a blue light saber appeared. "No one can understand my thoughts. Even though I explained it to them numerous times, the people, they always find ways to have contact with the non-physics. These emotional beings are too engrossed with the mystery and seduction of taboos."

"So that's why you restrict so many information from them."

"My existence is the only reason why they can enjoy their life without someone whipping their backs! But humans are ungrateful. They always have."

Aldred smiled. "I thought wrongly of you. I thought you wanted to control the nation and controlled the world. Maybe we can work together."

"I have no desire for such things, but you think wrongly of me. I have no intention for world domination, but if that is what it takes to force equality, then I will gladly do it. I will kill everyone except the mortal kind. All the books of histories about your existence will be gone. There will be no such thing as magic."

"That's not what I have in mind," Aldred said with a frown.

"It is the only choice I have. So now, die, Aldred. I have failed to kill you during your journey, but you still end up here under my mercy."

Victor raised his light saber and slashed.