
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 467: we need your help

"Did he just turn back time?" Aldred widened his eyes in shock. He had seen the power of manipulating time before, but it wasn't to this extent!

Most time manipulation power only let faster reaction, faster thoughts, and faster agility. Victor, on the other hand, literally reverted time!

Aldred did not know how far he reverted, but it had at least to be more than hours. But when he looked at the cities, he noticed that Victor's power had some limitation.

It did not affect everything, but only him, Victor, and the room.

The city was still destroyed, and the scraps from the battle was still all over the place.

Frowning, Aldred immediately teleported back to their secret room.

Stella, Naley, and Barne looked at him in shock.

"Did you guys see what he did?" Aldred asked.

The three of them nodded at the same time. They too were shocked to see that ability.

"He literally reverse time," Aldred said. "I can defeat a powerful man. I can defeat a fast man, but I don't know how to defeat someone that can return in time."

Naley looked at Aldred. "I think I know someone who can."

That statement made Aldred turn to look at her. "Are you for real? Who can defeat someone that can return in time?"

Naley stood up. "Someone that can return in time."

Despite the strict surveillance in Duria. Many underworld criminals always manage to move around under its watchful eyes.

Some even manage to create something called 'Dark City'. These kinds of cities were always built underground. Never seeing the light of day, the cities relied on basic light bulbs as the source of light.

The cities were brimming with underworld criminals. Everyone used thick dark robe to hide their appearance. Yes, they were all criminals which was enough reason for them to not trust each other.

If they dare to enter the city without hiding their face, a desperate criminal might reported them to get the bounty.

The Dark Cities were known to be safe haven for criminals. None of them had ever been found by authority for decades. That was why an underground society could form in these places.

Criminals could create their own things without being monitored here. Most of them like their freedom.

Zaxary was one of those people. He was a thin, frail boy, at the age of 15. But his intellect and creative thinking always led him to create something. When he was 4 years old, he already manage to create a working toy air plane. That was when his parents saw his potential and sent him to Inventor University.

In two years, he found out that he was strictly monitored. He did not like that and decided to quit college. Despite that, he was still monitored by the government.

After a few years, he decided to join the underworld society to regain his freedom.

Now, he was 15 years old, had his own small lab that was enough for his need.

He loved to live here, but it wasn't easy for a 15 years old to live in this world of criminals.

Clanging sounds came from above, and steam leaked out from one of the many pipes on the ceiling.

Zaxary sighed and strapped a pod of blue liquid to his back. He then grabbed a hand-made sword that he made on his own. He squeezed the handle and the edge of the sword shone in blue.

Turning to the side, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was skinny with only a little bit of muscle on his arm that was visible. He also saw a shadow at the corner of the mirror.

Suddenly, the shadow lunged at him, revealing itself as a vicious werewolf. Its body were extremely muscular, bulging with power, it roared and slashed its claws at him.

Zaxary quickly turned around and swung his blade.

It clashed against the claws but he was thrown a few meters away and rolled on the ground. The werewolf lashed at him again.

Zaxary gritted his teeth and rolled around to dodge. Using his small, and surprisingly agile body, he managed to dodge the fatal attacks.

He only received minor scratch on his face.

The werewolf quickly rushed towards him.

Angered, he grabbed a small black object from his pocket and threw it at the werewolf.

The object expanded into a time-distortion field. The field slowed the werewolf's movement while also wounding it, penetrating its leg.

The object then rewind back to him, this time, it went through the chest, and the werewolf fell to the ground face first.

Zaxary huffed and puffed as his body was desperate for air. He raised his sword, and pulled the small pin at the bottom of the handle.

Suddenly, a projection of him appeared by his side. The projection threw some sort of object in the air.

That was when the werewolf abruptly woke up, roared, and rushed at him again but with greater ferocity than before.

It arrived in front him in less than a second, raising its claws.

But before it could swing the claws, the projection of the object fell to the ground and time completely stopped 3 meters around him.

Zaxary closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then drew the sword back, the blade shone brighter and brighter, until suddenly reality was warped and the blade seemed to went towards the werewolf's jaw at the speed of light.

With a loud bang, its head exploded like watermelon.

The blue light on the blade dimmed immediately after that.

Zaxary sighed and put the blade on the table before the werewolf's body fell to the ground. This time without the head.

"I have to change location again."

This was a free city. He could have his freedom here. But that also meant that everyone else was free to attack him. Ever since the existence of a boy who could travel in time spread, every group wanted a piece of him.

Sometimes he was tired with this kind of life and wanted to return to Duria. But he knew he would regret that decision.

At least, in here, he could do anything as he liked. Sure this place was like a jungle full of predators, but it was better than entering a prison.

"Good work," a voice came that shocked Zaxary.

He abruptly grabbed his blade and pointed it towards the source.

"Hello, my name is Aldred." Aldred smiled.

Zaxary did not reply and he slowly put his hand into his pocket.

Aldred saw what was inside the pocket and smiled. "I am not here to attack you. I need your help. But even if you throw that temporal disc at me, it wouldn't do anything.

Zaxary clicked his tongue. The enemies probably saw his fight earlier and had studied him, which mean that this man know his fight pattern, meanwhile, Zaxary did not know anything about this man and how powerful he was.

"I come in peace," Aldred said. "So don't be too tense."

"Sigh… Aldred, you really need to work on your communication skill." Stella suddenly appeared.

"Hello, I am sorry if Aldred is scaring you. Truly he is a good guy, but he really did not know how to communicate properly."

"What do you want?" Zaxary asked.

"We need your help," Stella said.