
Hundreds of thousands undead were decimated by the Victor's air forces.

Naley bit her nail. "His forces is too many. Your undead wouldn't be able to handle them."

"Relax. Undead is not the only thing I have. Stella, help me again."

Aldred opened a portal of his own but instead of golems, star particles came out of his portal and entered the halo.

Suddenly, millions of golems appeared all over Duria. Hundreds of thousands of Artillery Golem filled the sky with explosions. People's scream were muted as the sound of explosion and blasting beam reverberated all over the place.

Fire bullets and metal bullets went against each other while metal robot clashed blade against blade with the fighter golems.

Naley and Barne was shocked to see this.

"What are those?" Barne asked.

"Those are my golems."

"Golems? They look kind of similar with robots."

"Essentially, but they don't have wires inside of them. Instead, they use mana crystals as their source of power, and as for their consciousness, it's easier to say that I use magic for that."

"Their movements… it's the same as your undead; fully synchronized and organized. Every movement was systematic almost like a great general was commanding their every move," Naley commented.

Barne began to look at Aldred with a completely different light. He thought this man was a simple brute, but he was far more amazing than he thought. How could he have this power? Undead, Golems, magic spells, and swordmanship, what else did he had under his sleeves?

Aldred's power was always a mystery for those who took a glimpse of it.

The golems kept appearing out of nowhere and began to push the robots.

"How many did you have?" Naley asked.

"I lost count to be honest." Aldred smiled. Because this was time of war, he had instructed Tarrar to create as many golems as fast as possible while also reducing the sells. This meant that he was losing money, but that was fine since he had lots of money already.

Not to mention he had other business that grew very well such as his auction company, miner company, food company, and magic orbs company that Tarrar and Jereim made.

All these company earned him billions of gold coins. He was so rich that even Edeline looked at him with jealousy. Not saying that the Empire was poorer than him, but its expenditure was too huge as it had more Diamond Ranks than any other nations.

It was a miracle already that the Empire could pay off all of its soldiers to a satisfying levels. Maybe the reason why it went to war so often was because it wanted to reduce the number of soldiers and trained them at the same time.

Aldred kept thinking about it and realized something…

Didn't that meant the nation needed war to survive? Without war, it would be unreasonable to spend so much money for the military.

Hopefully, he could do something for that. Maybe he could bring his soldiers to conquer another continent or something.

The golems swarmed in and overwhelmed the robots. Thousands of scrapped metals fell to the ground and then were absorbed by the golems.

"These things can absorb nearby materials?" Barne widened his eyes.

"Yep. They can use anything nearby to use as camouflage or simply reinforcing itself. It can also regenerate its broken parts."

"How… something like that would cost you valuable space within its internal."

Aldred smiled. "Magic, my friend, magic."

"Damn, I really want to know how this 'magic' work."

"That won't be possible, but you can work together with someone who knows magic."

Barne's eyes lit up. "That's a fucking good idea. You know what. I have seen enough. It's time for me to contribute something."

"Oh, you finally sending your robots?

"Maybe just a few. I don't have a lot."

"Which one are you sending? I want to see how good your robots are."

Barne grinned. "You'll see."

A few minutes later, a gigantic robot, the size of a skyscraper appeared. On its two hand was a giant blaster cannon with a diameter of at least 30 meters. It charged up with a bright blue light, and then fired a beam so thick, so wide, and so powerful it cleansed an entire area of robots in one massive attack.

"Wow… that's very impressive." Even Aldred was impressed by what he saw, and he wasn't easy to impress at all.

Sure his parent's power were far more impressive, but it would be unfair to compare anything to their power.

They literally ate galaxies, mortals couldn't even imagine such power.

Barne laughed. "I know you will be impressed. But I it's not done yet."

Tiny holes appeared on its body, and thousands of missiles sped out, before flying towards the enemies.

They exploded with such force that its shock wave alone leveled some of the nearby buildings.

Barne's robot began to let out all of its armaments; laser beams, incendiary bombs, scatter bombs, missiles, and flame throwers that could reach 500 meters.

His robot's weaponry was insane.

Naley was impressed by its capabilities as well. She could never make something that huge. She wasn't specialized in weaponry either, though she do have some powerful blueprints that she stole.

Aldred on the other hand was more determined to bring back more knowledge to Ceraisian Empire. Just like what Edeline said, if he wanted peace, he had to prepare for war. If his nation manage to build a powerful robot like this, less and less people would die as casualties in a war.

As Aldred thought about this, something happened. In the sky of a particular city in Duria, a giant disc like the shape of an alien ship appeared.

It was super massive; at least 2 KM in width, and then it fired a powerful beam at Barne's robot, destroying it and the entire block of the city. The attack also consumed hundreds of thousands of his golems at once.

"Victor, he is much more powerful than we thought." Aldred clicked his tongue.