
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 463: undead vs robot

Aldred stared at Stella's mirror which was floating in the air. The mirror revealed the image of the city from the sky. A lot of flying vehicles scanned the buildings and the streets at all times, looking for them.

"Will they find us?" Aldred asked.

"Nope," Barne said. "I have lived here for decades, and they hadn't found me yet. Unless they start digging underground."

Suddenly, a loud beep sound came from Naley's waist. She grabbed the device and widened her eyes in shock. "It's the tunneler. The robots are digging underground."

"Oh, fuck!" Barne stomped his little, wrinkled, old feet on the ground.

"What are we going to do?" Stella asked. "Should we destroy them?"

"No." Naley shook her head. "They will know that we are here if we do that."

Aldred laughed. "In that case, I will destroy the robots in other cities."

"That will also be suspicious. All robots in other cities are destroyed, but not here? Surely, he will know what we are doing."

"Then I will also destroys one here. If I destroy all the robots in all the places, he wouldn't know where we are."

"How will you be able to do that? If you destroy the robots here first, it will become suspicious as well."

"Little lady, Victor isn't the only one who has an army." Aldred grinned as the dark aura of undead exuded out of his body.

Naley and Barne were shocked by his sudden change in aura. The two first saw him as calm and reasonable person, but now, he was like an untamed monster who could go on the loose at any time.

If Aldred did not control his aura, these two people would die immediately.

"Stella, help me teleport my army to all corner of Duria."

"Sure." Stella's half-broken disc floated atop Aldred and casted a star halo above his head.

Aldred closed his eyes and sent numerous shadow into the halo. Then, Aldred summoned his Phantom Doomblade and pushed it through the halo. The part of the blade that entered the Halo became invisible as if the halo was a portal that led somewhere else.

Naley grabbed a small box from her small pocket and flicked it. The box widened into a tablet and when she activated it, she immediately accessed her own surveillance cameras that she put all over the country.

Everywhere she looked, she saw shadows in the shape of demonic creatures and beast rampaging around the cities, leaping onto every robots and ripped its internal apart. These things were as vicious as animals, but the more she looked she realized that their movements were very coordinated with each other.

They were almost like a robot in synchronization!

Naley frowned. Robots did not have the ferocity of a living being, but they do have systematic approach in attacking, so their weakness were filled. But these undead has the advantage of a robot-like sync, and the ferocity of a vicious creature.

This made them an army to behold!

Naley's analysis was spot on. Aldred's undead could communicate with each other faster than the speed of light. This made it impossible for them to accidentally killing each other, but instead, manage to kill the most important target because they could work together so well.

If a robot require more undead to kill, more undead would come at a moment's notice. They also did not feel fear which was already a big advantage in itself.

Duria's main methods of winning a war was with overwhelming power that could kill thousands of people at once to scare the enemy. With their hearts demoralized, their effectiveness in fighting would significantly be reduced.

Most creatures are emotional. When they see their friends died, they would felt down.

But not undeads and robots. These things didn't even care if they were torn to shreds because they couldn't even felt pain in the first place.

What Naley further surprised about was how good these undeads were at 'killing' robots. Each of their movement, spells, and techniques was so elegant and powerful.

Aldred's undead had been strengthened because of the many buffs he received during his journey, and the quality of his mana also affected their strength as well.

The chaos and destruction caused panic and unrest in every part of Duria. Then suddenly, hundreds of thousands of military-grade planes came down and precisely fired at the undead.

The citizen of Duria finally got a glimpse of Duria's true military might. All these time, only the most intelligent and creative people were selected to know about the military. Most military devices were hidden from the public view.

Victor admired the power of creativity, but he also feared it. He was scared that someone would try to create a weapon to fight his rule.

That was why he did not show himself as ruler, but instead, controlled the nation from the shadow.

Naley's eyes lit up. Finally, finally the citizen could see more truth about their nation. She hoped that they would be able to piece the puzzles themselves and realize that the governments are hiding a lot more information from them.

The propaganda paper from before would also help with this.

Naley looked at Aldred. Because of this man, she made so many progress that could take decades to do. But she managed to do it in a few months because of him.

What an incredible power this so called 'magic'. Why didn't Victor use them?

Aldred kept looking at the mirror. The power of advanced technologies kept making an impression of him. Not only their power in military, but also in information gathering, social engineering, health, education, and even transportation.

Technologies changed people's live in so many different aspect. Aldred wanted this knowledge to be spread in his empire so ordinary men would be more appreciated and had bigger roles to play in society.

In his opinion, the current society was too harsh for ordinary people. Buildings could be built with magic, farms could be taken care of with magic, battles could be fight off with magic. Almost everything could be done with magic.

This made the normal people almost have no roles in society, despite them being the majority of the population.

"After taking out Victor, I should bring some knowledge back to the empire."