
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 456: two crazy people

Naley looked at the screen that showed his rear view. The city security force had long gone because of her smoke screen, but who the hell were these two fuckers that were chasing her plane?

"Who are these fuckers? They're not from Duria."

Duria's citizen did not use magic and would never use them. Even though the techniques and energies were available to use spells, Duria decided to use human augmentations to mimic warriors and magicians. These modified human however hadn't been able to match against the strongest warrior or magician but it was good enough for Duria because they could put them inside a powerful machine and benefit from their extraordinary senses, reflexes, and creativity that robots or artificial intelligence did not have.

Judging by their flight, it was obvious these two people were not from Duria. Even after Naley scanned their face, she only found data about ordinary people.

It was obvious. These two were in disguise.

"Whoever you think you are, you think you can catch me?"

She steered the ship upward and flipped over, aiming the barrels towards Aldred and Stella.

"Oh…" Aldred stopped in mid air.

Suddenly, a loud sound burst from the plane but before the sound could reach their ears, the bullets already stormed towards them.

Stella raised her hand and a transparent golden barrier appeared in front of them. When the high-caliber bullets touched the barrier, it entered a state of slow motion, moving very slowly as the barrier redirected its trajectory to the side. Only when the bullets escaped the barrier did it move with its normal speed, but by that time, the bullets were already redirected.

Naley gritted her teeth. "These bastard! Eat my rockets!"

Dozens of rockets flew out of her ships and rushed towards Aldred. A jet of blue fire boomed making the rockets faster.

When they reached Aldred they exploded, creating a large area of fire in the sky. Though suddenly, the fire was sucked in into Aldred's palm.

"What are these two???" Naley widened her eyes.

She shot a powerful plasma beam towards them.

Aldred moved forward and deflected the beam with his finger.

Her eyes expanded ever more. "These two are mad! I have to escape!"

Her plane made a u turn and sped up into the distance.

Aldred and Stella vanished from the spot and suddenly appeared behind the ship, chasing after her.

"Fuck, these two won't give up!"

"Hey, can we talk for a second?"

Aldred suddenly appeared in front of her windshield which shocked her and made her do a quick barrel roll.

"I just want to talk," Aldred said, still stuck on her windshield.

"Get off my fucking plane!"

"I meant no harm."

"How the fuck did your voice get inside my plane anyway. It's moving at Mach 6!"

"Listen to me."

"Get off my fucking plane!!!"

"Sigh, alright."

Aldred disappeared and Naley suddenly saw a hill right in front of her. She did not have time to react and her plane crashed onto it with an explosion.

Something came out of the explosion with a trail of smoke. It was a metal ball. The ball opened up and revealed Naley inside a power suit.

"That bastard!"

"Hello, I was about to save you earlier."

"What do you want?" Naley asked.

"We want to help you revolt against Duria. I know you have an organization behind your back."

"Are you being serious?"

"We do." Stella approached Aldred in mid air and stayed by his side. "We come here to help you reform the nation."

"Can I trust you two?"

"Sure you can."

Naley frowned, and stared at them with a suspicious look. "So you want to come to the headquarter of our organization?"

"If we are allowed to."

"Alright, but hold this first." Naley gave Aldred and Stella an object.

"It's… an animal poo?"

They moved their head to look at her, but she already rushed forward and punched them right in the face.

"That's what you fucking deserve, you two piece of shit!"

Her jet pack shot out two powerful flame that sped her away.

Aldred and Stella stood still, rubbing their cheeks.

"Have you put a tracker on her?" Aldred asked.

Stella lifted her palm and a projection of her astral location appeared.

Naley activated the full power of the jet pack to get away as fast as possible. She looked back and saw that those two hadn't come after her.

Suddenly, the flame from her jet pack died, and she began to fall.

Hitting a lever on her waist, the exhausted jet pack got detached from her back, and her shoes began to glow with blue light.

She hovered in the sky, looking around there was no one chasing after her.

Below her was another busy city. She floated down and her power suit transformed into a thick coat and high waisted shorts. She grabbed a pair of glasses from the pocket and began to blend in with the crowd.

The watch on her left arm blipped, hacking onto nearby surveillance device and began to rewrite any information about her.

Her footsteps, body structure, weight, face, and every other data were all rewritten, essentially making her invisible.

Even if she got buck naked right now, the government would not know.

She grabbed a hand watch from her coat and drop it at a nearby coffee shop. She did the same thing at a convenience store, super market, and an old warehouse.

She was informed that Duria's personnel was secretly kept here to build the secret weapon.

She wanted to blow up the police station as well, but the police station for each city block was located in the sky.

It was a floating island and no one was allowed near it with the radius of 10 kilometers. With wide perimeters, and high-tech defensive barriers, it would cost tremendous amount of resources to even attack a local police station.

She walked away for half an hour, and then half the city block exploded in an instant. Fire came ablaze and the police station was alerted. Automatic Fire Extinguisher system was activated and white gas came out from below the street, killing the fire.

But even with that, her job was done. She had killed those secret personnels.

She did not know however that the information she got was a fake.

Walking into an alley, she entered a quite bar with a bunch of big looking dudes drinking beer as if they were the only thing they could consume. She walked inside the kitchen. Everyone ignored her like she was a ghost.

She kept walking to the warehouse, then opened a large refrigerator. It was filled with cheese that had been rotting for the last ten years.

The foul smell did not affect her however. She went inside and closed the door.

Suddenly, a hole opened under her feet and she fell for 25 minutes before she saw the ground.

Her whole body stopped in mid air right before she was about to crash. Slowly, her body went down and her feet landed.

The room was dark at first, but upon her arrival, lights became to lit up the place.

Around the room, a lot of guns, cannons, explosives, hacking devices,

Sighing after a tired day, she sat on her bed. "I hope I don't ever meet those two ever again."

"Hello, how are you doing?"

Naley turned to the side and screamed at the top of her lung.