
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 457: sofiel the singer

"Wow, calm down there, lady," Aldred said.

Naley grabbed a small gun beside her and pointed it Aldred. Aldred simply raised both hands. He knew the gun was no threat to him after his godly eyes analyzed it. At most, it could hurt a low-level Platinum Rank, but not kill them.

"Hey, I meant no harm," Aldred said calmly.

"Shut up!" Naley pulled the trigger, shooting an energized projectile towards Aldred.

The projectile slammed on Aldred's forehead, the force flattened it into a coin. Aldred grabbed the object and looked at it for a few seconds.

Yep, that force was at least enough to kill a Gold Rank.

"How can you survive that with your own body?" Naley was still confused about the power of this man. Not only he manage to chase after her plane, he was also able to track her to her secret base.

Aldred turned to look at her which made her retreated by a few steps.

"I am a Diamond Rank. This simple ball of steel wouldn't be able to harm me."

That wasn't a simple ball of steel, Naley thought. That was an energized alloy. It was a special alloy that increased its weight according to the acceleration it received. Meaning it could produce a much greater force than a normal steel.

"Okay, so let's talk."

"Before that, where is your other friend?" Naley frowned.


Someone touched her shoulder.

Naley screamed again as she turned around and saw Stella standing behind her with a smile on her pretty face.

"How did you… fuck! What do you want from me? You want to know the location of the organization? You better kill me now, because there is no chance for that to happen."

"I understand," Aldred said. "I won't ask for a location. But we would like to help you with your mission."

"Which mission?"

"Overthrowing the government of Duria, to end the life-long isolation of the nation, and to let magic be a part of every people's life."

"I have tried for years, and I barely made a progress. You think you two can do better than me?"

"Believe in us. We have powers beyond your comprehension. All you need to give us is information."

"What information?"

"The location of the secret weapon? Secret lab?"

"They have many of those. Destroying one or two wouldn't do anything."

Aldred raised an eyebrow. "You sounds pessimistic, but you keep doing all these. Why?"

Naley looked down. "Maybe I just want everyone to see a slight of truth."

"Doesn't everyone know there is a completely different world out there?"

Naley shook his head. "Although tourists are sometimes welcomed, they are only allowed to stay within the fake cities. These cities are not the real city of Duria. And the citizen within these cities are never allowed to come near our real cities. Everyone's location and thoughts were monitored. They didn't even realize it, but they were actually in a huge cage."

Aldred approached her. "I know you have a plan. Show it to me, and we will help you."

Naley looked up and saw Aldred's face right in front of her. "There is one woman I know who can lead us to him."

"Lead us to who?"

"Victor. He is our real enemy. The true ruler of Duria." Naley decided to let them in on her plan. It was useless to hide it away from them anyway since they were too powerful for her to handle.

Aldred raised an eyebrow. He just realized that he did not know who the king, president, or emperor of Duria was. He did not even know what kind of governing system this nation used.

When he was walking around in the street, he saw everything was controlled by robots. Be it the police, emergency services, they were all robots.

If his conclusion was correct, the nation of Duria might be controlled by one person.

"Victor… so who is this woman that can lead us to him?"

Hine Fepveb woke up from her slumber with great mood and energy. She opened her window and breathed in the fresh air.

She was unusually energetic and excited because today was the date for the concert of her favorite singer—Sofiel. She looked at the digital clock. It was 3:40. The concert began at 7: 20, so plenty of time for her to prepare.

She went inside her bathroom and sang while she cleaned herself. After she was done, she wrapped herself with a towel and grabbed the set of clothes that she had prepared yesterday.

It was 5: 23 already. She took a longer shower than usual, because she wanted to look fresh and great.

Putting on some powder on her body, she dressed up, and began to put some make up and lipstick on her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she fixed her hair and smiled.

A projection appeared in front of her eyes. Her friends, Sara, messaged her: Hey, I am down stairs. Come quickly, I want to stand close to the stage.

She looked at the top left corner of the projection and saw the time was already 6:12

Okay, she replied using her minds of which the message wrote by itself and sent automatically.

Technology was already advance enough for them to read minds and intention. If she thought about bad words, but did not want to say it, then nothing would happen.

The technology let people communicate faster and also safer since it had Bad Word Impulsive detection that will warn the user if they wanted to use bad word or no.

This could be deactivated at any time.

Hine hopped onto her hover board and rushed down the stairs and hugged her friend. "Sara!!!"

Sara smiled and hugged her back. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."

They hovered out of the building and entered an automatic taxi.

"Seraphim's Plaza, please."

The vehicle moved and drove towards their location.

Sara looked to the side and saw that her friend was trembling in excitement. "Would you calm down?"

"How can I calm down? I have been waiting for her to come to this city for a long time! I finally can attend her concert! Oh my god, I can't wait!!!"

She took out a small object and it floated away a few inch from her. "Make a pose."

They both posed and smile.

The small object clicked and took a picture of them, automatically sending it to their social media.

Seconds later, comments came in:

Yay Bestie!!

Slay girl!


Looking tHicc!


So Beautiful!

They took a few more picture and kept sending it to their social media story.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the plaza.

"There's already so many people here!"

The plaza was completely filled with people, and they struggled to get inside.

After they got their spot, they chatted while they waited for Sofiel to come on stage.

An hour later, all lights were shut except on the stage, and suddenly, Sofiel appeared on stage with her iconic pink hair, colorful dress, and a pair of small, transparent wings on her back.

Everyone screamed in excitement at her arrival.