
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 455: a secret mission

After they were done eating and celebrating, Aldred took out the steering wheel again.

"Let's try it again. Who knows it might work this time."

His wives nodded at him.

Lifting his finger, Aldred pushed the button gently. The runes on the steering wheel shone, and the mana leaked out like gas. But then the light flickered, and died.

Aldred frowned. "It still doesn't work."

"Is it perhaps broken?"

"No. It's not broken. If it is, I would know."

The steering wheel was perfectly fine according to his godly eyes. It was without a doubt that nothing was wrong with it. So it was probably had something to do with the castle itself.

Where did his mother and sister go? Why didn't they tell him? Were they in danger?

It would be hard to imagine that a universal level existence, the Grand Ancestral Vampire herself would be in danger.

Not a lot of entity could pose a threat to her. She was extremely powerful with myriads of reality-bending power in her hands.

To a lot of people she would never be in danger.

She was the danger.

However, to Aldred, Eve was simply his mother, and he was worried sick about his mother and sister.

Aldred sighed in sadness at the thought of never seeing them again. He wondered where they were and what they were doing right now.

"Calm down, Aldred. I am sure the steering wheel will work some day. Or maybe you are not yet strong enough to use it," Stella said.

Aldred thought about that. "Maybe you are right."

Maybe she was right, Aldred thought. He wasn't strong enough, so he couldn't return yet. He looked into the distance mountain and clench his fist. He had to get stronger.

Aldred mistakenly thought that he could return home when he was at Diamond Rank, but for his mother, Diamond Rank was as weak as ants.

He wanted to explore other continents, and became much stronger.

"Let's start our next journey in a new continent."

Edeline was shocked to hear that. "You did not plan to stay?"

Aldred shook his head. "I am sorry, Edeline, but no, I am not planning to stay. But before I leave, I will make sure you will have your peace."

"What are you going to do?"

"Increasing the strength of our military, tightening the ties in our diplomacy, and removing threats all for once."

"Are we going to go to war?" Edeline asked.

"No. It won't be a war." Aldred smiled. He understood that the last thing Edeline wanted was war, so he had to think of alternatives.

In a war, the majority of people actually did not want to fight. It was the people above them that wanted war.

So his solution was simple; kill the high command, and if he could, replace them with someone that was anti-war.

"First, I have to neutralize the secret weapon that they are currently building in Duria. To do that, I need to go there. This will be a secretive mission, so I have to go alone."

"At least bring me with you," Stella said. "I am a powerful Diamond Rank like you as well."

Everyone nodded.

"That's right, Aldred. Bring Stella with you."

"Alright. So when do we leave?"

"We're going right now?" Stella asked.

"The sooner the better."

Flying vehicles swoosh all around the high-rise buildings that completely looked like they were build out of glass. The streets were filled with high-speed vehicles. They seem to be in perfect sync as they passed each other, narrowly crashing against one another at a high speed.

All these vehicles were automatic, controlled by some sort of artificial consciousness with a processing power of a trillion human.

The humans here were always stuck on their screen. Whether they were inside their vehicles or out in the street, they looked at a small box of screen most of the time. Those that do walk on the street used a small hover board that helped them moved from one place to another without moving a single muscle.

A man and a women with glasses and thick coat looked at their own screen as they floated next to one another.

They were Aldred and Stella in disguise.

'Aldred, this whole city is monitored. Every piece of object in this city is watching and listening to us.'

'I know. This is why we must keep communicating through telepathy. Also be careful with your mana. I believe they have devices to detect magic energies and life force as well. We have to contain it as much as possible."

'I got it. But how do we look for the secret weapon?'

'I have heard that there is a rebel force that revolt against Duria. They must have the means and technologies to be under radar. That also means they might know something about the secret weapon.'

'So we are looking for them?'

'No, we are waiting for them. I just leaked some false information to bait them to come out.'

Aldred and Stella hovered to a mall and sat by the outdoor cafe. Suddenly, a notification popped on their screen, showing the menu.

Aldred and Stella picked random items.

'When will they come?'

'It should be about… now.'


Rockets came from above and struck the highest floor of the malls, creating a series of explosions. The building parts were jetted out, sending it down with flame. Many flying vehicles got struck and crashed onto one another and then crushed the pedestrians below.

Everyone panicked. They screamed and ran, but to their dismay, their feet had forgot how to move. The hover board wasn't quick enough to save their life, and most of them got crushed.

Aldred looked up and saw a high-speed plane, seemingly coming out of sci-fi movie, hovered in front of the mall and fired high-caliber bullets at the rate of 10,000 bullets per second.

It completely wrecked an entire floor.

"That's our target," Aldred said.

Suddenly, a loud siren blared the sky, and a group of flying vehicles came approaching. These group of vehicles were red and blue. It was obvious that they were the police.

The high-speed plane fired a smoke screen and then dashed away.

"Let's follow it!"

Aldred and Stella kicked the ground and flew towards the high-speed plane. Activating his godly eyes, Aldred saw that inside the plane was a woman.

"Naley Zanidi, what an interesting name."