
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 244: feuds between students

Chapter 244 Feuds Between Students

After Aldred showed his teaching capability that even a Diamond Rank like Bravar could only stay silent and listen to him like a dog, all the wealthy parents now nodded their heads to whatever Aldred said and licked his shoes to please him.

Aldred wasn't a degenerate, so even though he always had his own interest at heart, these people were his allies, and he wouldn't do them injustice.

Even though they annoyed him a bit earlier, these people were actually nice.

Bravar continued to ask some questions about his spells, and the parents followed suit.

Eventually, the students felt left out and called out for their dad.

"Father, when will I have time to train if you continue to talk with Master Aldred?"

"Ah, right. Where are my manners? Master Aldred has to give our children a valuable lesson. Maybe we should end our visit today."

No one wanted to end their visit after they realized that Aldred was a supreme teacher, but they had to do so not only for their dignity but also for the development of their children.

"We will leave our children in your hands, Master Aldred. Should they misbehave, please punish them as you like."

"I will do that."

The students shuddered in fear after their parents said that. Earlier, they could complain to their parents, but now, the teacher got personal approval to beat them up. (Spare the rod spoil the child)

Their easy days in school would be gone. Poof! Like dust.

But they weren't mad because now they know that Aldred was a powerful teacher. All of these children were ambitious because they were indoctrinated to be so.

Wealthy people knew that to keep being rich for generations was to strictly design the mindset of their young.

And so using competition, honor, dignity, jealousy, and other various aspects, they motivated their children to best their friends.

They weren't thinking of playing with fun toys. That mindset ended when they were 6 years old.

The moment they can read, their parents put a stack of books in their face, but of course they knew their boundaries and let their children have a break whenever necessary.

The difference between smart parents and foolish parents was that they had experienced the same hardships before.

They knew that humans had a breaking point, and passing this breaking point would destroy their children's mind.

Aldred smiled at the parents as they shook his hands and left the school.

"I will leave these children with you, Master Aldred," Bravar said.

Aldred laughed. "Headmaster Bravar. You don't have to call me master."

Bravar smiled. "In that case don't call me headmaster."

They both smiled and had a little chat before Bravar left.

Aldred glanced at the students. "Are you ready for your first lesson?"


The students were obedient and listened more to him now. They respected their parents, and when they saw that even their parents respected Master Aldred, it was only natural that they would respect him as well.

"Now all of you show me your skills one by one, and I will give you advice according to your needs."

The students obeyed and showed their skill one by one. Aldred gave them their much needed advice and they could implement them immediately.

They were so happy when the result of his advice could be seen and felt. They had never seen something like that before. Most advice would take time to become fruit, so no one really knows if that advice was good or not.

"Master, how long are you going to stay?"

"Oh, did you not hear that I was a temporary teacher? I will be staying here for around 3 months."

The student's eyes lit up when they heard that.

"Why? You cannot wait to see me leave?"

"It's not that, Master. There is a competition for 1st grade class. And our class will be fighting against other classes."

"Oh, so this is only the 1st grade? What class are you guys?"

"Master… How could you not know? We are Martial Class F."

"Class F? That doesn't sound good."

"We are actually the worst bunch. Other kids always call our class F for failure."

"F for failure, huh… When will the competition start?"

"In a month."

"I see. Well, I don't really care about the competition. It doesn't matter for me if you win or lose."

The students were disappointed to hear that.

Suddenly, a group of young students, around 7-8 years old, were shouting at them.

"F class for failure! Boo! Failure class!"

These students were jeering at F class, and the F class could only grit their teeth and glared at them.

Aldred did not care about this small competition. It was a fight between children.

He then saw a fit male looking at him with an arrogant glee and he snorted.

Aldred raised an eyebrow as the man approached him.

"Are you the new teacher?"


"Let me introduce myself. My name is Biran. I am the teacher of 1st Grade Martial Class A, the best class of 1st grade. I have heard some rumors about you. They called you by the name of Death Lord and Golem Master. But I was never affected by myth and tale, and when I see you with my own eyes, it is no wonder that they put you in Class F."

There was a glint of mockery in Biran's eyes.

Aldred laughed, acting like he didn't feel insulted, but deep inside he wanted to slap this man in the face.

"I am not as great as people say I am, but I believe my teaching will improve my students' skills."

The students of Class A walked behind Biran. Suddenly, one of them rushed to one of Aldred's students and pushed him, making him fall to the ground.

"Hey! How dare you push!"

Aldred was about to step forward and prevent them from fighting, but Biran reached out with his hand. "These are simply small feuds among children. It's important to nurture competition in them."

Aldred narrowed his eyes. Instead of preventing a fight, this teacher wanted to encourage it? He didn't know if it was the culture of this school or this teacher might be sick in the head.

"You're just an F Class, what can you do against me?" He pushed the kid again.

"How dare you!" The F Class kid stood up and attacked.

The A Class boy snorted and kicked his opponent's leg, making him fall face first to the ground.

All the A Class boys laughed after seeing that. "F Class is full of losers. Just a simple kick and he fell face first. Look at his dirty face."

The F Class children clenched their fists in anger, and they all glared at the A Class.