
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 245: brutal training

Biran smiled when he saw his students bullying the F Class kids. He then glanced at Aldred, expecting him to be angered or annoyed.

But what he saw was simply calmness. He was like a monk meditating on top of a mountain. So calm as the birds chirped around him, and animals quietly sipped water from a still lake.

How could this man stay so calm? Aldred's smile did not indicate any anger or annoyance at all.

Biran couldn't believe it. This man must be hiding his emotions. Anyone would feel angry if their students were bullied by another class.

Biran was right. Inside Aldred, there was a humanity-massacring apocalypse as hell burst through his heart and filled it up with bubbling lava.

That was how he described the rage inside of him now. Aldred calmly glanced at Biran, but behind the mask, there was a glare of a demon.

If Biran could peel that mask, his soul would be trapped in eternal darkness and he would never be cocky in his life ever again.

But Aldred wanted to be civilized this time. Bravar had been good to him, and so were the student's parents. There was no reason for him to lash out like a demon to this teacher. After all, this teacher was on the empress' side at the end of the day.

Biran snorted. "Kids, let's go to our training field and start our training." He then held his head high.

Aldred watched as they left, and his smile turned into a nasty grin.

The F Class students seeing that grin were terrified. In their eyes, Aldred let out a dark terrifying aura that made it seem like a dark clawed hand was crawling to their heart.

Only when he removed that grin on his face did the suffocating feeling disappear.

"Students," Aldred called.

"Yes, Master!"

"I am going to tell you a little something I call 'Spartan Training'."

The students gulped when they saw the teacher looked at them with a serious expression.

"I will make you go through the flames of hell. Are you all ready?"

Aldred's eyes turned deep black.

"Yes, sir!"

How could they say no when they were being stared at like that.

And so their training began. Aldred was shouting while the students were doing their push up.

"50. 51. 52. 53. Ahh, I cannot do it anymore."


"Get your butt up and do some more."

"But Master."


"Any unnecessary word you say will be replied to by this whip." Aldred raised his whip. "Someone wants to say something?"

"No, Master!"

And they began their push up once again.

After the push up, comes the sprinting. Aldred created a wooden sledge and tied it to a rope before telling the students to pull him around the field while sprinting.

"Faster! Tell me who you are!"

"I am a horse!"

"Say it louder!"

"I am a horse!"

Aldred slammed his whip to the students as they pulled his wooden sledge. The whip wasn't that painful as they were still children, he didn't want to be too harsh on them...

But maybe telling a bunch of 7-8 years old to pull an adult on a wooden sledge was a bit too much.

It was too much indeed. The students were sprinting with great exhaustion. Sweat drenched their body, and they never felt so tired and breathless before.

Aldred activated his godly eyes and saw that some of the children had their life force stimulated. That was a good thing. At this rate, they might have a chance to pass their limit.

"Faster! Where are my horses!"

"Here we are!"

"Where are my horses!?"

"Here we are!"

That chant lifted their spirit and they ran even faster than before. It was a weird chant, but it did the job properly.

After circling the field three times, Aldred told them to stop, and all of the kids immediately fell to the floor in exhaustion.

Aldred whipped the ground, raising dust. "Stand up! You're a warrior now! Lift yourself!"

The students groaned and stood up. Some of them were still on the floor and Aldred shouted in their ear, forcing them to stand.

"A warrior must have great stamina to outlast his enemy."

"Master, we are tired. Can we have some rest first?"

"You think the enemy will let you rest? They will kill you in your sleep if they can! Now STAND UP!"

The students stood up with their wobbling legs.

"Battle stance!"

They raised their fists.


"Eh? Fight who, master?"

"Fight amongst yourselves!"

"But all of us are friends."

"Not at this moment. You are all soldiers, and everyone you see here is your enemy. Fight for your life!"

Aldred whipped the ground, starting the fight.

The 7-8 year olds obeyed and started punching their friends.

"I am sorry, Jacob. I have to hit you."

"Do not apologize! Hit him like you mean it!"

Jacob's friend hesitated, and then Jacob punched him in the face.


"You're my enemy right now."

And they all punched each other as hard as they could. Some kids dominated the fight and put their enemy down before barraging them with punches. It was a chaotic battle where the kids hit anyone they saw.

After a few minutes of fighting, Aldred told them to stop.

The kids then helped their friend to stand up and they smiled at each other.

After the battle, they did not come to hate each other, instead, they felt a stronger bond that tied them even closer. Some quiet kid that was isolated before was accepted by the class after the fight. He earned the respect and the appreciation of his class because of his skill.

In reality, that kid put all of his time into training that he couldn't put any time into making friends. That, and he didn't know how to socialize.

But after this battle, they learned of his quality as a warrior and admired him.

Aldred smiled when he saw this development. "You all can rest for 15 minutes. After that, return to this field."