
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 243: teaching the headmaster

After some back and forth negotiation, they finally came to a conclusion. Aldred would get 900 million gold coins per day, and when he entered the business that they owned, he could get anything there for free.

So Heavenly Waitress was actually owned by Jeben's father. If Aldred went there next time, he would not be charged no matter how much he eats.


But he didn't care too much about that. HE IS RICH NOW!

900 million gold coins! PER! FUCKING! DAY!

He didn't feel regret of spending all his 700 million gold coins now. It was peanuts compared to 900 million gold coins per day.

So this was how it felt to be a super wealthy oligarch. Imagine how many fleets of ships could he buy with that money. Imagine how many rare materials he could buy to make more powerful golems with that money.

Aldred now talked with the parents with the brightest and sweetest smile he could. These people were his goldmine. He had to treat them very nicely. Hehehe.

"Yes. I will teach your children to the utmost of my ability. When they turn 20, they will defeat a dragon at Bronze Rank."

They all believed what Aldred said without questioning him. After all, he was a Gold Rank that can improve a Platinum Rank's spell.

There wasn't any man that could do that in history. Not a single one! This was the first.

"Master Aldred. If you like, you can visit our home sometimes. We will surely host you properly."

Aldred laughed. "Sure. If I am in the mood."

They all laughed, knowing what he meant.

"Of course, we will compensate for your time handsomely, Master Aldred. We can even give you 1 billion Gold Coins per visit."

Aldred took in a deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, super duper deep breath after hearing that.

If he visits every day, wouldn't he double his income? Just how rich are these people? No wonder they had dozens of Diamond Ranks working for them. Their wealth was unfathomable. 1 billion gold coins for one visit was nuts!

But this also made him realize that the people here, and more specifically the entire empire was much more wealthy and powerful than it seemed. He didn't know about other nations, but an all-out war with any of them would cause a terrible catastrophe.

With that much wealth, how many Diamond Ranks can be moved to enemy territory at once? It had to be greater than Chanterre's raid against that one province. That was dozens of Diamond Ranks. Then what if the whole empire went out for war? Would there be thousands Diamond Ranks fighting?

That concept was too scary to think about. Each Diamond Rank might be a nuclear weapon in its own. Although they do have the power to limit the impact of their battle which was a good thing.

"In that case, I will make some time to visit," Aldred said.

The parents all smiled after hearing that. Making Aldred visit their home was just not to host him, but they also wanted Aldred to teach and strengthened their subordinates even more.

"Sorry for being rude, Master Aldred, but can you improve a Diamond Rank's spell?"

"I never tried it before."

"Then, headmaster Bravar, would you show him your skill?"

Bravar nodded. He raised his palm at the sky, and slowly clenched his fist as if he was trying to destroy something in his hand.

Aldred looked at the sky, and saw that there was a hole in the air. It was so weird. It's like the sky was a piece of paper and now there was a hole in that paper.

That could only be one thing. Space Manipulation! Aldred activated his godly eyes, and after a short analysis, he found that it wasn't a natural Space Manipulation.

It was a non-elemental spell that mimicked Space Manipulation. In simple terms, it was a fake space spell.

"What do you think, Aldred? Can you improve my spell?" Bravar asked. Although he looked calm from outside, but inside, he was very excited. If Aldred could make him stronger, that would be very good.

"Your spell is amazing, Headmaster Bravar. But there are many imperfections in its construction."

Bravar's eyes lit up. He had always known that this spell wasn't perfect. It took him decades to learn this spell, and he had only learned about 10% of it.

"What do I lack?" Bravar asked.

"Well, the major one is your strength. You are not strong enough to use its full power. And the second one is your mana. You can only sustain that hole for a fraction of a second, because your mana will quickly be depleted."

"That is correct." Bravar was impressed. "This spell drains my mana so quickly and that is why I cannot sustain it for long."

"That's because you're a fool."


Everyone there was shocked. Did he just call the Headmaster a fool?

Who would dare to do that?

Bravar was confused as well. He didn't feel insulted, because he felt that Aldred had a deeper meaning to his words.

"Instead of letting the spell consume your mana, you should let it consume the world's energy."

"The world's energy?"

"Yes. Energy is abundant in this world. Magicians and martial artists take this energy from the world and use them. They will cast many spells until they run out of mana. This was common and that was how battles were fought everywhere. But because of that, they forgot that your spell can also take energy from other sources. Try again, Headmaster, but this time, imagine the sun itself as the source of its power."

Bravar nodded and casted his spell again. And right after the hole appeared, Bravar blocked his mana, and let it consume the world's energy from the sun. And sure enough, the hole expanded and sustained itself for far longer.

Currently, one meter of the sky was a hole, and it sucked in the rooftop and other items.

Bravar quickly canceled his spell to avoid catastrophe.

They all looked at Bravar for one second before they looked at Aldred.

"How about we raise the compensation to 3 billion gold coins per visit?"