
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 242: add one more zero

"Uwaa!" The kids cried like babies.

Bravar and the parents immediately rushed to Aldred.

"What are you doing?" Bravar asked in disbelief. Didn't he just tell Aldred yesterday not to beat these kids?

"I am teaching them a 'lesson'."

One of the parents calmed his kid down, and glared at Aldred. "What kind of teaching is this? You clearly harm my kids. Bravar, you are my friend, and I respect you, but how can I save my dignity if people know your teacher beat my child."

"I apologize for this. I will talk to him in my office."

"No. Talk to him right now and right here. We want to hear his explanation."

Bravar sighed and looked at Aldred. "Please explain yourself."

"What I did is merely opening up their life force channel. It might look like I beat them up, but I have to for them to get stronger."

"Bull shit. I never heard of such a thing before."

"You don't believe me? Tell your kid to follow my instructions very carefully."

"Jeben, do what he asks for once. If he lies, I will do something for you."

"Yes, father."

Aldred smiled. "Widen your stance. Stare forward. Bend your knees, and tighten your thigh. Tighten it more."

The parents all frowned as they never saw a stance like that before.

"This is ridiculous. Are you making fun of my son?"

"I am not done yet. Jeben, now take a deep breath and imagine the air spreading to your whole body."

Jeben closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Now punch!"


Jeben punched forward and a powerful wind blasted forward before crashing onto a window and shattered it to pieces, making all the kids inside the classroom scream.

The parents widened their eyes. Jeben wasn't even a Bronze Rank yet because he hadn't reached 20 years of age, but that power earlier could match if not surpass a Bronze Rank warrior.

"How is this possible," Jeben's father exclaimed.

Even Jeben was in awe with his own power as he looked at his arms. "Is this my power?"

"This has to be some sort of trick!" Jeben's father said. "My son is not powerful enough to do that."

"It's real," Bavar said. "I see it with my own eyes. That stance, that breathing, and the life force within his body was his own."

The parents looked at each other. Bravar was a prestigious headmaster and their rightful ally. Not only was he powerful, he was a Diamond Rank on his own. His analysis would not be wrong, and he wouldn't lie to them.

"I believe you, headmaster Bravar. But I still want to confirm this."

"How do you want to do that?"

"I want to put Aldred in a mana shackle. This way he cannot cheat."

Bravar was shocked. A mana shackle was a treasure that could block all flow of mana and life force. Only a criminal was sentenced to such an act. Putting Aldred in that shackle would be an insult.

"I don't want to."

"What, are you afraid now?"

"I have a better suggestion."

"It's futile. We know of your lies now that you refuse to be shackled."

Aldred scoffed. "Why don't you test my ability to find the weakness of your technique?"

"The weakness of my technique?" He laughed. "I am a Platinum Rank. How can you a mere Gold Rank find my weakness?"

"Try me."

The man frowned. "Fine. Watch carefully."

Jeben's father held his right forearm and pushed his right palm to the sky. Suddenly, a blaze of spinning flame shot out high to the sky. The air around the area seemed to burn, as heat waves spread out.

After a few seconds, he pulled his palm back and the flame disappeared. "How about it?"

"There are many weaknesses in your technique."

"What! My flame is one of the strongest. Not many can defeat me in the art of flame elemental."

Aldred sighed. "Listen to me. Start breathing from your mouth, and close your eyes."

The man was skeptical at first, but he followed the instruction in the end.

"Make your breathing as a rhythm. Time it perfectly. One, two, one two. Now, put your arms up. Circulate the breathing in your lungs, and when you fire, blow it all out."

The man breathed in for a few seconds, and when he was ready, he blew all the air from his lungs, and activated his spell.


A booming sound echoed before a tongue of flame spat out at the speed of sound. The spinning flame this time was thinner and smaller, but it was more concentrated. There was no heatwave or burning air, this was because the heat was focused in a smaller area.

Everyone here realized this, and knew that the spell had been improved more than twice.

Jeben's father pulled his arms and looked at his palm. He couldn't believe that the flame spell he studied for years wasn't perfect.

He hadn't been able to improve it for decades, yet a single lesson from this man made it possible?

How could he believe this? It was like a fairy tale. But the proof was right in front of him.

Jeben's father glanced at Aldred in awe.

Aldred crossed his arms and gave him a look that said 'told you so'.

"I apologize for being rude. I hope you will keep teaching my son."

"I don't know. I think I am going to quit."

The parents there were all shocked to hear that.

They just saw a Platinum Rank spell being improved by a significant margin by this man, if he taught their children, their improvement would be much faster.

To hear this man about to quit, they felt an urgent need to do something.

"Please, teacher Aldred. We apologize for this misunderstanding. We're just worried for our child."

"I don't like being called a teacher."

"Then, master Aldred."

"Where's the capital?"

"Master Aldred."

Aldred smiled. "I am still not sure if I should stay or not."

The parents then swarmed him and tried to convince him to stay and teach the kids.

Bravar at the back smiled bitterly when he saw this. He had heard a lot about Aldred. Not just his spectacular action, but also his greedy endeavor.

Surely, a man like him would take great benefit from all these rich parents. And he wouldn't be shy about it.

Especially after he just paid more than 700 million gold coins to procure a fleet.

He needed more money now than ever.

"Please, Master Aldred. I will give you 100 million gold coins per day."

"We will as well."

"I am still not sure. I think you need to add one more zero to that."