
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 788: fighting against infernal

While Lorelai and Elena continued their fierce engagement with Infernal, Avaris wrestled with conflicting emotions.

On one hand, he fretted about the escalating odds against them, considering the formidable enemy they faced. On the other hand, Lethargia's nonchalant disregard for the unfolding battle sparked a touch of frustration within him.

Unable to contain his unease, Avaris cast furtive glances between the battling trio and the peacefully snoozing Lethargia. The juxtaposition of intense conflict and blissful repose created a surreal tableau on the volcanic battleground.

Avaris approached the slumbering form of Lethargia with a sense of urgency. His little snail hands wiggled as he attempted to rouse her from her peaceful sleep, a task proving more challenging than it seemed.

"Hoi! Lethargia! Wake up! Wake up!" Avaris shouted near her ears, his high-pitched voice attempting to cut through the tranquility of her deep slumber.

His efforts, however, seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Frustration etched across his tiny snail face, Avaris escalated his tactics. He slapped Lethargia's arm, hoping the sting would be enough to stir her. He even resorted to pinching her cheek, a last-ditch effort to elicit any sign of wakefulness.

But the woman remained blissfully undisturbed, lost in a realm untouched by the turmoil around her.

"I-it's no good . . ." Avaris sighed, his diminutive shoulders slumping in defeat. He gave up on top of Lethargia, realizing that his attempts to shake her from her deep slumber were futile.

With a resigned glance, Avaris turned his attention back to the ongoing battle. His worry creased his tiny snail features as he watched the clash between Lorelai, Elena, and Infernal.

The stakes were high, and Avaris couldn't shake the uncertainty of the unfolding conflict.

Infernal was an ancient and formidable demon, and possessed immense strength. If only Lord Azazel had his powers like before, there wouldn't be any problem.

However, in his current weakened state, Azazel struggled to harness the formidable abilities he once wielded. He was still adapting to his new body, grappling with its limitations in the midst of the intense battle.

As the battle continued, the snores of Lethargia persisted, providing an ironic contrast to the chaos surrounding her.

Avaris persisted in watching the relentless struggle, his hopes hinging on a favorable outcome.

The result of this battle would determine whether he could regain his original form, after all. Stuck in a snail's body, he harbored a fervent desire not to remain in this form forever.

"Everyone! You can do it!" Avaris shouted, offering morale support, though his diminutive voice could only reach a limited distance.

In the midst of the turmoil, Avaris remained hidden behind the rock, torn between anxiety and a bemused frustration, worrying about the outcome of the fight.

The volcanic battleground crackled with the intensity of the ongoing clash between Elena, Lorelai, Azazel, and the ancient demon, Infernal. The very air pulsed with arcane energies as the combatants faced off in a desperate struggle.

Infernal unleashed a demonic roar that sent shockwaves through the molten terrain. The surge of dark energy surrounded him as he decided to unleash a hundred percent of his power.

His molten armor surged, expanding and reshaping, transforming him into a colossal demon titan with unparalleled strength and stats.

Elena's eyes widening with the realization of the overwhelming threat, and shot a quick glance at Lorelai.

The two shared a silent acknowledgment of the dire circumstances, understanding that they needed to pool their strengths to stand a chance against this unleashed power.

Azazel was still weakened and recovering. He gritted his teeth, trying to regain his footing.

The odds were stacked against them, but he knew he couldn't afford to falter. He channeled the remnants of his demonic power, pushing his limits to contribute to the fight.

Lorelai's eyes gleamed with golden intensity, and turned to Elena. "Don't hold back! Just give it everything you've got!"

Elena nodded, her bow at the ready as she prepared for the impending clash.

Infernal was now a demonic titan, and bellowed with newfound power. "You insects! Prepare to be crushed under the might of the abyss!"

The battlefield quaked as Infernal lunged forward, his massive tomahawk poised to strike.

Elena and Lorelai moved in unison, a dance of elven agility and angelic prowess.

Elena unleashed a storm of enchanted arrows, each imbued with the essence of nature, seeking the weak points in Infernal's demonic titan form.

Lorelai was adept in her abilities, and conjured arcane barriers to intercept the demonic titan's attacks.

The clash between their combined forces and Infernal's unleashed might created a scene of light and shadow on the volcanic battleground.

Infernal, however, proved relentless. His demonic roar echoed, resonating with the very essence of the abyss. The molten terrain erupted as he unleashed waves of dark energy, forcing Elena and Lorelai into a defensive retreat.

"By the elven gods, he's stronger than we anticipated," Elena grunted as she dodged a sweeping strike from Infernal's colossal blades.

Lorelai's expression remained unwavering, and responded, "We need to find a weakness, something that will pierce through that demonic armor."

Azazel carefully observed the struggle, and recognized the urgency of defeating Infernal before reinforcements arrived, trapping them in the midst of an escalating conflict.

Despite his weakened state, he mustered every ounce of his remaining demonic strength. "I may not be at full strength, but we can definitely defeat him together. Focus your attacks on his joints and weakened areas!"

Elena and Lorelai adjusted their tactics. They coordinated their attacks, aiming for the joints and gaps in Infernal's demonic titan form.

Infernal was feeling the pressure of their combined assault, and roared in frustration. "You insignificant creatures! Do you think you can defy the might of the abyss?!"

The volcanic battleground trembled as the struggle intensified. Elena and Lorelai weaved through the chaotic onslaught, their attacks becoming more strategic and focused.

Lorelai conjured illusions, creating mirages of herself to confound Infernal's attacks. Elena utilized the volcanic terrain to her advantage, and hopped between eruptions while firing arrows with pinpoint accuracy.

Amidst the chaos, Azazel managed to recover some of his demonic powers. "Now, strike with all you have! This is our chance!"