
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 789: the resonance of victory

The trio synchronized their efforts, delivering a coordinated assault on Infernal's weakened joints. Arcane arrows, divine might, and demonic energy converged, creating a powerful destruction against the demonic titan.

Infernal howled in pain as the onslaught pierced through his defenses. The molten armor cracked, revealing the seething energy within.

The ancient demon staggered, his once formidable form faltering under the combined might of Elena, Lorelai, and Azazel.

Lorelai seized the moment, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity.

"DIE you demon!" She unleashed a surge of divine energy, reinforcing the attacks and amplifying their impact.

Elena draw the essence of nature, and infused her arrows with an unparalleled potency.

"For Ren and the peace of the realms!" Her arrows struck true, finding their mark with uncanny precision.

Azazel's last bit of powers surged as he roared, "For the Netherworld!"

He unleashed a final burst of demonic energy that shattered Infernal's titan abyssal form.

The ancient demon, now weakened and battered, collapsed to the volcanic ground. The molten armor dissipated, leaving Infernal vulnerable and defeated.

Elena, Lorelai, and Azazel stood amidst the aftermath of the intense struggle, their breaths heavy and bodies weary.

Finally . . . they breathed into the horizon and roared their victory.

While Elena, Lorelai, and Azazel focused on the formidable Infernal, Ren and Evie found themselves locked in a relentless struggle against the overwhelming force of the demon and devil army.

The air echoed with the clash of steel and magic as the duo worked tirelessly to isolate Salister, Malifira, and Infernal from their vast army, so the others could single them out.

Ren deftly maneuvered through the chaotic melee. Bottles and vials filled with volatile concoctions dangled from his hands, ready to be deployed in the face of the encroaching horde.

Evie danced alongside him, weaving illusions that confounded and disoriented their demonic adversaries.

The thousand-strong army, a writhing mass of demonic entities, surged forward with killing intent.

Ren was undeterred by their sheer numbers, and reached into his pouch and withdrew a series of intricate devices.

These were no ordinary explosives; they were crafting marvels designed to disorient and incapacitate. Ren hurled the devices into the midst of the oncoming horde.

As they exploded, they released a blinding array of lights and thick smoke. The demons and devils, momentarily disoriented, stumbled and collided with each other. This provided Ren and Evie a brief respite in the midst of the relentless onslaught.

Seizing the opportunity, Evie channeled her illusionary prowess. She created mirages of Ren, each appearing as a potential target, further confusing the demon and devil army.

Illusory duplicates danced around the battlefield, drawing attention away from the real Ren.

Meanwhile, Ren utilized his alchemical expertise to create a concoction that emitted a disorienting gas. He lobbed it towards the heart of the demonic forces, causing chaos as they inhaled the noxious fumes.

The once coordinated advance devolved into disarray, as demons swung at illusions and devils stumbled over each other.

Ren opted not to expend excessive magical energy on spells to incapacitate the horde. Recognizing that annihilating the entire horde would require a significant spellcasting effort and a considerable amount of magical power, he decided to leverage his alchemical skills with minimal effort and mana expenditure.

In the midst of the chaos, Ren and Evie executed a well-

coordinated maneuver.

Evie conjured illusions of towering barriers, creating the illusion of an impassable fortress.

The demonic entities, deceived by the illusion, redirected their onslaught towards these phantom barriers, futilely attempting to breach an imaginary stronghold.

With the path momentarily cleared, Ren advanced toward the center of the battlefield. He retrieved a vial containing a swirling liquid of vibrant colors — a concoction of his own design capable of incapacitating his enemies.

As he reached the epicenter, he hurled the vial, and upon impact, the liquid erupted into a dazzling display of lights and magical energies.

The demons and devils caught in the blast were enveloped in a shimmering aura, frozen in a temporary stasis.

Ren signaled to Evie, who capitalized on the momentary immobilization. With a swift and precise gesture, she unleashed a barrage of illusionary arrows that struck the incapacitated demons and devils. The phantasmal arrows dissipated upon contact, leaving the creatures bewildered and momentarily paralyzed while Ren finished them off.

Their teamwork was proving effective in thinning the ranks of the demon and devil army.

However, the relentless onslaught showed no signs of abating. Reinforcements continued to pour in from the periphery of the battlefield.

Ren scanned the landscape, recognized the need for a decisive move. He reached into his pouch once again, retrieving a vial containing a potent explosive mixture. He ignited the fuse and hurled the explosive device toward the advancing reinforcements.

The explosion sent shockwaves through the demonic ranks, creating a temporary breach in their forces.

Ren and Evie seized the opportunity to regroup and reassess their strategy.

The battlefield was a chaotic dance of lights, illusions, and alchemical explosions as the duo fought to stop the army from reinforcing Salister, Malifira, and Infernal's ranks.

As the battle raged on, Ren and Evie remained steadfast in their commitment to thwart the demonic forces away from their generals.

A resounding roar reverberated across the volcanic battleground, shaking the very foundations of the chaotic conflict. The rallying cry carried a mix of shock and disbelief as it echoed through the demon and devil army.

"Infernal is defeated!"

The proclamation echoed across the battlefield, each repetition sending ripples of disbelief through the ranks of the demonic forces.

"Infernal is defeated!"

The once-advancing army, now in a stunned silence, struggled to comprehend the turn of events.

The mighty Infernal, hailing from the ancient and noble House of Abyssalwrath . . . had fallen?

The realization hung in the air, creating a temporary paralysis among the demonic entities.

"N-No way!"

A collective murmur of disbelief swept through the ranks. The demons and devils, who had been confident in their overwhelming strength, couldn't fathom that the formidable Infernal had been defeated.

And by whom? Two women, seemingly from the mortal world, had accomplished what was impossible.