
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 787: clash of powers

"The Demon Lord?!" Infernal's laughter echoed throughout the volcanic landscape, reverberating in every corner.

His booming laughter subsided, and Infernal's expression suddenly turned serious as he sneered, "The Demon Lord is dead! And you, weaklings, will be next!"

The volcanic battleground trembled beneath the intensified clash of elemental forces.

Infernal loomed large and formidable, a swirling mass of molten armor that encased his demonic form. The air crackled with the surge of his unleashed power, as if the very essence of the abyss itself flowed through his veins.

Elena gracefully maneuvered through the chaos with the agility that marked her elven heritage. She unleashed a volley of arrows, each arrow imbued with the essence of nature itself.

However, the molten armor surrounding Infernal absorbed the projectiles, leaving him unscathed.

Azazel was weakened, but defiant, faced the towering Infernal with a determination that belied his current state.

The molten armor, bolstering Infernal's strength and defense, presented a formidable challenge.

Azazel's demonic powers were still in the process of recovery, leaving him at a disadvantage against the unleashed might of Abyssal Wrath.

Infernal bellowed with demonic fury as he raised his massive, newly enhanced tomahawk.

The ground quivered beneath him as he lunged at Azazel, the molten armor leaving trails of scorching heat in his wake.

Azazel, though weakened, dodged with the remnants of his demonic reflexes, narrowly avoiding the crushing blows.

Elena recognized the urgency of the situation. With a swift and precise movement, she unleashed a barrage of enchanted arrows aimed at the joints of Infernal's molten armor.

Each arrow found its mark, disrupting the cohesion of the demonic armor momentarily.

However, the molten substance quickly regenerated, healing the inflicted damage.

Azazel seized the opportunity created by Elena's distraction. Channeling the residual demonic energy within him, he conjured a shadowy barrier around Infernal.

The shadows writhed and clung to the molten armor, momentarily restraining the demon leader. It was a small respite, but enough for Azazel to catch his breath.

Infernal roared in frustration, the molten armor pulsating with renewed vigor. With a forceful sweep of his now colossal tail, he sent Azazel sprawling across the volcanic terrain.

"Azazel!" Elena, seeing Azazel in peril, swiftly maneuvered to intercept Infernal's next attack.

Ren's explicit command echoed in Elena's mind: protect Azazel at all costs. She couldn't afford to falter in this crucial moment. The stakes were high, and she was determined not to fail him now.

The elven huntress unleashed a barrage of arrows, each imbued with a different elemental enchantment.

The arrows sought out the gaps in Infernal's molten armor, exploiting weaknesses that weren't apparent before.

As the enchanted arrows struck true, cracks appeared in the demonic armor, revealing the seething energy within.

Yet, Infernal's response was swift and brutal. He unleashed a wave of molten projectiles, forcing Elena into a defensive retreat.

The volcanic rocks beneath her feet crumbled from the intensity of the onslaught.

Infernal sensed an opportunity, and closed in on Azazel, who was still recovering from the earlier tail sweep.

Ren, with one eye on the battlefield, couldn't help but cry out, "Azazel! Behind you!"

Stuck amidst the onslaught of thousands of enemy armies, Ren wanted to rush to Azazel's aid. However, even if he blinked to his side, he knew it would be too late.

Just as Infernal raised his blade for a potentially fatal strike, a sudden burst of energy disrupted the impending doom.

Lorelai materialized near Azazel just in time. With a wave of her hand, she conjured a protective barrier that intercepted Infernal's deadly blade just inches away from Azazel's vulnerable head.

Infernal recoiled, surprised by the unexpected intervention.

Lorelai's eyes gleamed with golden intensity as she confronted the demon leader. "Why don't you pick someone your own size?"

"Lorelai!" Elena shouted in surprise.

"My angel! You've come for me!" Azazel exclaimed in glee. "I knew it! You really like me–ugh!"

Azazel didn't finish his words when Lorelai pummeled him in the face. "Shut up and stay dead! You're so useless! And you call yourself the Demon Lord?! Pathetic!" she spat.

Ren released the breath he held, silently thanking the angel princess. With Lorelai and Elena protecting Azazel, he could finally breathe easy and focus on his own tasks again.

Though he feared that Azazel might die at the hands of Lorelai if he didn't shut his mouth up.

Meanwhile, Infernal, though momentarily thwarted, grinned with menacing confidence. "Well, well. What's an angel doing here in hell?"

Lorelai's expression remained impassive. "To kick your big fat ass, of course!"

Azazel burst into laughter despite the situation. "Keekeekee! You tell him!"

"Hoi! That's not language befitting a princess!" Elena reprimanded, holding back her laughter.

Infernal was so pissed that smoke oozed from his nose. "You insolent wench. I will show you why your kind wouldn't step foot in here!"

Lorelai laughed. "Oh really? Then I will show you why your KIND wouldn't step foot in my realm."

Amidst the chaotic clash between Lorelai, Elena, and Infernal, Avaris found himself relegated to the sidelines, hidden behind a large rock that shielded him from the unfolding turmoil.

Perched atop Lethargia's form, he observed the intense confrontation with an uneasy expression etched across his features.

"This is not good . . ." Avaris muttered, his voice laden with apprehension. He couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in his mind. "They still have the upper hand in numbers, and Infernal is pretty strong. Could they really win this?"

Nervously, he nibbled on his small snail-like fingers, the worry in his eyes intensifying with each passing moment.

A sudden loud snore, unmistakably emanating from Lethargia, disrupted Avaris's anxious contemplation, causing him to let out an involuntary shriek.

As he turned his attention to the source of the disturbance, he discovered Lethargia, sprawled on the ground, blissfully fast asleep.

The contrast between the chaos of battle and her peaceful slumber left Avaris both bewildered and mildly exasperated.

"I'm surprised that she could fall asleep in this heat, and noise," Avaris mumbled to himself, eying the dozing Lethargia.

The incongruity of her tranquil repose amidst the fiery battleground struck him as both amusing and perplexing.

It was as if the battle held no concern for her, and the oppressive heat failed to rouse her from her peaceful slumber.