
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 749: trapped in deceit

Dominique led Elena and Evie down a narrow, concealed path that wound through the hidden corners of Sin City.

The air was thick with tension as they followed the mysterious woman, their footsteps echoing softly against the walls.

The path grew darker as they delved deeper into the concealed maze, the only illumination coming from the occasional flickering bulbs overhead.

The atmosphere was tense, and a sense of foreboding lingered in the air.

Elena cast a sidelong glance at Evie, her voice barely above a whisper. "This could be a trap. We need to stay alert."

Evie nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings. "Agreed. But if Ren and the others are in danger, we can't afford not to follow her. She might be the only one who knows where they are."

Dominique's eyelid twitched. She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze meeting theirs with a force smile on her lips. "You know that I can hear you, right?"

Elena and Evie exchanged a quick look, unbothered. They had to proceed carefully, balancing their need for information with the potential risks.

"Hey, are you sure you're not leading us into a trap?" Elena questioned bluntly.

Evie shot her a sidelong glance. Perhaps Lorelai's influence was making her think stupidly.

Dominique couldn't help but cover her mouth, stifling a laugh. "Oh, hells no. Ohohoho~"

"Good," Elena nodded firmly. "Because if I sense even a hint of deception, I won't hesitate to cut you down."

Dominique chuckled. "Rest assured, I have no intention of doing that."

"You'd better not, for your sake," Elena declared, puffing out her chest and giving Dominique a stern look.

Evie was growing more concerned, and leaned in to whisper to Elena, "What if she's lying? Demons and devils are tricksters, you know."

Elena waved her hand dismissively. "That's fine. I'm strong, so everything will be alright."

"I can still hear you," Dominique retorted, a vein popping on her face, her smile skewed.

Like always, Evie and Elena didn't hear her.

Evie couldn't shake off her worry. Would everything really be alright? If Ren and the others were in trouble, it meant they were dealing with a force more powerful than Elena and herself here.

Taking a deep breath, Evie realized it might be up to her to think of a plan in case they found themselves in trouble.

She couldn't rely solely on Elena's strength; a strategic approach might be the key to navigating the unknown challenges that awaited them.

As the concealed path led them further into the heart of Sin City's secrets, Dominique's silence added to the tension.

The narrow walls seemed to close in on them, creating an oppressive feeling that hung in the air like a heavy fog.

Elena spoke under her breath, her words barely audible. "We have to trust her, at least for now. If Ren and the others are in danger, we need her to lead us to them."

Evie sighed softly, acknowledging the truth in Evie's words. "Let's stay vigilant. We can't afford to be careless." They might be the only ones left to rescue Ren and the others in case that they're indeed in trouble.

Dominique's eyelids twitched, a subtle reaction that didn't escape their notice. Her voice cut through the uneasy silence. "You two are quite cautious and rude, I'll give you that. But sometimes, you have to take risks, especially when dealing with demons."

"What does that mean?" Elena asked.

Dominique glanced over her shoulders, offering them a wide smile. "It simply means you have no choice but to trust me if you want to reunite with your friends."

Evie and Elena exchanged another glance but didn't say anything more.

The trio continued down the clandestine path. The air was charged with uncertainty, and as they ventured further into the unknown, the possibility of confronting Desira and the fate of their friends loomed ever larger.

As they followed Dominique, the narrow path seemed to stretch endlessly until they reached a seemingly ordinary door. The worn wood had seen better days, and its appearance gave no indication of the unknown that lay beyond.

Elena and Evie exchanged a cautious glance, bracing themselves for whatever might be on the other side.

Dominique, with a sly smile, turned the worn handle, and the door creaked open.

The room beyond was initially pitch-black, shrouded in an eerie silence that heightened their apprehension.

Dominique motioned for them to step forward. "Now step inside. Your friends await."

Elena and Evie hesitated for a moment before crossing the threshold.

It was only when they stepped inside that the world around them seemed to shift and warp. The air grew thick with corruption, a malevolent energy that clung to their senses.

Suddenly, they found themselves transported to a desolate, barren landscape. The ground beneath their feet was cracked and lifeless, the sky above a sickly hue that seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy.

The air was heavy with the stench of decay, a manifestation of the corruption that permeated every inch of this forsaken realm.

In the middle of this desolation, they saw Ren, Lorelai, Vivi, and Azazel confined within a jail. The bars radiated an ominous energy, trapping them in a cage that seemed impervious to escape.

"Ren!" Evie and Elena exclaimed simultaneously.

"We're here too, you know!" Lorelai chimed in.

"Evie, Elena, be careful!" Ren warned.

"That's Desira behind you!" Vivi added.

Evie and Elena processed the words thrown at them, and when they finally turned to confront Desira, it was already too late.

In an instant, Desira was upon them. With a snap of her hand, Elena and Evie found themselves trapped inside the jail together with Ren and the others.

Desira transformed into her corrupted form, covered in strange tattoos with dark skin and hollowed obsidian eyes.

Her laughter echoed through the air, a sinister melody that danced on the edge of mockery. "Ahahaha! I've got you! How could you be so naive! Did you honestly believe it would be that easy? Fools."

Desira's voice dripped with a venomous satisfaction as she gloated over her successful trickery. "You thought you could outsmart me? I am Desira, and deceit is my playground. Welcome to my domain, where your feeble attempts at escape only amuse me further."