
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 748: whispers of absence

Liam's voice wavered as he introduced them to his mother, "This is my mom." His words hung in the air, revealing the deep sadness that accompanied every syllable.

The frail woman didn't acknowledge their presence, lost in the grip of her own suffering. She seemed like a vacant shell, a devil with no soul, trapped in a world where the vibrancy of life had been extinguished.

The room now felt like a mausoleum of dreams, each breath echoing the silent struggles that had unfolded within its walls.

Evie and Elena exchanged a glance. The reality of the village's deterioration became painfully evident in the form of Liam's mother, a living embodiment of the collective agony that had befallen this once-thriving community.

Liam's eyes reflected the sorrow that words could not convey. His mother's condition was a stark reminder of the insidious grip that Desira's influence had on the lives of the villagers.

As they stood in that dimly lit room, the presence of profound despair seemed to transcend the physical space, reaching out and gripping the hearts of those who bore witness to the tragedy of a family torn apart by the City of Sin.

"You need to focus on taking care of your mother, Liam," Elena gently advised. "We'll return to Sin City and confront Desira to put an end to all of this."

Evie pursed her lips, choosing not to comment on making promises that might be challenging to keep.

Concerned etched across Liam's face as he questioned, "Confront Desira? But she's a warlord and one of the most powerful demons in the Netherworld."

Elena reassured him with a confident smile. "Don't worry. We're strong, too."

Liam looked at Elena and Evie, his frustration evident in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just so weak; I couldn't do anything. I could only ask for help. Please help my father . . . help this town!" he pleaded, bowing his head.

Elena placed her hands on Liam's shoulders. "You don't have to beg us. We have business with Desira in the first place."

Eventually, Elena and Evie prepared to bid farewell to Liam and his frail mother, and took a moment to offer comforting words and promises of assistance.

Liam's mother, a mere silhouette of her former self, remained seated in the corner, lost in her own world of despair.

Elena tenderly placed a hand on the frail woman's shoulder, offering a silent reassurance. Despite her genuine desire to bring comfort and healing, it became increasingly apparent that defeating Desira was the only viable path for them to emerge from their hollowed, despondent state.

While Evie exchanged a sympathetic look with Liam.

"We'll be back soon, Liam. Take care of your mother," Elena said, her voice a soothing balm in the midst of the gloom.

Liam nodded, his gratitude evident in his tearful eyes. As Elena and Evie turned to leave.

Exiting the dilapidated house, they made their way through the worn-out pathways of the village, retracing their steps towards the vibrant yet troubled City of Sin. The neon lights flickered above them, casting an ethereal glow on the gritty sidewalks.

Upon their return to Sin City, they headed straight to the bar where they expected to reunite with Ren and the others.

However, confusion crept in as they discovered the absence of familiar faces. The usual lively atmosphere was replaced with an eerie stillness.

"Where is everyone?" Evie whispered, exchanging puzzled glances with Elena.

Ren's usual spot at the bar was vacant, and the rest of the group seemed to have vanished without a trace. Even Liam's father was nowhere to be found.

"Where could Ren and the others be?" Elena voiced her concern to the empty room.

Evie shared the confusion, a furrow forming on her brow. Ren wouldn't simply leaver her without a compelling reason, and the absence of any messages heightened her unease.

"This doesn't feel right," Evie remarked, a sense of foreboding settling over her.

"Are you searching for someone?" a sultry voice interrupted their confusion.

Turning around, Elena and Evie were met with the sight of a beautiful, enigmatic woman with flowing black hair and striking red lips.

"Hi, my name is Dominique," she introduced herself with a mysterious smile, her eyes holding a depth of knowledge that piqued their curiosity.

The air around her seemed to hum with an energy that hinted at hidden secrets.

Intrigued, Elena and Evie exchanged glances before turning their attention to the intriguing stranger named Dominique.

"My name is Elena, and this is Evie. We're here for our friends," Elena stated.

Dominique placed a hand under her ample bosom, while her other finger pointed to her lips in thought, her eyes scanning the ceiling, and red lips pouting. "Hmm . . . what's the name of your friends?"

"Ren, Lorelai, Vivi, and Azazel," answered Elena. "There's also this demon named Luscious. He's Liam's father, and we're here to bring him back to his family."

Before their departure, they had inquired Liam about the name of his father.

Dominique's eyes widened as she beamed and clapped her hands in delight, "Oh, my. You're Azazel and Vivi's friends?"

"You know them?" Evie asked.

Dominique nodded. "They're with Lady Desira right now."

"Desira?" Elena and Evie exchanged a glance.

Wasn't that the name of the demoness they were after?

"They've already found her?" Elena muttered.

"They're currently in a secret room," Dominique said. "Lady Desira said that she was going to transfer her corruption to Azazel."

"How do you even know that?" Evie inquired.

Dominique's eyes went to the ceiling, avoiding any eye contact as she cleared her throat. "Ah well . . . I heard about their talk before, and Lady Desira even asked me to escort you guys to where they are when you arrive."

Elena and Evie exchanged another glance before whispering to each other.

"Can we trust her?" Elena asked Evie.

Evie shook her head. "In the first place, Desira willingly giving up her corruption to Azazel is dubious enough."


"But we can't just brush this off either. She might really know where Ren and the others are."

Elena nodded. "Right."

The corner of Desira's lips twisted. "You know that I can hear you, right?"

Elena beamed at her and said, "Lead the way, then."