
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 750: misty machinations

As the echoes of her laughter lingered, Desira's obsidian eyes gleamed with a malevolent triumph, reveling in the unfolding drama that she had orchestrated.

Desira reveled in her cunningness, her dark laughter echoing through the desolate landscape. "Oh, how predictable you all are! Your feeble attempts at heroism were nothing more than a prelude to this exquisite moment of betrayal. Did you honestly believe you could navigate the intricacies of my realm unscathed? Your trust was your undoing, a weakness I exploited with precision.

"Witness now the fruits of your own gullibility as you languish within the confines of my carefully crafted prison. Your friends' anguish, the despair etched on their faces, it's a masterpiece of manipulation.

"I am the puppeteer, and you, my dear guests, are but marionettes dancing to the tune of my malevolence. Welcome to the culmination of your downfall."

While Desira was gloating, Ren and the others were more preoccupied with bickering among themselves than paying attention to their captor's words.

Desira's attempts at asserting authority were overshadowed by the blame game unfolding within the group.

Lorelai released a dramatic sigh, and pointed an accusatory finger at Elena. "See, I told you that Elena is an idiot. They undoubtedly fell into this trap."

Elena was not one to back down, and retorted, "Who's the idiot?! You fell into this trap first!"

Ren was visibly frustrated, and exhaled a large breath. "How could you all fall into something so obvious? I thought you were better than Lorelai."

"Why is it our fault?" Elena pouted. "You guys fell into the trap first! That makes us even!"

Ren clenched his fists and drilled them against Elena's head. "I bet you got overconfident and underestimated your opponent, right?"

Unable to defend herself, Elena could only cry and look to Evie for support.

"At least you're all doing well," Evie said with an even tone and an unbothered expression.

Desira was growing increasingly irritated, and shouted, "Hey! Listen when I'm talking to you!"

But her protests fell on deaf ears as Ren and the others continued their heated discussion.

Veins popped on Desira's forehead. She sighed and calmed down, an air of annoyance on her face. "You bunch sure are rude!"

"We don't want to hear that from someone who deceived us and locked us in here!" Elena and Lorelai retorted simultaneously.

"Enough!" Desira declared, attempting to regain control. "You shall be trapped in here and be corrupted by this thick corruption in the air. Then you'll know what true freedom is like!"

However, her speech was interrupted as she noticed that Ren and the others were once again engrossed in their own conversation, seemingly oblivious to her presence.

. "Hoi!" Desira's mouth fell open wide, couldn't believe the audacity of her captors!

Ignoring Desira's protests, Ren and the others continued discussing their predicament.

Evie noticed that Azazel was still out of sorts, and gestured towards him. "What happened to him?"

Ren replied casually, "Don't mind him. It's just one of his idiotic moments."

"Is that right?" Evie shrugged, no longer bothered by Azazel's peculiar behavior as he muttered to himself, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"That was fast. At least care for my lord a little more. He is the demon lord, you know." Vivi lamented.

Ignoring the ongoing tensions, Elena shifted the focus back to their situation. "Anyway, how are we going to escape from this place?"

Lorelai retorted with a sneer, "Well, we were pinning our hopes on you to rescue us, but I guess that's too much to ask."

"Can you stop blaming us already?" Elena snapped. "We should be coming up with a way to get out of here."

Lorelai was never one to back down. "Huh? Who died and made you boss?"

The two found themselves growling at each other's face, threatening to escalate the situation further.

"Let's not fight in here," Vivi said but no one paid her any mind.

"Enough!" Ren interjected and the two immediately stopped.

Elena and Lorelai reluctantly stepped back, though their glares persisted.

It was then that Evie chimed in with a potential solution.

"I might have something," Evie announced, capturing the attention of everyone present.

Elena and Lorelai were surprised by Evie's words, and asked simultaneously, "Eh? You do?"

Ren smiled softly and patted Evie's head. "That's my girl."

Blushing and attempting to hide her embarrassment, Evie cleared her throat and proceeded to outline her plan.

As the group huddled to discuss their escape strategy, Desira was curious about their whispered conversations, and she took a step forward to eavesdrop.

However, she was met with a glare from Lorelai that warned her against intruding.

It made Desira pause and reflect –– wait. Why was she adjusting in her own domain? She was the one in control here; she was the boss!

However, Desira found herself repeatedly brushed off by her captives, not just once or twice but multiple times.

"Enough of this!" Frustration simmered within Desira as she decided it was time to force Ren and the others to divulge their whispered plans.

Just as she steeled herself to confront them, a sudden burst of mist enveloped the surroundings, momentarily blinding and paralyzing Desira where she stood.

Desira found herself in an abrupt state of immobility and darkness as the mist thickened around her. The swirling vapors obscured her vision, leaving her blind to her surroundings.

For a fleeting moment, she felt the weight of powerlessness, an unfamiliar sensation for someone accustomed to being in control.

As Desira stood paralyzed, Bubbles, Evie's small and ooze pet, seized the opportunity. The mist provided cover for the nimble creature to search for the elusive key to the jail.

Bubbles with its keen senses, moved silently through the fog, every movement calculated to avoid detection.

The mist, however, began to dissipate, leaving Desira in a momentary state of vulnerability.

As clarity returned to her surroundings, Desira's eyes darted around, attempting to regain control of the situation.

Yet, in that brief window of vulnerability, Bubbles couldn't find any trace of the key.