
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 705: bound in betrayal

The air in the town square hung heavy with an eerie tension as Ren and the others slowly regained consciousness.

Their eyes fluttered open to find themselves bound to stakes at the center of the square, a scene that was as perplexing as it was unsettling.

The town's folk, who had moments ago been allies in a joyous celebration, now looked at them with a mix of guilt and apprehension.

An uncomfortable silence filled the air, and the villagers avoided making eye contact, their expressions revealing an inner conflict.

"Ren, you're awake," Elena's voice cut through the stillness, her tone a blend of concern and confusion.

Ren tried to move but found himself securely tied to the stake, the ropes biting into his wrists. "What's going on here?" he questioned, his gaze shifting to the elder Morgrimm, who stood somberly nearby.

Evie, equally baffled, strained against her restraints. "One moment we were partying, and the next thing we knew, we woke up tied to a stake."

Morgrimm took a deep breath, his weathered face reflecting the weight of the decision he was about to explain. In a somber tone, he began, "We're sorry that we have to do this, but we need your souls. Your souls will surely help us buy our lives for years to come. It's not every day that you have met surface dwellers."

The shock of the revelation rippled through Ren and the others. The gravity of the situation sank in as they processed the unexpected turn of events.

The once-festive atmosphere had given way to a disconcerting reality where the very creatures they had celebrated with now sought to extract something intangible and precious –– their souls.

The surreal nature of the situation left Ren grappling for words, and he exchanged glances with Evie, Elena, and silently questioning how a night of revelry had transformed into a perilous predicament.

Beads of sweat traced a meandering path down the side of Ren's face as he struggled against the tight bonds that held him to the stake.

The once-festive atmosphere had given way to a sobering reality, and the gravity of the situation bore down on him.

"I should have known it was too good to be true," Evie mumbled, her expression betraying a mix of frustration and lethargy. Her eyes scanned their surroundings, taking in the unsettling scene.

"If you're really sorry, then untie us here," Elena demanded, her voice carrying a hint of frustration.

The elder Morgrimm shook his head, eyes tightly closed, as if wrestling with an internal conflict.

"Ren, I can't seem to use my powers," Elena whispered, her usually confident demeanor replaced with a hint of worry. Her attempt to cast a spell or utilize her skills met an inexplicable resistance.

"It's no use," Morgrimm stated with a solemn tone. "You won't be able to use any spells, skills, or your stats with my special concoction."

The revelation hung in the air like an unspoken truth, leaving Ren and the others to grapple with the realization that their abilities were rendered useless in the face of Morgrimm's mysterious potion.

It was only then, as Ren strained against his restraints that the severity of the situation fully dawned on him. No matter how fervently he attempted to tap into his skills or stats, they eluded him.

The stakes that bound them seemed impervious to their usual capabilities, and a sinking feeling settled in as they confronted the disconcerting reality of their vulnerability in the hands of the demons and devils.

There was no warning or hint whatsoever from the system. Was this because of the [Story Mode]? Ren pondered.

In the midst of the disconcerting scene in the town square, a sudden pop echoed through the air, catching everyone's attention.

It was the sound of a bubble bursting on Lorelai's nose. Abruptly, she stirred from her slumber, her eyes blinking open in confusion.

"W-what? What happened?" she asked, still disoriented and letting out a sleepy yawn. In her attempt to rub her eyes, she discovered the unexpected –– she couldn't move her arms.

"Huh?" The confusion deepened as she glanced around, realizing the unusual predicament she found herself in.

"Ren, Evie, Elena, why are you tied to the stakes?" she inquired, her eyes widening with incredulity.

Before she could receive an answer, the collective response from the others hit her like a revelation. "You're also tied to the stakes!"

It was in that moment of shared realization that Lorelai's eyes darted down to discover her own bindings. Her initial disorientation shifted into a more somber awareness as she processed the unexpected situation.

A frown creased her features, and her expression darkened as she locked eyes with the villagers.

"Hoi, what's the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice carrying a mixture of confusion, frustration, and a hint of anger.

The once lively celebration had transformed into a nightmarish tableau, and Lorelai, now fully awake and aware, sought answers from the townsfolk who had seemingly turned from celebratory companions to captors in the blink of an eye.

Lorelai's threat hung in the air, a palpable tension seeping into the air.

"Depending on your answer, I might or may not let you live," she warned, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the townsfolk's reactions.

The villager's face contorted in fear, instinctively backed away from the fiery anger in her gaze.

In the unsettling pause that followed, some among the townsfolk voiced a darker sentiment. "Kill them now and get their souls to save the village," they urged, their desperation evident in their voices.

"Heh, wrong answer," Lorelai sneered, a smirk playing on her lips. She began to channel her magical prowess, preparing to unleash a spell that would undoubtedly match the intensity of her threat.

However, her confidence faltered when she realized, to her dismay, that her magical abilities were inexplicably restrained.

"Hey, what did you do to me?!" she shouted, her frustration breaking through.

A mixture of disbelief and amusement danced in Ren and the other's eyes as they looked at her with deadpan faces.

Leave it to the princess to be so slow on the update.

"Let me out of here, or I will skewer you all alive," Lorelai threatened, her words laced with palpable anger.