
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 704: feast of hope

As Ren and the group swiftly emerged from the square, they were greeted by a sight that starkly contrasted the tumultuous events that plagued the town.

The once desolate and eerie atmosphere had transformed into a scene of jubilant revelry.

Demons and devils, who were hiding in their home and in the brink of death due to hunger, were gathered around makeshift tables laden with food.

Laughter echoed through the air, and the aroma of freshly cooked meat wafted through the surroundings.

The demonic entities, their fearsome appearances softened by the joyous occasion, shared food with each other. Grins adorned their faces as they savored every bite, some even shedding tears of gratitude.

For many of them, it was a rare and precious moment –– the first time they had tasted meat in ages.

The feast became a celebration of newfound hope in the Netherworld.

Nori approached Ren and the others with a grateful expression.

"Thank you all for your help," Nori expressed with genuine gratitude, but her expression dropped and her tone turned somewhat guarded. "Just, uh, don't go telling the villagers about the Giant Purple Worm. We wouldn't want to dampen their newfound spirits."

Despite the slight unease in Nori's words, the atmosphere remained festive.

The demons and devils continued their feast, blissfully unaware of the unconventional source of their meal.

Faced with the relentless grip of hunger, contemplating the origin of the meat became a trivial concern as the imminent threat of starvation loomed over them.

In the dire face of potential death from deprivation, such inquiries paled in comparison to the urgent need for sustenance.

Ren and his companions caught between the surreal juxtaposition of celebration and the looming challenges they faced, observed the scene with relief.

It was a momentary respite in the Obsidianreach, a fleeting calm before they would embark on the daunting task of confronting the seven warlords and reclaiming the crucial recipes.

As the lively celebration unfolded in the square, a sudden exclamation cut through the joyous atmosphere.

"Ah! That kid!" Lorelai's finger pointed accusatorily at Azazel, who was immersed in the festivities, feasting and laughing with the demons and devils.

"That idiot. So he's been there all along," Lorelai muttered under her breath, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing on her face.

She observed Azazel with a bemused shake of her head. "And he's even the first in eating our meat."

Determined to address the situation, Lorelai briskly made her way through the crowd toward Azazel, who seemed oblivious to the attention he had garnered.

Meanwhile, Nori voiced her dissatisfaction regarding the scarcity of water and beverages. "I apologize, but we're unable to provide any drinks at the moment. Unfortunately, the Aquifer has been rather dry lately, as you can see a while ago."

Elena, however, wore a smile and, with an air of confidence, declared that she would resolve the issue with a mere snap of her fingers.

In response to her gesture, Glitz, Elena's loyal companion, materialized in its magnificent dragon form, towering over the gathering with the majesty befitting a creature of its caliber.

The demons and devils, initially surprised by the sudden appearance of the dragon, quickly shifted to admiration and awe. They clamored around Glitz, their expressions a mix of reverence and excitement.

Elena was basking in praise, and stood by her dragon companion with a satisfied smile.

As Glitz spread its wings wide, the crowd erupted into cheers. The dragon's sizable presence became a focal point of the celebration, and the demons and devils couldn't contain their excitement.

"No drinks? Don't worry, I've got you covered." Glitz magnanimously distributed its brewed alcohol and beverages to everyone in attendance, establishing itself as the heart and soul of the celebration.

In the midst of the festivities, Lorelai confronted Azazel, who continued his enthusiastic indulgence in the feast.

"There you are, you little brat!" Lorelai smacked Azazel's head. "We've been looking for you. We thought you might have gone and stolen something here."

"Eh? I might be homeless, but I'm no thief!" Azazel protested, rubbing his slightly injured head.

He then flashed a grin at Lorelai and extended a piece of meat to her. "Come on now. This is no time to be angry. Join me, and let's see who's going to eat the fastest."

Lorelai couldn't help but let a grin spread across her face. "Don't complain later if you lose."

As the festivities in the Netherworld continued, the joyous atmosphere permeated every corner of the square, and time seemed to lose its relevance.

The makeshift tables, once laden with a bounty of food, were now replaced with an array of empty plates and mugs, evidence of the merriment that had transpired.

The celebratory spirit had taken hold, and the demons and devils reveled in Ren and the others for bringing joy in their town after so many years of hunger and hardship.

The air was filled with laughter, cheers, and the lively tunes of impromptu musicians who had emerged from the crowd, wielding instruments fashioned from bones and other unearthly materials.

Under the flickering light of the bioluminescent plants and shrooms, the scene took on a surreal quality.

The Demons and devils, usually associated with darkness and fear, now danced around the center of the giant Maelossa with abandon.

Some held goblets of Glitz's brewed concoctions, their inhibitions loosened by the potent drinks. The atmosphere was thick with the heady scent of alcohol and the rhythmic beat of the drums.

Elena, reveling in the festivities, found herself at the center of attention. With a voice that resonated through the Netherworld, she sang a haunting melody that seemed to capture the essence of the realm itself.

Her ethereal notes intertwined with the crackling of the drums, creating a mesmerizing symphony that enraptured the entire gathering.

Lorelai in the midst of the merriment, engaging in a drinking contest with demons who valiantly attempted to keep pace with her. Mugs clinked together in a cacophony of celebration, and Lorelai's laughter echoed above the din.

Evie swept up in the contagious energy, pulled Ren onto the improvised dance floor.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she declared, "It's not fair that you got to dance with Elena in the Fey Realm. Now, it's my turn."

Ren only smiled and let her led the pace.

The two of them twirled and swayed to the rhythm, the light casting dynamic shadows that mirrored the flickering emotions of the night.

The festivities reached a crescendo as the night wore on, with the luminescent plants casting its warm glow upon a sea of elated faces.

The townsfolk were momentarily liberated from the shadows of their existence, and celebrated in the magic of the moment, dancing, singing, and indulging in the shared merriment that transcended the boundaries of their world.