
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 706: veil of deciet

The once-festive town square transformed into a chaotic scene as the villagers, driven by desperation, shouted at Morgrimm, urging him to burn the captives and harvest their souls before the effects of the mysterious potion wore off.

The urgency in their voices was palpable, a disturbing chorus that echoed through the air.

Ren was still pondering about the [Story Mode], before he glanced at his companions, and their bewildered expressions mirrored his own inner turmoil.

The lack of notifications or warnings had caught him and Evie off guard, and the disadvantage of the story mode they found themselves in became painfully apparent.

Amidst the clamor, Ren's mind raced to formulate a plan. How could they navigate this perilous situation when their usual abilities were rendered useless?

The system's unpredictability had thrown them into a precarious narrative, and they were now grappling with the consequences.

As Morgrimm ignited the fire, the flickering flames casting ominous shadows, Elena was quick on her feet, and attempted to buy some time.

"H-hey, I thought that you don't use fire in here. It takes a lot of oxygen," she said, her voice carrying a hint of desperation.

Morgrimm, however, remained stoic, his eyes reflecting the weight of the decision he was about to make.

"I'm sorry," Morgrimm replied, his tone remorseful yet resolute. "But for helping the younger generations live, please die."

The chilling words hung in the air, a reminder of the dire circumstances they found themselves in.

The once-trusted demons and devils had shown their true colors, orchestrating a grim fate for Ren and his companions, leaving them with the unsettling realization that survival in the Netherworld would require more than just skill and strategy — it would demand resilience in the face of unexpected twists and a willingness to confront the darker aspects of the story mode they were entangled in.

The impending threat of the flames danced in the air as Morgrimm prepared to light the fire.

The villagers, driven by a fervor born of desperation, clamored for swift action, their cries piercing through the tense atmosphere.

"Kill them!"

"We have to kill them!"

"We will never be safe if they're alive!"

In a sudden and unexpected turn, the dramatic scene was disrupted by Nori, who emerged from the nearby house with a sense of urgency.

Panting and huffing, she pleaded with the villagers, "Please! Stop this! What are you guys doing?!"

"Nor, you wake up already?" Morgrimm sighed, his expression revealing a mix of resignation and disappointment. "We were hoping that you don't wake up anytime soon."

Nori's frustration flared as she processed what was happening. "What do you mean? Are you going to kill them and lie to me about it later? How could you do this? They saved me and bought food and drinks for everyone!"

Morgrimm shot back at her, his voice carrying a blend of accusation and conviction. "Do you think that we wouldn't know that they have killed the Giant Purple Worm and fed it to us?!"

The revelation echoed through the square, a moment that added a new layer of complexity to the unfolding drama.

The accusations hung in the air, and the atmosphere became charged with a mixture of anger, betrayal, and disbelief.

Nori was torn between her debt of gratitude to Ren and her loyalty to the villagers' for taking her in when she had nowhere to go, and found herself caught in the crossfire of conflict.

The once-unified village now stood divided, with Nori at the center, grappling with the harsh reality that the very creatures Ren and his companions had helped were now turning against them.

The flames of the impending fire flickered, casting an eerie glow on the faces of the villagers and the captives tied to the stakes, creating a visual representation of the moral and emotional turmoil that engulfed the once-celebratory town square.

"I told you it's the worm," Elena sighed, shaking her head.

The revelation seemed to confirm her suspicions, and she exchanged glances with the others, a sense of disbelief settling in.

"Hoi! You can't be serious! Just because we killed that worm, you're going to kill us?! Are you nuts? You're still going crazy over that when you're dying of hunger?!" Lorelai shouted, her voice carrying a mix of incredulity and anger.

The idea that their act of killing the Giant Purple Worm could lead to such dire consequences seemed preposterous to her when they were in the brink of death due to hunger.

"It's not about the worm!" Morgrimm shot back. His voice strained with a mix of desperation and helplessness. "It's more than that! You have killed a Giant Purple Worm. That means Voraxa will be upon us soon! To appease his anger, we will offer your souls to him!"

The weight of Morgrimm's revelation hung in the air, a sudden shift in the narrative that left Ren and the others grappling with the unforeseen consequences of their actions.

The urgency in Morgrimm's voice hinted at a deeper threat, one that went beyond the villagers' immediate hunger and desperation.

The once-united town now found itself at odds, torn between survival instincts and the looming specter of a vengeful entity.

As the tension in the town square reached a critical point, Ren's mind raced to find a solution amidst the villagers' clamors for a sacrifice to appease Voraxa.

The air was thick with fear, and the urgency to find a way out of this dire situation pressed on Ren's shoulders.

"Hey, you've all eaten the meat, right? That means you're all guilty and would face his wrath nonetheless," Ren asserted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

The villagers exchanged anxious glances, their fear for their lives palpable.

Morgrimm, the elder who had seemed torn between allegiance and survival, shook his head. "He would not need to know. We would tell him that it is stored in your inventory and that we have not partaken in eating it."

Lorelai stifled a condescending laugh, seeing through the attempt at deceit. "Demons and devils really are sly. After you enjoy the meat, you're going to pretend that you didn't eat them."

"You don't understand. Our lives are at stake here," Morgrimm pleaded, desperation evident in his eyes.

"Either way, your life is already at stake the moment you let us enter here. Whether you eat the meat or not, Voraxa will kill you. Am I not right?" Ren challenged.