
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 626: item upgrade

ǁ Stellarum Scepter: The Celestial Enigma ǁ

Legendary Artifact, Requires Attunement

The Stellarum Scepter is an awe-inspiring artifact, a fusion of the cosmos and arcane mastery.

Crafted by the most skilled artisans and enchanters of the Fey Realm, this legendary weapon radiates an otherworldly brilliance that mirrors the stars themselves. It is a symbol of boundless magical potential and a conduit to channel the mysteries of the universe.

The Stellarum Scepter features an elongated, slender design adorned with intricate filigree and celestial motifs. At its apex rests a mesmerizing crystal orb, within which swirls a nebulous mist that seems to contain the essence of galaxies.

When wielded, the Scepter emanates a soft, radiant light that casts a captivating glow upon its surroundings.


Cosmic Channeling: The Stellarum Scepter taps into the vast cosmic energies of the universe, allowing the mage to channel and manipulate celestial forces.

Spells cast through the Scepter are imbued with starlight, becoming more potent and versatile.

Starforged Enhancement: The Scepter can enhance the mage's spells, amplifying their effects and adding celestial elements.

Fireballs may explode with starbursts; frost spells might leave trails of icy constellations, and healing spells are infused with rejuvenating cosmic energy.

Astral Resonance: By attuning to the celestial rhythms, the mage can enter a state of Astral Resonance. In this state, the Scepter grants the ability to temporarily glimpse into the future, allowing the mage to anticipate enemy movements and counter with uncanny precision.

Nova Cascade (1/day) : The wielder can unleash a Nova Cascade, a cataclysmic burst of stellar energy that devastates foes in its path.

The Scepter draws upon the power of collapsing stars, unleashing a torrent of celestial flames upon enemies.

Galactic Aegis (1/day): The Stellarum Scepter creates an astral barrier that shields against magical attacks and curses.

The barrier absorbs incoming spells, converting their energy into starlight, which can then be channeled to empower the mage's own spells.

Constellation Manifestation (1/day): As the wielder's mastery over the Scepter deepens, they can call upon the constellations themselves to aid in battle.

Manifesting as spectral forms, these celestial allies lend their powers to the mage, providing additional support in the form of buffs, debuffs, or direct assistance.

Scaled with INT.

The creation of the Stellarum Scepter is shrouded in myth and legend, attributed to the enigmatic Archmage Zephyrion, who is said to have gazed upon the stars and channeled their essence into the Scepter's core.

The Scepter's appearance and abilities are said to shift with the alignment of the celestial bodies, attuning itself to the mage who wields it.


INT +1000

MP +10 000


Only mage-related classes can wield this.

ǁ E N D ǁ

Ren had earned a pair of remarkable equipment pieces as a reward for achieving the elusive [True Ending] in the Fey Realm World Quest.

Both items had achieved the revered Legendary Artifact grade, and as Ren examined them, he realized the incredible power they held.

Equipping these two pieces alone could render him nearly invulnerable, his prowess unmatched by any other player.

In essence, Ren had become an unstoppable force, capable of single-handedly surpassing any opposition. It was a level of might that could leave his fellow players unable to rival his strength.

The challenge of attaining the [True Ending] had been a monumental one, a daunting task that Ren had no desire to repeat.

The obstacles and trials he had faced were not meant to be overcome at his current level, and achieving that triumphant outcome was thanks to Princess Elena and Prince Zeroth.

With a sense of contentment, Ren also conducted a thorough review of the other items he had acquired but not yet put up for auction.

Each piece held its own potential, contributing to his growing arsenal of strength and resources.

ǁ I T E M S ǁ

❶ Luminous Veil of Sylvan Serenity

Accessory, Very Rare

This exquisite silk veil is woven from the radiant threads of moonlit spider silk and adorned with enchanted blossoms.

When worn, it grants the user an aura of tranquility, dispelling negative buffs and providing immunity on Charisma attacks.

❷ Ethereal Panpipe of Whimsical Melodies

Item, Very Rare

Crafted from iridescent reeds and infused with the essence of ancient fey spirits, this panpipe produces enchanting melodies that can mesmerize creatures within earshot.

The user can cast "Charm" spells using the panpipe's music, with a chance to captivate even the most stoic foes.

❸ Zephyrblade, the Breezeborne Dagger

Dagger, Very Rare, Requires Attunement

This ethereal dagger is forged from a captured gust of wind, making it weightless and nearly invisible.

Its swift strikes carry the essence of a gentle breeze, allowing the user to attack first, no matter what.

❺ Harmony's Echoing Chalice

Item, Very Rare

Fashioned from a single enchanted seashell, this chalice resonates with the soothing sounds of ocean waves.

When liquid is poured into it, it transforms into a magical elixir that grants a temporary 10 000 HP for one minute.

When the effect is over, your HP will return to normal at full health.

❻ Gloves of Sylvan Manipulation

Gloves, Very Rare

These supple leather gloves are imbued with the essence of the forest. They allow the user to manipulate plant life within a certain radius, causing vines to entangle foes, flowers to bloom with healing energies, and trees to create barriers of protection.

❼ Sylphstone Pendant of Elemental Attunement

Items, Very Rare

A luminescent gem encased in an ornate silver pendant, this item grants the user the ability to attune to the elemental forces of air.

By invoking its power, the user can cast "Control Winds," summon air elementals (1/day) and gain the ability to fly at will.

❽ Whisperwind Boots of Elusive Footfalls

Boots, Very Rare, Requires Attunement

Crafted from the feathers of elusive birds, these boots allow the wearer to move with uncanny silence and grace.

While wearing these boots, you become invisible until you initiate an attack.

❾ Mystic Wreath of Verdant Vigor

Accessory, Very Rare, Requires Attunement

Composed of interwoven leaves, flowers, and vines, this wreath radiates an aura of revitalizing energy. When worn, it grants the user accelerated natural healing (10% HP every 10 seconds), the ability to cast "Plant Growth" to control the terrain, and resistance to necrotic damage.


Only women could wear this accessory!

ǁ E N D ǁ