
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 625: equipment upgrade

Lying sprawled on his bed, Ren's eyes remained fixed on the glowing numbers displayed on his virtual account.

It was as if he was trapped in a daze, his mind struggling to comprehend the staggering rewards he had received for successfully completing the Quest and achieving the elusive [True Ending].

The opening of the Fey Realm had unleashed a flood of riches into his possession.

Lamir's expert manipulation had worked wonders, masterfully raising the prices of the items Ren had auctioned.

The sheer magnitude of wealth that now lay at his fingertips was awe-inspiring, yet even this remarkable fortune seemed insufficient.

Ren's eyes scanned the digits, his mind calculating and recalculating. He could probably buy a small island with the amount of money he had, or more . . . but it was still not enough.

Two weeks. That was the ticking countdown he had left to amass the funds required to secure Evie's freedom.

Despite the bountiful riches before him, a sense of urgency gnawed at him. He knew the weight of the responsibility resting on his shoulders, the immense stakes that demanded his unwavering focus.

The exhaustion that enveloped him was palpable, a bone-deep weariness that extended far beyond the confines of the virtual world.

Ren's body yearned for rest, his overtaxed brain imploring him to let go of the ever-churning thoughts of his next move and just sleep.

A sigh, heavy with the burdens of the day's exertions, escaped Ren's lips. He was acutely aware of the need for respite to recharge his energy before facing the next daunting challenges.

His fingers brushed against the interface, his actions deliberate yet sluggish. The virtual news feed beckoned, a tapestry of voices and opinions from across the gaming realm.

Ren could see the chatter about the newly unveiled Fey Realm, a buzz of excitement and awe that rippled through the virtual community.

The top guilds, once at the zenith of power, were now embroiled in disgruntled complaints, their treasures seemingly swept from under them by Ren's (hosts) unexpected triumph.

A weary smile tugged at the corners of Ren's lips as he read the headlines. It was an irony that didn't escape him –– the very players who had once dominated the landscape now found themselves complaining about him.

They said he was a scammer for taking their items, but it wasn't his fault that they had attacked him. He warned them the first time. It was not his fault if they didn't heed his warnings.

The soft glow of the virtual interface illuminated Ren's tired expression as he gazed at the words that played across it. The events that had unfolded were not of his making; it was the choices of others that had set this sequence in motion.

Ren's thoughts traced back to the opportunities he had presented, the moments when compromise and negotiation had been on the table. He had offered chances, extended olive branches, and sought peaceful resolutions, but the allure of greed had clouded the judgment of his adversaries.

A sense of detachment settled over Ren as he recalled their decisions, a mixture of arrogance and shortsightedness that had driven them to challenge him.

"They made their bed," he muttered under his breath, "Now they have to lie in it." He wasn't really bothered if the top guilds joined hands to offer bounty in his head.

Ren's fingers danced across the interface, deftly navigating the virtual menus. The screen shifted, revealing an array of items that he had obtained through his trials and triumphs.

Ren scrolled through the inventory, his eyes scanning each entry with a discerning gaze.

The allure of new equipment beckoned to him, a promise of enhanced power and capabilities. He envisioned the upgrades, the subtle nuances that would tip the scales in his favor during his future encounters.

ǁ Robe of Arcane Sovereignty ǁ

Legendary Artifact, Requires Attunement

The Robes of Arcane Sovereignty is a legendary artifact crafted from the very fabric of the Fey Realm itself, woven with the essence of magic that flows through the land.

These robes radiate an aura of mystical power, exuding an ethereal glow that dances with hues of vibrant colors, reflecting the vast spectrum of magical energies they command.

The robes are adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that represent the interconnectedness of all magical forces.

The fabric is lightweight and supple, designed to allow effortless movement while providing unparalleled protection against both physical and magical threats.

The color of the robes shifts and shimmers, mirroring the wearer's current magical attunement.


Mystic Attunement: The Robes of Arcane Sovereignty adapt to the wearer's magical affinity, enhancing their spells and abilities based on their magic. Whether it's elemental manipulation, illusionary arts, or healing magic, the robes amplify the mage's capabilities to 20%.

Ethereal Resilience: The robes provide exceptional protection against magical attacks and curses, rendering the wearer nearly immune to harmful magical effects.

This enchantment also extends to physical harm, as the robes have a tendency to deflect or weaken incoming blows through the manipulation of magical barriers.

Infinity Veil: The robes grant the wearer the ability to cast spells more efficiently, requiring less mana for greater magical output. This effect extends to both offensive and defensive spells, allowing the mage to weave intricate and potent incantations with ease.

Temporal Weave: Once per day, the wearer can enter a state of temporal manipulation, allowing them to slow time around them.

In this state, the mage gains heightened perception, enabling them to foresee and react to their opponent's actions with uncanny precision.

Resonance Nexus: This allows the wearer to temporarily tap into ley lines and mystical nexuses, channeling immense magical energy for devastatingly powerful spells.

Sovereign's Embrace: The robes grant the wearer the ability to create protective wards and barriers that shield against all manner of harm.

These barriers are especially effective against magical attacks and can even reflect back some of the energy toward the attacker.

Legend: The creation of the Robes of Arcane Sovereignty is attributed to the ancient Archmage Elarion, who sought to forge a garment that embodied the very essence of magic.

The robes became a symbol of mastery over the arcane, with tales of mages wielding unparalleled power while wearing them.

Passed down through generations, the robes are said to have played pivotal roles in shaping the Fey Realm's history, safeguarding its delicate magical balance.


HP +10 000

DEF +500

MDF +500


Only Mages can wear this.

ǁ E N D ǁ